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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Ok, I may not have a house elf to start my cleaning for me, but apparently I do have a bottle eating/collecting gremlin of some sort. I know we have 10 baby bottles. There are five in the dishwasher and one in the shelf. I cannot find any "forgotten" in the diaper bag nor any place else. Meanwhile I can find enough caps, etc for eight bottles. I am perplexed.

  2. Waiting for the caffeine to kick in. I have big plans for whipping the kitchen into shape today. I do wish I had a house elf or two to get things started while I finish waking up, though. :)

  3. Time for the first cup of tea and to start cleaning the kitchen!

  4. All right. The morning chaos has calmed down enough for me to sit down with some tea & a to-do list.

  5. Tonight the girls are taking turns having screaming crying fits. At least they are taking turns. I'm about to take MY turn at screaming though. Oddly enough it was a really good day up until nap time (they didn't) We went to the Disney store as a reward for Lucy for going FOUR WHOLE WEEKS without an accident. Much fun was had by all until the two tired & over-excited girls did not nap. Which was then followed by going to the viewing/funeral for our friend, Mary. And then by screaming g...

  6. Kitchen floor -2Lisa - .75For those if you who haven't been to our house, our kitchen floor has a divider where the addition was put in (20 years ago?). The larger part (which also sees the most foot traffic and spills). Is CLEAN as in almost squeaky shiny perfect. The other part has not been touched and I woke up today with sore & aching arms and shoulders.So who knows where I can get a good deal on a good cleaner-bot?

  7. Drove the kids to the library instead of walking. So why do my feet and legs hurt?

  8. For those who are interested, here is the information on viewings, etc for Mary Reeves. Mary Ann Reeves age 60 Saturday August 17,2013 Wexner Medical Center. Longtime employee of Buckeye Boys Ranch. Member Bethany Lutheran Church. Survived by husband Mark Reeves; daughters Audra (Ali) Melhem, Anna Reeves and Amanda (Rich) Peirano; grandchildren Mikayla, Hope, Ali Jr., Adam & Mira; brother William (Judy) Rupp. Preceded in death by parents William & Ruth Rupp. Friends may call Tuesday 6-8 PM ...

  9. Children are wake too early & throwing the whole Sunday morning schedule off

  10. Prayers for the family (and friends) of Mary Reeves. She died last night. It's still hard to take in.

  11. I'd like to ask for prayers, positive thoughts & well wishes for our family friend Mary Reeves. She's been in the hospital for a couple of weeks now with liver problems (probably resulting from the cancer that she was successfully fighting) and has just taken a significant turn for the worse. Please keep her, her doctors, and her family in your thoughts. Thanks

  12. Nancy is getting tooth #5 :)I am getting short naps throughout the night in between her interruptions :P

  13. Hey central Ohio ladies! I could use a little help. I'd really like to get some pictures of the new items for my Nut-made shop on a variety of people. If you could spare 45 - 90 minutes sometime in the next week, could you drop me a line? Thanks!

  14. Ok - in the last 2 weeks I've had 2 friends have sales of Thirty-One stuff, emails advertising awesome deals at ToysRUs and JoAnn's, and have received catalogs from Knitpicks, Blue Canoe, Mary Maxim, Seventh Avenue, and THREE different catalogs from Annie's crafts. And I'm out of my mood regulating meds. Someone must want my family to eat beans and Ramon noodles from now until Thanksgiving. Maybe even Christmas.

  15. Kids all awake too early this morning = very tired mommy

  16. Nervous and not sure what to do. Could use some prayers & positive thoughts right now!

  17. I wish today could be sit on the couch and do nothing day . . . . Other than that I seem to be doing OK

  18. All right world - take care! I've been on a half dose of my antidepressant fir over a week now, trying to make them last. I've now officially run out & the Drs appt isn't until Saturday. Yeah - it's mostly my own dumb fault for not doing a better job of rescheduling when I had to cancel due to illness. So I'm trying to keep everything moving smoothly, but I can tell I'm not up to par anymore.

  19. Woke up with a headache (mostly gone now). And I can't help but wonder - am I so old & lame now that I get a hangover from eating 1/2 a pint if bourbon-pecan ice cream?

  20. Is just too darn hot. And not in a good way. :P

  21. Lucy is with the grandparents for the day and I'm back from the grocery store. So now it is time to get some crafty sewing doing! ;)

  22. I currently have 14 books I requested waiting for me at the library. Including that 14, I have 37 requested items. I am trying to figure out how to get to the library before those books get sent back. Maybe my idea of free time is unrealistic?

  23. Hey everyone - our basement & bathroom both have a tendency to smell musty and the smell sometimes manages to get into our clothes. We have a dehumidifier in the basement & I do clean (honest!). Anyone have any advice in other ways to combat the musty-ness?

  24. A giant smile to each of my FB friends. Just because

  25. I have declared today to be Getting Things Done Day. Laundry, dishes, cooking, prep for September stuff, and other more creative odds and ends WILL BE DONE today & tomorrow!
