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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. It may be that sleep is over-rated. Right now Nancy certainly seems to think so.

  2. Trying to get stuff done today. Currently listening to Eva Cassidy while taking a break from organizing my crafting space. Later will be setting up my new (thirty one!) wall organizer in an attempt to keep the kitchen table clear enough to eat on and not lose track of important bills & such things.

  3. needs to set up the sewing machine. i may have a commission to work on!

  4. It is 10 a.m. and I am actually getting things done today :) yay me!

  5. Hey all - Lucy has been playing the heck out of a Veggie Tales worship CD. Anyone have other recommendations for preschooler/kid worship music that wont make me want to hurl?

  6. May the Fourth - force - be with you

  7. Drinking the last of my 2010 bottle of Bergamot Blue. Brothers' Drake Meadery, I miss dropping by as often as I used to!

  8. Nancy's teething reached an all time high last night. I spent more time on the couch with a crying baby than I did in bed. :(

  9. Oh no! I promised Lucy that this upgrade in cable would mean she would get to watch Jane & the Dragon. Now I realize that the station for that is NOT sprout (which we now have) but Quobo (sp?) which Insight doesn't even offer! :(This is going to turn into a very bad day when she finds out!

  10. Help! Nancy is back to sleeping 3-4 hours at a time, thanks to teething. Any advice or suggestions?

  11. Did some major organizing of yarn, etc in my crafting space. I don't have the sewing machine set up yet, but at least I can find both the floor and the top of the sewing/crafting table!

  12. Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes! I had a great day and I feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family!

  13. Lucy & Nancy are bathed and in bed. I've had time for a bath, too. It's not even 10:00 and I am relaxing with my husband before going to bed early!

  14. Will the children sleep and let me have a blissful hour to myself?

  15. It is way too early to be up and awake!

  16. Yarn square swap! Squee!

  17. Anyone know what the best way to clean & care for a wood floor? Bonus points if your method is quick and/or easy

  18. I need one of those sweeper robots (for wood floors) and a child proofing team, stat!

  19. Slept in late, then took the girls to the park. Now we are watching Charlie and Lola while eating lunch. I haven't got any house work done, but I refuse to feel guilty. It's been a glorious day so far!

  20. And so much for getting to bed on time. I come out of the bathroom and he's got the new Dr Who running - the one we couldn't watch earlier today because of getting the girls bathed and into bed.

  21. Happiness is: a new haircut, Doctor Who on BBCA tonight and Charlie and Lola on Nick Jr! :)

  22. Morning update - I think we managed to discourage the ants that were wondering about yesterday. I'll actually finish scrubbing and vacuuming this morning. Coughing even after a cough drop :-p And trying to catch news updates online without Lucy seeing people w/guns, etc.

  23. I'm ready to fall asleep, but I'm just too warm and uncomfortable

  24. Want some free stuff from thirty one? Visit mythirtyone.com/torimichal for an awesome give away - by some stuff & get a bunch more free! And please tell her I sent you ;-)

  25. Nancy is down for her morning nap, Lucy and Jon are playing downstairs. I am upstairs, on the couch, with tea and jazz (and knitting nearby). I may still be exhausted, but my perspective in life is improving.
