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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. There is an inverse relationship between the amount of sleep I get and the amount of food (esp anything chocolate) I eat. I really need Munchkin to start sleeping for more than 2 hours at a time before I outgrow all my pants.

  2. I heard there's already speculation about the republican nomination for the next election.

  3. Our basement tile is being tested for asbestos. This could push the move date back and cost us a bundle.

  4. 65 and sunny today. Would have been a great day to move. Here's hoping next weekend works & we can at least get the upstairs ready for guests by the baptism/house warming the following weekend.

  5. Gray rainy day. And man, am I sleep deprived! But I've got 2 cute kiddos to share it with; so it ain't all bad.

  6. Hmmmm. What to eat for lunch?

  7. Sprawled on the couch, iPod touch in my hands, fussy-but-falling-asleep baby on my chest.

  8. Looks like another sleepless night. Hopefully when we go to the Dr next week, she can help us figure this out.

  9. the tile in the basement is asbestos (but the adhesive is not!) It will take 2 -3 weeks to get it taken care of, so the move in day is now going to be sometime in December. My curren goal is to be living in the new house by Dec 15. Here's hoping! This obviously affect the "open house" next weekend and my ability to start tutoring again. Please contact me (via phone) if you were/are coming to the baptismopen house a week from Sunday.

  10. That horrifying moment when you realize that you haven't really started on the " perfect Christmas gifts for everyone" and it's Thanksgiving week. I was supposed to get a good start on them during the month before the baby was born. And then she came 6 weeks early.

  11. Dr's appt today. Nancy is just 1 ounce shy of 8 pounds, which means at age 2 months she is just 5 ounces short if having doubled her weight. A big healthy girl! However, the shots she got have really hither uncomfortable and fussy tonight.

  12. Today, each of you is on my list of things I am thankful for. Wishing all of you a happy Thanksgiving (or a happy, thankful day for my international friends.)

  13. Not enough sleep, but up and moving for Nancy's baptism today. Getting everyone to a 9 am service on time is something of a Herculian challenge these days.

  14. Hmmm. Laundry to do, worship services to write, at least 2 phone "battles", some cyber Monday shopping, and some knitting projects that need finishing touches. Lets see what I actually manage to do.

  15. 3 hrs sleep + cat naps is really starting to hurt. And my neck has been aching too. Here's hoping for a good day, despite it all.

  16. Really really really needs more sleep. Like at least a week of 9-12 hrs a day. Thinking and moving are difficult

  17. Fingers crossed - we should be moving in to the new house in 2 weeks. That's the weekend of Dec 15, if you are available and want to help organize furniture, decorate walls/rooms, move beds & whatever else we're leaving until then. Most items are being moved to the garage from storage today. I am so ready for this!

  18. Lucy and Wayne went to OUR house this afternoon. I joined them later with Nancy. As I walked in the front door, Lucy greets me by saying, "Welcome to the jungle!" I had interrupted some make-believe play time. I couldn't help but have a little child-of-the-80's moment.Dishwasher and stove were delivered this afternoon. It's getting more real!

  19. Hungry. Tired. Back hurts. Youngest is eating so slowly

  20. Might get a day to myself next week! Fingers crossed - I appreciate any prayers & well wishes on this one!

  21. Listening to my Diana Krall Christmas CD and feeding Nancy while Lucy takes a nap. Aaahhh, the momentary peacefulness!

  22. So very tired this morning. I'm not sure there is enough caffeine in all the world . . . .

  23. So the move is now scheduled for the weekend befor Christmas.

  24. Looking thru my stash to plan my next couple projects makes me wonder, "do I have too much yarn?" Of course, the ready answer is, "you can NEVER have too much yarn!" Still, I have quite a lot of it . . . .

  25. So so so so tired, but no time to sleep now - it's time for another feeding. I'll go to bed after
