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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. The kids and I are getting a bit of a late start today, and I'm trying to decide what from the impossibly long list I will actually do today.

  2. Has two different to do lists for today. Both include taking Lucy to & from preschool. One also includes finishing the crafts for my swap package (and not much else) since that needs to be in the mail on FRIDAY! The other includes going to the library & bank, vacuuming several rooms, getting dishes & laundry done, and organizing what Christmas gifts I've already got vs what is still needed. Hmmmmmm I wonder which list I will go with?

  3. Snow - real measurable snow - already!? Wow, this is early. Hope that means we'll get a white Christmas. It's been several years since the last one.

  4. Hello world! I actually got sleep last night. Mind you, most of it was on the couch w/Nancy but I SLEPT! Plus, Wayne is off work today and helped with getting people dressed, fed, etc and then took Lucy to preschool. I am energized! Laundry, dishes & phone calls are done/started - now to try to get some major work done on a scarf for a Swap Partner (aka "witchee"). :).

  5. Way way way too tired. Not enough sleep + praise team + emotional morning followed by intensive grocery shopping trip, followed by putting groceries away and getting everyone lunch = me wondering if I can take a nap before we go tell Mum Almond "happy birthday"

  6. So Nancy woke up at 12:30/1 AM. I got her to go back to sleep. Up again around 3/3:30. NOTHING was going to get her back to sleep. I sang to her, rocked her, fed her, begged her until a little after 5, when she made it very obvious that she wanted to get down and play. She's still going strong. Me, not so much. Lucy's got preschool this morning & I've got a Dr's appt . Something tells me that after lunch, I will be half asleep on the couch while the two of them play & watch TV.

  7. Lucy has just informed me that she thinks I am imagining the fact that unicorns are imaginary.

  8. So due to a combination of sinus issues and teething, Nancy is not sleeping very well. Which means I am not sleeping well. This has been going in for a few weeks now, and I'm starting to crash HARD by lunchtime which means the house is a disaster area, dinner delivery is WAY over budget, Christmas gifts might be done by Easter, and I am constantly fuzzy headed and grumpy (and yes, that is a change from the norm). Anyone have any suggestions?

  9. I guess I really am an old witch. My arms have been sore all day after carrying my black cat (Nancy) for trick or treating last night!In other news, both girls in bed before 9:30 tonight! Woo Hoo!

  10. So Lucy is dressed like a fairy queen, Nancy is a black cat & I'm a blue witch. Trick or treating was delayed until tonight. It's a bit cold, but everything is going well!

  11. Good morning. I am AWAKE really I am. We all survived the storms and wind last night although it is still too dark to check out the tad/trees. Now we just need to keep Lucy busy until she gets to go trick or treating tomorrow night.

  12. So I just found out that at some point this morning, Whitehall has changed Begger's Night/trick or treat to Saturday. Somehow I have to figure out how to explain this to Lucy w/o dealing with a very upset 4.5 year old. This after just getting bleach all over the floor and my only pair of comfy & (formerly) decent looking shoes which was quickly followed by me breaking the washing machine. Halloween 2013 - I am very tired of tricks now. Is there any possibility of some treats?

  13. Halloween morning starting out a bit earlier than I'd like, but despite Nancy and I both waking up from some sinus difficulties, I still have high hopes for a good day!

  14. Watching Ghost Hunters, drinking some hard cider and eating dark chocolate! I am feeling good right now :)

  15. I'm hearing rumors of some central Ohio towns/cities changing Beggars Night to Friday due to the expected weather. I can't find an actual list of communities doing this. Anyone have a helpful link?

  16. Not very happy that the dinner I ordered (delivery) has not shown up (almost an hour past time) no one has called me, and when I try to call, their phone system hangs up on me! I guess I am going to go dig thru our leftovers to try to cobble together something for my poor, sick family to eat

  17. Thought we were all getting better from the sinus crud. Then I woke up this morning feeling as if someone stuck a match down my throat and lit it. Lucy wakes up and can barely speak. Nancy feels warm and has a nose that just keeps on running. Here's hoping everyone is better in time for tomorrow's preschool party and trick or treating the following night!

  18. Suddenly, the exhaustion from the past several sleepless/almost sleepless nights is hitting me. Must. Keep. Eyes. Open.

  19. So I spent maybe 1/3 of last night sleeping in bed, being woken up by baby coughing. The rest of the night - and the full 2 previous nights - I was on the couch with Nancy, trying to help her sleep. I'm not sure I'm ready for Monday.

  20. The sinus crud has hit our family. :(

  21. Trying to figure out if we are going to the pumpkin patch today. Lucy's preschool is supposed to go, but it is supposed to be 37 F and rainy until the time the tour would be amost over. There is actually some snow to the west of us. And Nancy is having some (minor) health issues. :(

  22. Needs to go to bed now

  23. Hello. Whom do I speak to in order to lodge an official request to postpone Sunday? It really has arrived far too early this morning & my family and I could use more sleep.

  24. So Lucy is now off with the Grandparents for what will hopefully be a fun night for all.

  25. And good morning world! TGIF! This afternoon the grandparents will be picking up Lucy to go to "Boo at the Bog," a slightly Halloween themed night hike & fun/educational activities at Cedar Bog nature preserve. Then she will stay overnight with them. I think everyone is really looking forward to this evening!
