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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Despite my continued "hangover" (the making of which involved no alcohol - just a great TV show and a baby that couldn't sleep) I am trying to be a responsible adult and get things done. Phone calls to doctors have been made, now it's time to finish writing worship service while the kids are all reading and/or playing peacefully (fingers crossed)

  2. Wayne (on the phone with a friend who has neither cable (BBC America) noe Facebook:"Would you believe me if I said it was a woman?"I didn't hear the response, but I'm pretty sure that "the guys" are one group that would NOT have been ready for such a switch . . . .

  3. Not having a good Saturday morning.

  4. Hey all! I'm looking to get a variety of herbs and oils for anti-insect & other pest control efforts. Getting to a store is NOT EASY with the two girls, so I'm hoping for a good Internet site with good deals. Anyone know of one?

  5. I had plans for today. Big plans involving an organized kitchen and clean floors. But after taking the kids to the library (4 of them, today) and making sure everyone, including me, has lunch, I'm feeling rather lethargic. Perhaps I'll get work done on my blanket instead.

  6. What a gorgeous day! We played in the backyard, and now the girls are napping. Meanwhile, I have doors and windows open and a about to knit while watching some "paranormal" TV. :)

  7. I've been knitting my first blanket off & on since sometime this past spring. I took it back out this afternoon (after 2 or 3 weeks of working on other projects) and noticed far too many mistakes. SIGH. I will be spending tonight unwinding the whole thing to start over later :(

  8. I want to eat @spoonfudge or @jeni's every night! I'd never lose the weight I need to lose, but it would be so worth it!

  9. So I dd a quick bank run and then dropped by the Whitehall Food Truck and Fun Festival to pick up some lunch & bring it home for all the people who staid dry . . . Pitabilities gyros YUM and hopefully things will dry out enough by dinner time for everyone to walk over. There are even some farm animals for Lucy to see & pet.

  10. After all the perfect fair & festival weather this past week & the great weather expected for this coming week, TODAY is rainy! Today, when we are planning on going to the Whitehall food truck festival. At least lunch and dinner times are expected to be the driest times if the day.

  11. Trying to out wait the screaming baby that needs to fall asleep.

  12. Really wishes there was still a Sea World in Aroura, OH. I have such great memories if going and I really wish I could take Lucy to a Sea a world. She'd live it so much!

  13. Everyone's healthy, all windows are open, the temperature outside and in is extremely pleasant, and all is well :). Best wishes to each of you

  14. Nancy is turning into a crawling climbing fiend!

  15. So far no one has any fever, so I think I am just tired out from too much activity the past 2 weeks. Jane Lm Kuberski & Mike Kuberski, we should be OK for the kids tomorrow. If anything changes, I'll call ASAP.

  16. Either I am fighting off Lucy's strep bug or I'm recovering from a rather long & full "fortnight" Been falling asleep on the couch all morning.

  17. I want to be knitting - I haven't done much in several days & I'm getting a little stir crazy w/o it. But I want to sleep even more. It's been a really long day, a good day, but a long day at the end if a long week and a half.

  18. Anyone know how long before strep would start showing up in the next person(s)?

  19. Dr says Lucy has strep. It's the first time in four & a half years that she's been REALLY sick like this. She is feeling a bit better & has started taking the prescription. She might even be able Togo over to Grandma Almond's for Wayne's bday tomorrow evening.

  20. Lucy woke up with 101.3 temp. Are some applesauce, drank juice, watched an hour of TV and it was at 104.5. We have a Dr's appt at noon. :(

  21. Lucy's fever is back up :( 103

  22. Lucy is sick :( Any advice from other Moms on dealing with vomiting?

  23. OK - found an awesome picture comparing River Song to Ms Frizzle from The Magic School Bus, but now cannot get it to post on FB. AHHHG! Well, I now want the full Magic School Bus series in books and DVD for my children LOL (I was already a fan & Lucy does like them)

  24. Lucy is informing me of how things work in LucyLand. There are lions there, and everything starts with the letter "L"

  25. OK - my 2 cents worth on the Zimmerman trial - the police should have done a full investigation from the start. Yes he had bruises, etc and claimed self-defense, but a person was dead & so they needed to look for and evaluate all the evidence to make sure that it was, indeed, self-defense. A whole lot of fuss & bruhaha could have been avoided that way. If I were part of the kid's family, I'd be pretty darn upset with the police department for deciding far too quickly and easily that the kil...
