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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Long day. Yippee for getting things accomplished. Now if only I could get in & out of the recliner w/o loosing my breath and my feet & legs weren't painfully swollen. Oh well, hopefully some sleep will help that problem

  2. Looking at paint samples . . . . Hoping to do the move the last weekend in October or first in November.

  3. looking for lavender ice cream. Someone local MUST make/sell it . . .

  4. Looking thru my stash to plan my next couple projects makes me wonder, "do I have too much yarn?" Of course, the ready answer is, "you can NEVER have too much yarn!" Still, I have quite a lot of it . . . .

  5. Looks like another sleepless night. Hopefully when we go to the Dr next week, she can help us figure this out.

  6. lots of phone calls & house related things to deal with today, all while homeschooling Jon (went pretty well today) trying to get some basic housework done and taking care of Lucy. Despite trying to get my feet up often, they are still swollen and hurting. I'm about to look at my to-do list from the past several day and find out what's done & what still needs doing. SIGH I'm so ready for a lowering of the frustration levels, but at least everything is moving forward if slowly.

  7. Lucy & Nancy are bathed and in bed. I've had time for a bath, too. It's not even 10:00 and I am relaxing with my husband before going to bed early!

  8. Lucy and Wayne went to OUR house this afternoon. I joined them later with Nancy. As I walked in the front door, Lucy greets me by saying, "Welcome to the jungle!" I had interrupted some make-believe play time. I couldn't help but have a little child-of-the-80's moment.Dishwasher and stove were delivered this afternoon. It's getting more real!

  9. Lucy has just informed me that she thinks I am imagining the fact that unicorns are imaginary.

  10. Lucy is informing me of how things work in LucyLand. There are lions there, and everything starts with the letter "L"

  11. Lucy is out having a fun play date with Jon and Mike Kuberski. Thanks so much, guys! She really needs the chance to get out of the hiuse & do some running around - and I can use the quiet time with Nancy!

  12. Lucy is sick :( Any advice from other Moms on dealing with vomiting?

  13. Lucy is with the grandparents for the day and I'm back from the grocery store. So now it is time to get some crafty sewing doing! ;)

  14. Lucy woke up with 101.3 temp. Are some applesauce, drank juice, watched an hour of TV and it was at 104.5. We have a Dr's appt at noon. :(

  15. Lucy: I'm a magical mermaid princess!Me: ooo! that sounds pretty neat!L: You can be the magical mermaid queen!Me: Too bad the queen is so busy!L: But that's what a queen does. She's very busy taking care of everything.

  16. Lucy's fever is back up :( 103

  17. Lucy's in preschool. Nancy is sleeping. What from the unbelievably long todo list of doom should I start on?

  18. Lucy's napping & I just finished feeding Nancy. Everyone else is out shopping and running errands. Gonna visit my chocolate stash and then take a nap.

  19. Lucy's preschool had a field trip today. Wayne took the day off work & we all went to Blooms and Butterflies at Franklin Park Conservatory. We spent quite a while there & everyone was ready for a nap when we got back. A fun time for all!

  20. May the Fourth - force - be with you

  21. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and much love to each and all of you!

  22. Might finally be getting healthy again after the sinus crud from hell struck me on Saturday night :P

  23. Might get a day to myself next week! Fingers crossed - I appreciate any prayers & well wishes on this one!

  24. Mmmm vanilla roobois tea, figured out how to get my feet somewhat elevated, chicken spinach wrap, and a few moments of peace at Starbucks. Dr's appt after lunch (OB/GYN). And the countdown to closing is at 8.5 days.

  25. Mmmmmmm made from scratch oatmeal! I found a recipe for making it overnight in the crockpot & the house is full of happy (and healthy) campers!
