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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Aaaaaaaarghh! Less than 24 hours before they were supposed to begin, EnviroTech called to say "so very sorry, a job that was going on hold now is not, and we can't be there until after Christmas." I explained that this essentially ruined all of our holiday plans and might make it impossible for us to hold a party for my daughter's 4th bday. I remained him that I had called to double check things on Friday and had told them that my husband had taken his last 2 days off based on their prom...

  2. Trying to salvage the next 2days and squeeze a little lemonade out of these lemons.

  3. The latest on the asbestos removal: they will be working at our house the 20 - 22. Not sure yet when we might move.

  4. More hugs, less talking

  5. Lucy's napping & I just finished feeding Nancy. Everyone else is out shopping and running errands. Gonna visit my chocolate stash and then take a nap.

  6. Christmas is seven days away. O_oEep! Eek! How'd that happen?I think I might be giving more "Three Kings Day" gifts than Christmas gifts this year.

  7. It's national go caroling day today! What's your favorite seasonal song?

  8. I picked out 5 CDs with the most "snow" songs on them, put them in the CD player, hit play, and now am looking meaningfully at the rain and wrapping gifts.

  9. Yippie! The asbestos removal is done! That means that this weekend will be busy. If you are available and interested in helping to clean/organize shelves, do some painting in the basement, move what's left if the furniture, put together a crib, etc please let me know. :-)

  10. Hey all! Anyone who's able to do an afternoon of light moving related work or of entertaining Lucy this weekend, please give a call. Thanks

  11. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and much love to each and all of you!

  12. Snowpocalypse is coming

  13. Well, it looks like we will be moving on Saturday! So anyone who's available &interested in helping with moving, cleaning, organizing, etc anytime Thursday - Saturday, please let me know!

  14. Trying to get self and the 2 girls ready to go over to the house so I can get some work done!

  15. Hey everyone! Due to the move & an over scheduled Internet/cable installer, I probably won't be on line again until Friday, January 4Hope everyone has a happy New Year! See you in 2013. :)

  16. HELLO EVERYONE! I am back! We have moved into our new home, and the computer & internet are working! Also, my computer seems to be handling FB better than before. Hope the new year is treating you all well.

  17. almost half-way through the first week of our "new" schedule:Monday & Wednesday - tutor/babysit Jon @ our place 8-4Tuesday & Thursday - get Lucy to preschool by 9 amThursday evning - Praise Team from 7:30 -9 (ish) PMFriday - Dr's appts or whatever else is needed.And, of course, laundry, dishes, unpacking, and taking care of a 3.5 month old and a 4 year old EVERY day ;-) So far, I'm really tired, but everything is more or less working.

  18. I'm taking an informal poll. What kind of phone do you have? What do you like/dislike about it?

  19. Nancy is down for her morning nap, Lucy and Jon are playing downstairs. I am upstairs, on the couch, with tea and jazz (and knitting nearby). I may still be exhausted, but my perspective in life is improving.

  20. Want some free stuff from thirty one? Visit mythirtyone.com/torimichal for an awesome give away - by some stuff & get a bunch more free! And please tell her I sent you ;-)

  21. I'm ready to fall asleep, but I'm just too warm and uncomfortable

  22. Morning update - I think we managed to discourage the ants that were wondering about yesterday. I'll actually finish scrubbing and vacuuming this morning. Coughing even after a cough drop :-p And trying to catch news updates online without Lucy seeing people w/guns, etc.

  23. Happiness is: a new haircut, Doctor Who on BBCA tonight and Charlie and Lola on Nick Jr! :)

  24. And so much for getting to bed on time. I come out of the bathroom and he's got the new Dr Who running - the one we couldn't watch earlier today because of getting the girls bathed and into bed.

  25. Slept in late, then took the girls to the park. Now we are watching Charlie and Lola while eating lunch. I haven't got any house work done, but I refuse to feel guilty. It's been a glorious day so far!
