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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Dad got home last night. Nancy should be coming home this morning. Cue a huge sigh of relief, immediately followed by the madness of caring for a newborn and a 3and3quarters year old while living in a crowded house and preparing to move into a "new" house. But all the madness is due to good things for once, so I'll take it with a big "thank you"

  2. Everyone is home!

  3. Taking everyone over to the new house to look & plan what needs to be done before the move.

  4. Ok - gonna catch up on SW stuff today - really and truly!

  5. Lucy's in preschool. Nancy is sleeping. What from the unbelievably long todo list of doom should I start on?

  6. Looking at paint samples . . . . Hoping to do the move the last weekend in October or first in November.

  7. Alternating between excitement at the new house & love for my kids on one hand and OhMyGodWe'reNeverGoingToGetAnythingDone on the other. Seriously - over half of my waking hours (which are too numerous) are spent feeding or preparing food for Nancy. Never mind feeding myself, taking care of Lucy, and oh that pile of @##$&$^ paperwprk that has important house stuff and medical stuff for me to deal with. Time to take a deep breath.

  8. Spent time at the new house today picking paint colors & answering all the Q's that everyone seems to think only I can answer. Lots of work done, much much more yet to go. One or more person(s) will be there on Monday, Thursday, and Friday this week.

  9. Mom and Wayne are working at the house today while I try to keep up with our two girls. Is it nap time yet?

  10. Dinner, laundry & a very basic picking up of the worst disaster areas have all been accomplished today. And everyone has been suitably fed when needed. I have high hopes of getting a shower tonight and spending more than three hours in my bed. This is parenthood 2.0

  11. Wayne, Dad & Mom are all starting the day over at the new house, painting, etc. I'm on diaper & feeding duty at the current residence. Got 5ish hours of un-interrupted sleep last night and a couple of cat naps in the pre-midnght hours. The grey, rainy weather is not helping me feel motivated. OK, I think that's all the news here . . .

  12. Really wants the Labyrinth soundtrack to play for Halloween all of a sudden

  13. Fun morning with Lucy & her preschool class at the pumpkin patch (Lynd's fruit farm is great!)

  14. Trying to wake up. The whole 2-4 hours of sleep (plus occasional cat-naps) each night is really starting to take its toll. I'm now falling asleep while feeding Nancy.

  15. Nancy weighed in at 5.12 lbs today!

  16. Lucy is out having a fun play date with Jon and Mike Kuberski. Thanks so much, guys! She really needs the chance to get out of the hiuse & do some running around - and I can use the quiet time with Nancy!

  17. Found a copy of the Front Row video by Margaret Becker and enjoyed watching it with Lucy and Nancy. Kevin Anderson Scott Patrick Knies Beth Leimbach Zambone - remember that one?

  18. Sweater weather today!

  19. It's starting out as one of those nights where Nancy will only sleep when being held by mommy. So I put in the Margaret Becker DVD I rediscovered the other night. Two acoustic guitars, great vocals, heart-felt lyrics. It really touches a part of my soul that is usually buried under mommy-stuff-and-other-responsibilities. A bit of magic for me.

  20. Stay safe everyone who is in Sandy's path!

  21. Trying to plan trick or treat when we've got half a costume and the weather is downright cold. I think I've got it figured out.

  22. And the pretty little princess has headed out with her dad, the panda. I managed to convince her that her "nice" coat was princess-y enough to wear over the dress

  23. Getting stuff done today and probably knitting. Now if only I had a great idea for dinner. Or a remotely appealing idea for dinner.

  24. Anyone have any recommendations for a Roofing company/person? We have a few loose shingles and some moss in one spot . . .

  25. Can't get dressed because there is a sleeping baby in front of my closet.
