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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. I just want to say HUGS to all my friends :)

  2. I love sunshine! Even with the bad start to the morning & a headache, I managed to do a good move-all-the-furniture-around-and-polish cleaning of the living room floor. Now to the girls down for naps and get a load of dishes going. Then crash/knit. (And think about whether to get back up to make dinner or not ;) )

  3. I may just have to go without sleep from now til Christmas. ****attempts to retreat back into her crafty lair but is once again sidetracked by kids, housework, and husband****

  4. I need another "me" (maybe even 2) so that, despite extreme exhaustion and lack of sleep, I can still get all the work done that needs to be done today (or in some cases last Friday)

  5. I need one of those sweeper robots (for wood floors) and a child proofing team, stat!

  6. I picked out 5 CDs with the most "snow" songs on them, put them in the CD player, hit play, and now am looking meaningfully at the rain and wrapping gifts.

  7. I THINK I am for real honestly and truly healthy at long last. But now Hubs is sick! :(

  8. I think it is time to put some distance and a baby gate between me & the @Spoonfudge!

  9. I want to be knitting - I haven't done much in several days & I'm getting a little stir crazy w/o it. But I want to sleep even more. It's been a really long day, a good day, but a long day at the end if a long week and a half.

  10. I want to eat @spoonfudge or @jeni's every night! I'd never lose the weight I need to lose, but it would be so worth it!

  11. I want to take a loooonnnnngggg skinny needle & poke the painful ball of (???????) in my ears and let everything drain out. Even if that includes my brains . . . .

  12. I will be knitting in church and Sunday School this morning. I WILL finish this last project forum swap & get it all packed in the box TODAY!

  13. I wish today could be sit on the couch and do nothing day . . . . Other than that I seem to be doing OK

  14. I'd like to ask for prayers, positive thoughts & well wishes for our family friend Mary Reeves. She's been in the hospital for a couple of weeks now with liver problems (probably resulting from the cancer that she was successfully fighting) and has just taken a significant turn for the worse. Please keep her, her doctors, and her family in your thoughts. Thanks

  15. I'm hearing rumors of some central Ohio towns/cities changing Beggars Night to Friday due to the expected weather. I can't find an actual list of communities doing this. Anyone have a helpful link?

  16. I'm ready to fall asleep, but I'm just too warm and uncomfortable

  17. I'm taking an informal poll. What kind of phone do you have? What do you like/dislike about it?

  18. I'm thinking of that scene from "White Christmas" Where Bing gets off the phone after getting the cost for all their cast to come & rehearse at the Hotel over the holidays. "Ouch!" "Ouch?!" says Danny, "How Ouch?!" "Oh, somewhere between 'Yikes' and 'ding'"

  19. I've been knitting my first blanket off & on since sometime this past spring. I took it back out this afternoon (after 2 or 3 weeks of working on other projects) and noticed far too many mistakes. SIGH. I will be spending tonight unwinding the whole thing to start over later :(

  20. If I try to run for the hills, do you think Wayne would be able to stop me before I reached the door?

  21. Interview went well . . . now the waiting!

  22. Is glad to be home, in PJ's, on the couch.

  23. Is insanely proud of herself for sewing up/fixing (Barbie) Rapunzel's dress for Lucy ;)

  24. Is just too darn hot. And not in a good way. :P
