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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Has a headache and feels totally drained. Also, I keep forgetting that I have praise team rehearsal tonight. But I have awesome paranormal shows on the DVR for while the kids nap, so all is not lost

  2. Anyone know of anything other than pizza that I could order delivery for dinner? I am feeling really cruddy and don't want to cook, but my stomach couldn't handle pizza & I really don't want to go out, either

  3. Ok - looking for some reccomendations for hard cider. I'd like something that tastes more like cider than beer. Thoughts?

  4. Pretty sure Nancy has been working on a molar or two. Now the poor thing has a major case of very painful rash. Poor thing is sleeping even less and crying even more. As for me, I think I can sort of remember what sleep is

  5. I'm taking an informal poll. What kind of phone do you have? What do you like/dislike about it?

  6. Watching Nancy try to stay awake long enough to eat lunch. Poor munchkin has not been sleeping well for over a week now. We suspect a molar is coming in.

  7. A week of interrupted sleep thanks to teething munchkin is topped off with a whoppin' three hours of sleep last night/this morning and Praise Team at church this morning so I gotta be there an hour early with voice & brain working. Meanwhile, I hear there is a Switch Witch round brewing at BPAL madness - I must go check it out!

  8. Hey everyone - I'm trying to find some cheap & easy (but looks decent & will last) ways to make or buy those wall mounted storage cubes or something similar that could add to our storage space w/o us klutzes constantly knocking things off the ends. Any ideas?

  9. Is trying to figure out why I am so freaking unbearably hot (and not in a good way) while simply sitting on my couch in my air conditioned houseI hate hot! Bleh!

  10. Finally got to see Vin Diesel on the big screen! Riddick is one bad boy I can still enjoy ;)Now, a happy relaxed Momma can enjoy the rest of her evening and family time

  11. I may just have to go without sleep from now til Christmas. ****attempts to retreat back into her crafty lair but is once again sidetracked by kids, housework, and husband****

  12. Dark chocolate is good for you. So I think that's what we'll have for dinner.

  13. Actually got to sleep in until almost 8 AM! Now to catch up on the day's work: food prep of yesterday's yummy @greenbeandelivery, phone calls about house repairs and medical stuff, add a couple more items to my etsy store, put away laundry & dishes, and hopefully wash some floors. And, of course, take care of & play with the girls. :) to all!

  14. The mystery of the vanishing baby bottles continues. We started with 10 bottles (they come in packages of 5). A couple of weeks ago there were 8. Now I can only find 6! This is more than a little frustrating, but at least we are in the process of phasing out bottles over the next month or two.

  15. Just found out Wayne has a library book that's about a month overdue! :face palm: I don't think he ever read it, either!

  16. Trying to get much stuff done.

  17. Nancy woke up at midnight and would not go back to sleep (and stay asleep) until around 4:30. :(

  18. Everyone is awake too early this morning. Here's hoping for a better day than yesterday. Smiles and hugs to each of you!

  19. Today's goals include "finishing" the laundry (if only it were ever really finished), catching up on dishes, and paying bills. Oh and trying to keep ALL the kids (including the very tall one) happy

  20. Today's goals: clean bathroom, wash clothes until the dirty laundry pile is shorter than Lucy is tall, and make a meatloaf for dinner.

  21. There is a bit of a sibling challenge going on in our living room. Lucy sets up her ponies to play in one place, and Nancy eagerly follows and starts grabbing for them. Then Lucy takes the ponies to a different couch/chair/table determined to get out of Nancy's reach only to have Nancy follow again. It's been repeating with slight variations for almost 20 minutes now, because Lucy doesn't want to play alone in her room.

  22. Just wrapped up another sale for my etsy store, NutMade by LisaNut! Now if I could get the girls quiet and happy for a long enough time, I could start putting new things up :)

  23. I think it is time to put some distance and a baby gate between me & the @Spoonfudge!

  24. The girls are very attached to mommy today. It's a good thing my biggest plans for the day were errands, cuz I don't think I'll get much done that doesn't involve them.

  25. Today feels like it would be a great lazy, low key Saturday spent with the family. But I will never know for sure, since Wayne and I both have tons of things to do ;)
