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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. On our way home after a pleasant but too short visit with family. Didn't get to see near as many people as I'd like, but it was good to see those we did. Tired now

  2. You built your business without any help? Wow! So you didn't use anything you might have learned from a public school? Police didn't help keep the area you worked in safe from crime? You were in no way effected by laws dealing with taxes, business loans, interest rates, or other business related issues? Safe and usable roads, educated employees, the list goes on. You didn't use or need any of this? Wow! That's pretty amazing. No wonder you don't want to help fund any of those things...

  3. Getting ready to start the new week. Lucy starts a new year of preschool and the kids I work with start school, too.

  4. 26.5 hours until the home inspection. I really wish we didn't have to wait any longer!

  5. Home inspection night. If things go well, I'll have some pictures of the house to post tomorrow.

  6. Home inspection went well. Pictures & details to follow later today, as we move forward towards owning our own home!

  7. I haven't added pix to FB in a while. Things have been changed just enough that I am having troubles getting the pix of the house up for you to see! :/grrrrr

  8. Sooooo. . . Today - do I do productive and house related things, or keep my feet up in an attempt to avoid painful swelling and knit and nap while Licy plays?

  9. Well, FB and my computer are not playing nicely together any more. Over the past week I've tried everything I could think of. I can either use Wayne's iPod or my parents' computer, which is part of why I haven't had much luck posting pix of the house. We'll see what Wayne & I can work out over the weekend.

  10. OK, this is taking TOO long & Lucy needs her nap soon. Maybe tomorrow I can post pix of the basement. It's divided into 3 parts - the completely unfinished laundry & storage area, and 2 "semi-finished" areas that were painted and tiled, one of which has an awesome workbench and a door & so will probably become Wayne's "man-cave" where he can keep whatever he wants and I don't have to deal with it LOL!

  11. Trying to plan out the day's activities. Looks like library, shopping, and home-related phone calls. Just need to keep my feet from swelling while out and about.

  12. 3rd night of semi-interrupted 8 hrs of sleep. Hoping to feel some positive results from it today!

  13. Drove by the hopefully soon to be new house today after church. Let Lucy walk around the yard & then we walked to the park that's about 2 blocks/0.5 miles away. Followed by a yummy lunch at Bob Evans. Their bakery makes some really good cookies & cinamon rolls!

  14. Watched Dumbo with the family tonight. Lucy was entranced

  15. Still waiting on pins and needles to hear the response to our request to remedy for the house. Also trying to organize all the paperwork needed for the loan to go through. I hate paperwork and organizing and the combo of pregnancy hormones and lack of sleep is making it very difficult to get things done. I just hope everything works out in the end!

  16. Just got an email from our Realtor - "Lisa & Wayne,Just wanted to let you know that the sellers agreed to do all the stuff we asked - they asked me for a recommendation for the radon mitigation and I gave them 2 people I use - so that will be done!"

  17. Hoping to get 75% or more of the paperwork to the loan person today. Excited to be moving forward!

  18. Wishing for some SW action. Wonder if a fall round is happening this year?

  19. I am so tired and in so much pain and so stressed about everything I need to do for the home loan and it feels like all anyone has said to me for the last to days has been complaints about what isn't done and doom and gloom about what won't work. Ok. I guess I'm done whining for now.

  20. Is so happy for weather that is cool enough for me to comfortably wear jeans!

  21. Was trying to sleep, but it just wasn't happenIng. So now I am trying to figure out what to do when and if there is any hope of not ending the new week even further behind on "everything" than I started it.

  22. Ok, got in a nap and a few short but Important items from the todo list. Yea me! Now off to check in at Bpal/GUSP

  23. OK - I don't know the particulars in the the Chicago teacher's strike, but after hearing a number of peoples' comments about teachers in general there are a few things I just need to say.I don't know any teacher who only works 5.5 hours in a day. They spend 6-8 hours at school and then come home to finish grading papers, making lesson plans and shop for school supplies WITH THEIR OWN MONEY. They usually spend significant time on the weekend doing those things as well. I don't know any ...

  24. So we have the official loan request forms to sign. We're supposed to sign them tonight and overnight them tomorrow. Instead Wayne is reading every single word, complaining about anything that he doesn't understand, and driving me nuts with questions ("you have how many credit cards? Why does it say I've worked at Huntington for 3/7 years? What's thi phone number for?") and refusing to sign anything. Apparently I get to call tomorrow and read off his list of Q's and write down the answer...

  25. Good morning world! Planning on delivering the loan app this morning :-)
