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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Has two different to do lists for today. Both include taking Lucy to & from preschool. One also includes finishing the crafts for my swap package (and not much else) since that needs to be in the mail on FRIDAY! The other includes going to the library & bank, vacuuming several rooms, getting dishes & laundry done, and organizing what Christmas gifts I've already got vs what is still needed. Hmmmmmm I wonder which list I will go with?

  2. HELLO EVERYONE! I am back! We have moved into our new home, and the computer & internet are working! Also, my computer seems to be handling FB better than before. Hope the new year is treating you all well.

  3. Hello everyone! I am currently at the hospital for testing. My blood pressure and protein levels were/are high. I'm still over a month early, so they want to double check everything before deciding what to do next. Please pass this along to BPALers and church prayer chains. I'll try to check in and keep you informed.

  4. Hello world! I actually got sleep last night. Mind you, most of it was on the couch w/Nancy but I SLEPT! Plus, Wayne is off work today and helped with getting people dressed, fed, etc and then took Lucy to preschool. I am energized! Laundry, dishes & phone calls are done/started - now to try to get some major work done on a scarf for a Swap Partner (aka "witchee"). :).

  5. Hello! I'm alive, at home at doing pretty well. Nancy is still at hospital for undetermined amount of time, but is doing very well. She is actually starting to gain weight. Trips to and from the hospital to see her take huge chunks of each day, but I absolutely must see and hold my baby! I have many things to catch up on and hope to do do this weekend. We close on the house tomorrow morning at 10. Love to all!

  6. Hello! I can't get the PM to work, but I wanted to see if the bee swarm mde it to you while the forum was down. :) Lisanut

  7. Hello. Whom do I speak to in order to lodge an official request to postpone Sunday? It really has arrived far too early this morning & my family and I could use more sleep.

  8. Help! Nancy is back to sleeping 3-4 hours at a time, thanks to teething. Any advice or suggestions?

  9. Hey - central OH people! Anyone know of a good locksmith? I'd like to get an appt set to change all the locks ASAP after closing. Thanks!

  10. Hey all - Lucy has been playing the heck out of a Veggie Tales worship CD. Anyone have other recommendations for preschooler/kid worship music that wont make me want to hurl?

  11. Hey all! Anyone who's able to do an afternoon of light moving related work or of entertaining Lucy this weekend, please give a call. Thanks

  12. Hey all! I am planning to go see the new Star Trek movie next Sunday. Wayne absolutely hates that they have changed the ST world & will not go. Anyone else wanna come with?

  13. Hey all! I'm looking to get a variety of herbs and oils for anti-insect & other pest control efforts. Getting to a store is NOT EASY with the two girls, so I'm hoping for a good Internet site with good deals. Anyone know of one?

  14. Hey central Ohio ladies! I could use a little help. I'd really like to get some pictures of the new items for my Nut-made shop on a variety of people. If you could spare 45 - 90 minutes sometime in the next week, could you drop me a line? Thanks!

  15. Hey everyone - I'm trying to find some cheap & easy (but looks decent & will last) ways to make or buy those wall mounted storage cubes or something similar that could add to our storage space w/o us klutzes constantly knocking things off the ends. Any ideas?

  16. Hey everyone - our basement & bathroom both have a tendency to smell musty and the smell sometimes manages to get into our clothes. We have a dehumidifier in the basement & I do clean (honest!). Anyone have any advice in other ways to combat the musty-ness?

  17. Hey everyone! Due to the move & an over scheduled Internet/cable installer, I probably won't be on line again until Friday, January 4Hope everyone has a happy New Year! See you in 2013. :)

  18. Hey everyone! I have a favor to ask. It looks like I am coming home sometime today. We've got today, Thurs, Fri & the weekend covered as far as having someone around to help with Lucy, but we really need someone for tomorrow (Weds). If you can drop by for even a couple of hours to play with, read to, etc Lucy, help me take my blood pressure, and that sort of thing, could you please let me know? Thanks so much!

  19. Hiding in the bedroom while Wayne deals with the kids. Perhaps it's time for a good dose of caffeine to get me up & happy & ready for action?

  20. Hmmm, I know I have some FB friends who are knowledgable in this area: what do any of you know about Ed and Lorraine Warren?

  21. Hmmm. Laundry to do, worship services to write, at least 2 phone "battles", some cyber Monday shopping, and some knitting projects that need finishing touches. Lets see what I actually manage to do.

  22. Hmmmm knitting or reading?

  23. Hmmmm. What to eat for lunch?

  24. hmmmmm how do I get notifications of new posts on a thread nowadays? I am confused by the "new" set up

  25. Hmmmmm out of all the things on my huge to do list what should I actually attempt to do today?
