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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Christmas is seven days away. O_oEep! Eek! How'd that happen?I think I might be giving more "Three Kings Day" gifts than Christmas gifts this year.

  2. Dad got home last night. Nancy should be coming home this morning. Cue a huge sigh of relief, immediately followed by the madness of caring for a newborn and a 3and3quarters year old while living in a crowded house and preparing to move into a "new" house. But all the madness is due to good things for once, so I'll take it with a big "thank you"

  3. Dark chocolate is good for you. So I think that's what we'll have for dinner.

  4. Dentist appt's and lots if errands- now both girls are napping and I'm thinking that's the right idea!

  5. Despite my continued "hangover" (the making of which involved no alcohol - just a great TV show and a baby that couldn't sleep) I am trying to be a responsible adult and get things done. Phone calls to doctors have been made, now it's time to finish writing worship service while the kids are all reading and/or playing peacefully (fingers crossed)

  6. Did some major organizing of yarn, etc in my crafting space. I don't have the sewing machine set up yet, but at least I can find both the floor and the top of the sewing/crafting table!

  7. Didn't get up for the day until 9 Bad news - got up briefly at 7 to take meds for my aching sinusesGood(ish) news - not feeling too bad now and Nancy seems to be better enough to smile almost as much as usual

  8. Didn't realize until a couple of days ago that I planned my open house for the same day as the OSU/Michigan game. Total planning fail. I wonder if even half a dozen people will end up coming?

  9. Dinner, laundry & a very basic picking up of the worst disaster areas have all been accomplished today. And everyone has been suitably fed when needed. I have high hopes of getting a shower tonight and spending more than three hours in my bed. This is parenthood 2.0

  10. Do you think I could write the final article review for my autism class on the Dora story I just read to my daughter? I'm not sure I have the multi-focusing and multi-tasking brain skills I need for this . . .. I need another brownie!

  11. Dr says Lucy has strep. It's the first time in four & a half years that she's been REALLY sick like this. She is feeling a bit better & has started taking the prescription. She might even be able Togo over to Grandma Almond's for Wayne's bday tomorrow evening.

  12. Dr's appt today. Nancy is just 1 ounce shy of 8 pounds, which means at age 2 months she is just 5 ounces short if having doubled her weight. A big healthy girl! However, the shots she got have really hither uncomfortable and fussy tonight.

  13. Drinking the last of my 2010 bottle of Bergamot Blue. Brothers' Drake Meadery, I miss dropping by as often as I used to!

  14. Drove by the hopefully soon to be new house today after church. Let Lucy walk around the yard & then we walked to the park that's about 2 blocks/0.5 miles away. Followed by a yummy lunch at Bob Evans. Their bakery makes some really good cookies & cinamon rolls!

  15. Drove the kids to the library instead of walking. So why do my feet and legs hurt?

  16. Ed Kubisek and family -Thank you for the Christmas Little People. I have forbidden all other toys from the Livingroom & now the kids' mess can double as decorations :)

  17. Either I am fighting off Lucy's strep bug or I'm recovering from a rather long & full "fortnight" Been falling asleep on the couch all morning.

  18. Enough about being sick! Nancy has 2 top teeth coming in to match her 2 bottom teeth AND she's starting to pull herself up to "stand" :)

  19. Everyone has runny noses, but otherwise the girls seem to be OK. Wayne and I, however, are definitely NOT. Boo hiss on this nasty cold. I have too much to do to feel this lousy.

  20. Everyone is awake too early this morning. Here's hoping for a better day than yesterday. Smiles and hugs to each of you!

  21. Everyone is home!

  22. Everyone's healthy, all windows are open, the temperature outside and in is extremely pleasant, and all is well :). Best wishes to each of you

  23. Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday & the start of Lent. The year is flying by, and my 2 girls keeping getting bigger!

  24. Finally got to see Vin Diesel on the big screen! Riddick is one bad boy I can still enjoy ;)Now, a happy relaxed Momma can enjoy the rest of her evening and family time

  25. Fingers crossed - we should be moving in to the new house in 2 weeks. That's the weekend of Dec 15, if you are available and want to help organize furniture, decorate walls/rooms, move beds & whatever else we're leaving until then. Most items are being moved to the garage from storage today. I am so ready for this!
