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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Is so happy for weather that is cool enough for me to comfortably wear jeans!

  2. IS tired of cleaning and job hunting.

  3. Is trying to figure out why I am so freaking unbearably hot (and not in a good way) while simply sitting on my couch in my air conditioned houseI hate hot! Bleh!

  4. It is 10 a.m. and I am actually getting things done today :) yay me!

  5. It is way too early to be up and awake!

  6. It may be that sleep is over-rated. Right now Nancy certainly seems to think so.

  7. It worked! It worked! My plan worked! And now EVERYONE in the house is sleeping & I can GET STUFF DONE! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

  8. It's a slow, rainy, blah sort of day . . . .

  9. It's national go caroling day today! What's your favorite seasonal song?

  10. It's starting out as one of those nights where Nancy will only sleep when being held by mommy. So I put in the Margaret Becker DVD I rediscovered the other night. Two acoustic guitars, great vocals, heart-felt lyrics. It really touches a part of my soul that is usually buried under mommy-stuff-and-other-responsibilities. A bit of magic for me.

  11. Just found out that the loan is moving at a good pace, and that the paperwork I thought I needed to track down won't be needed after all! Whew! That's a lot less work for the rest of my week and good news for making the original closing date of Sept 28 - that's a week from Friday!

  12. Just found out Wayne has a library book that's about a month overdue! :face palm: I don't think he ever read it, either!

  13. Just got an email from our Realtor - "Lisa & Wayne,Just wanted to let you know that the sellers agreed to do all the stuff we asked - they asked me for a recommendation for the radon mitigation and I gave them 2 people I use - so that will be done!"

  14. Just realized I've been typing DH instead of DD for 2 days now. I guess I'm not as caught up on sleep as I thought.

  15. Just realized that a due date of Nov 1 may cause trouble for the potentially (hopefully) upcoming Fall Switch Witch round.

  16. Just wrapped up another sale for my etsy store, NutMade by LisaNut! Now if I could get the girls quiet and happy for a long enough time, I could start putting new things up :)

  17. Kids all awake too early this morning = very tired mommy

  18. Kitchen floor -2Lisa - .75For those if you who haven't been to our house, our kitchen floor has a divider where the addition was put in (20 years ago?). The larger part (which also sees the most foot traffic and spills). Is CLEAN as in almost squeaky shiny perfect. The other part has not been touched and I woke up today with sore & aching arms and shoulders.So who knows where I can get a good deal on a good cleaner-bot?

  19. Knitting and Doctor Who as a break from my very crazy, busy day!

  20. last day at this job, and no other work in sight! :(

  21. Laughing with Lucy as Callie's sidekicks sing "how hard can it be to knit"

  22. Lights are flickering. According to the weather guy, we are experiencing a severe thunderstorm that doesn't have any lightning or thunder but does have wind gusts up to 65 mph or higher. And the sirens just started.

  23. Listening to my Diana Krall Christmas CD and feeding Nancy while Lucy takes a nap. Aaahhh, the momentary peacefulness!

  24. Living room and a few other spots are now child - safe! Grown ups are now collapsed around the couches watching old Doctor Who (Tom Baker)

  25. Long day, but fun. Ate lots of pie. Going to sleep very very soon.
