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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. hmmmmmm what to do what to do?!

  2. HOme again Home again jig ajig jig

  3. Home inspection is set for Tuesday evening. Waiting anxiously until then :/

  4. Home inspection night. If things go well, I'll have some pictures of the house to post tomorrow.

  5. Home inspection went well. Pictures & details to follow later today, as we move forward towards owning our own home!

  6. Hoping to get 75% or more of the paperwork to the loan person today. Excited to be moving forward!

  7. Hot day for a walk to the library but we made it, and back home again. Fast forward a couple hours and now weare watching Nancy move around. She takes advantage of the wood floors and uses her hands to pull/slide forward in her chosen direction. Still slow enough for me to keep her out of trouble, but getting faster every day!

  8. Huh. So there was a football game while I was watching Doctor Who? Gee, all those poor unfortunate souls that missed the awesomeness of 13 Doctors in order to watch 2 teams playing yet another game.

  9. Hungry. Tired. Back hurts. Youngest is eating so slowly

  10. I am back. That's all I've got to say right now.

  11. I am pooped! I feel like I've been running running since 6 AM. Between church stuff, lunch, & shopping (and no down time for us or the girls) it is 4:30 and I am ready for some Angry Orchard and a bunch of chocolate. It's really too late for the girls to get a nap in, so I guess we'll watch some TV and then do an early dinner followed by an early bedtime.

  12. I am so tired and in so much pain and so stressed about everything I need to do for the home loan and it feels like all anyone has said to me for the last to days has been complaints about what isn't done and doom and gloom about what won't work. Ok. I guess I'm done whining for now.

  13. I am the April Fools version of Scrooge. Bah humbug. I shall try to miss all the pranks from the safety of my house.

  14. I am wearing a skirt today. No Pants Friday!

  15. I believe that Martin Luther King Jr said something about how hate cannot defeat hate - only love can do that. I hope that Mr Phelps learns a great deal about love in his afterlife, and that his family and followers are comforted in their mourning & learn to appreciate the Godliness of love in this life.

  16. I currently have 14 books I requested waiting for me at the library. Including that 14, I have 37 requested items. I am trying to figure out how to get to the library before those books get sent back. Maybe my idea of free time is unrealistic?

  17. I guess I really am an old witch. My arms have been sore all day after carrying my black cat (Nancy) for trick or treating last night!In other news, both girls in bed before 9:30 tonight! Woo Hoo!

  18. I had plans for today. Big plans involving an organized kitchen and clean floors. But after taking the kids to the library (4 of them, today) and making sure everyone, including me, has lunch, I'm feeling rather lethargic. Perhaps I'll get work done on my blanket instead.

  19. I HAVE A JOB!!!!!!

  20. I have declared today a crafting only day. Well, I'll probably take care of the kids, too. And cook dinner.

  21. I have declared today to be Getting Things Done Day. Laundry, dishes, cooking, prep for September stuff, and other more creative odds and ends WILL BE DONE today & tomorrow!

  22. I have way more salad stuff, raw veggies (and dip), and lunchmeat left over from Saturday than we will ever use. Anyone wanna come over this week to help eat it up?

  23. I haven't added pix to FB in a while. Things have been changed just enough that I am having troubles getting the pix of the house up for you to see! :/grrrrr

  24. I heard there's already speculation about the republican nomination for the next election.

  25. I just found out that Kindergarten in Whitehall is all day EVERY day. :( I did not even know this was something any district did until a month ago. I don't think Lucy is any where near to being ready for that much of a regimen & she doesn't need the extra time academically.
