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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. First cuppa tea is done. Time to groove!

  2. For any "Haunted Highway" fans, I backpacked in & around the Moonville Tunnel a couple times in my youth. Always loved the story, but never saw or heard anything. It's a neat area for hiking & camping. I'd love to go back and see what I could see & hear (natural and/or supernatural)

  3. For those who are interested, here is the information on viewings, etc for Mary Reeves. Mary Ann Reeves age 60 Saturday August 17,2013 Wexner Medical Center. Longtime employee of Buckeye Boys Ranch. Member Bethany Lutheran Church. Survived by husband Mark Reeves; daughters Audra (Ali) Melhem, Anna Reeves and Amanda (Rich) Peirano; grandchildren Mikayla, Hope, Ali Jr., Adam & Mira; brother William (Judy) Rupp. Preceded in death by parents William & Ruth Rupp. Friends may call Tuesday 6-8 PM ...

  4. FOrgot there was no mail service in the US yesterday. GOt some goodies out in the post today.

  5. Found a copy of the Front Row video by Margaret Becker and enjoyed watching it with Lucy and Nancy. Kevin Anderson Scott Patrick Knies Beth Leimbach Zambone - remember that one?

  6. Fun morning with Lucy & her preschool class at the pumpkin patch (Lynd's fruit farm is great!)

  7. Getting ready to start the new week. Lucy starts a new year of preschool and the kids I work with start school, too.

  8. Getting stuff done today and probably knitting. Now if only I had a great idea for dinner. Or a remotely appealing idea for dinner.

  9. Going to the APPLE ORCHARD!!! :)

  10. Good morning world! Planning on delivering the loan app this morning :-)

  11. Good morning world!

  12. Good morning, Monday. Somehow, I wasn't expecting you quite this soon.

  13. Good morning. I am AWAKE really I am. We all survived the storms and wind last night although it is still too dark to check out the tad/trees. Now we just need to keep Lucy busy until she gets to go trick or treating tomorrow night.

  14. Got a package yesterday afternoon & can't decide what to wear today . . .. ..

  15. Got too cold & wet while going for groceries. Drank some ginger tea & now going for a nap. Stay warm, dry & well, everyone!

  16. Gray rainy day. And man, am I sleep deprived! But I've got 2 cute kiddos to share it with; so it ain't all bad.

  17. Grrrrr! Hubby, I love you. Really, I do. But right now you are getting on my nerves! Don't yell at me about PEPPER!

  18. Grrrrr! Hubby, I love you. Really, I do. But right now you are getting on my nerves! Don't yell at me about PEPPER!

  19. Had a weird dream about Bpal last night. I was at a WIll Call (I assume, since I've never been to one) trying to figure out how many bottles I could afford. Friends who have nothing to do with bpal were there, and even had scents in their honor . . . .

  20. Had the Today Show on for over an hour so Lucy could see/hear Idina Menzel and when she finally dings its a song from her new project. :( A great song & singer but Lucy is really disappointed.

  21. Halloween morning starting out a bit earlier than I'd like, but despite Nancy and I both waking up from some sinus difficulties, I still have high hopes for a good day!

  22. Happiness is: a new haircut, Doctor Who on BBCA tonight and Charlie and Lola on Nick Jr! :)

  23. Happy Hanukkah! Today is full of celebrations!

  24. Has a goal to Get The Things Done today. laundrydishes/kitchenstart my commission (now that my sewing machine is up and running!)get stereo to work (i.e. put a couple of command strips up to hold the "antennae" where it is needed to get the radio stations in)work on some swap projectsspend time with kidshelp keep J on track with his lessonsyep - I plan to drink caffeinated tea ALL DAY and have high hopes of cooking a quality dinner when done.

  25. Has a headache and feels totally drained. Also, I keep forgetting that I have praise team rehearsal tonight. But I have awesome paranormal shows on the DVR for while the kids nap, so all is not lost
