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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. I am wearing a skirt today. No Pants Friday!

  2. Been gone most of this week due to sick child & other complications! Apologies to those who missed me! :(

  3. Been gone most of this week due to sick child & other complications! Apologies to those who missed me! :(

  4. Going to the APPLE ORCHARD!!! :)

  5. Anxiously awaiting someone to comment on the etsy tips thread and/or about my store . . .

  6. Home inspection is set for Tuesday evening. Waiting anxiously until then :/

  7. Grrrrr! Hubby, I love you. Really, I do. But right now you are getting on my nerves! Don't yell at me about PEPPER!

  8. Grrrrr! Hubby, I love you. Really, I do. But right now you are getting on my nerves! Don't yell at me about PEPPER!

  9. To buy more yarn, or to behave sanely when I have a tight budget and tons of yarn already?

  10. Might finally be getting healthy again after the sinus crud from hell struck me on Saturday night :P

  11. I THINK I am for real honestly and truly healthy at long last. But now Hubs is sick! :(

  12. Actually doesn't find any of the chocolates interesting this year . . .

  13. lots of phone calls & house related things to deal with today, all while homeschooling Jon (went pretty well today) trying to get some basic housework done and taking care of Lucy. Despite trying to get my feet up often, they are still swollen and hurting. I'm about to look at my to-do list from the past several day and find out what's done & what still needs doing. SIGH I'm so ready for a lowering of the frustration levels, but at least everything is moving forward if slowly.

  14. Just realized that a due date of Nov 1 may cause trouble for the potentially (hopefully) upcoming Fall Switch Witch round.

  15. Living room and a few other spots are now child - safe! Grown ups are now collapsed around the couches watching old Doctor Who (Tom Baker)

  16. So we FINALLY have an sppt to look at houses! It took until Tuesday of next week to get everyone's schedule to work, but at least we are getting out there again.

  17. Cannot get FB to work on my computer. This morning I've got Wayne's iPod so I can check in.

  18. Up and moving before 6:30 and not miserable from it. A good start to the morning.

  19. Wondering what sort of thought process leads to saying a phrase like "legitimate rape" even as mistake or accident.

  20. WE FOUND A HOUSE! I'm not gonna bother posting a link, because there is only one picture and it has to be the least flattering angle they could have picked. It's in an older, stable neighborhood, is about the size of my parents' house but with a basement. It was very well made (back in the 60's) and well maintained. It's priced VERY low, making it possible for us to afford both a 20% down payment and still have money for repairs, furniture, etc. We'll be making an offer today!

  21. Seriously needs to come up with a decent write-in candidate for Nov

  22. They accepted the offer! Now on to the home inspection!

  23. Stressed out + keyed up + pregnant & in the last trimester= lots of trouble sleeping. Oh well.

  24. Portions of the household are getting ready for a long day spent mostly in the car. Looking forward to seeing some family!
