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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Is insanely proud of herself for sewing up/fixing (Barbie) Rapunzel's dress for Lucy ;)

  2. You know you're old when: A close friend becomes an "elder" at your church (sort of like a deacon) AndYou have college classmates that are "Senior" Pastors.Yep. I'm no longer a youngster

  3. Rain & still recovering from this weekend = one sleepy lady. At least ( fingers crossed) Nancy seems to be sleeping thru the night again.

  4. Hmmmmm out of all the things on my huge to do list what should I actually attempt to do today?

  5. Anyone know of a good bakery in the Whitehall/Bexley/Reynoldsburg area? I need to pick up a pie on Friday.

  6. Hmmm, I know I have some FB friends who are knowledgable in this area: what do any of you know about Ed and Lorraine Warren?

  7. Is glad to be home, in PJ's, on the couch.

  8. Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday & the start of Lent. The year is flying by, and my 2 girls keeping getting bigger!

  9. Hmmmm knitting or reading?

  10. Actually got Lucy to preschool on time. We were the 3rd family there. I remembered snack, Mexico Week, and permission forms. I am unreasonably pleased with myself over this :)

  11. Ok - for Columbus it looks like Titan was the storm that wasn't. That second round they predicted must have gone to the south of us.

  12. So . . . Been feeling overwhelmed too often for too long. I'm remembering my pregnancies & how with each one I really felt I needed to slow down more but didn't because I knew so many people who worked full time during theirs & cleaned & cooked, etc. so I ignored my gut and told myself everyone gets tired & stressed, be a grown up & deal with it. And both times it turns out I really should have listened to my gut & slowed down. So, I've decided today to not discount my gut. I am re-eval...

  13. So, how bad will this snow storm be?

  14. So I'm pretty sure that the bad weather predicted for this weekend will result in no school on Monday. Not because of the reports I've read/seen or my trust in the weather persons, but because it is Lucy's snack day at preschool & the last 3 times she had snack (including the one for her bday) school was canceled.

  15. I love sunshine! Even with the bad start to the morning & a headache, I managed to do a good move-all-the-furniture-around-and-polish cleaning of the living room floor. Now to the girls down for naps and get a load of dishes going. Then crash/knit. (And think about whether to get back up to make dinner or not ;) )

  16. My morning so far - Everything & everyone on schedule for getting Lucy to preschool on time. Then i remember a flyer sent home that said something about Mexico Week. I find it & read that on Monday the students should dress as if going on a trip to Mexico and pack a bag/suitcase with what they need. I start digging in closets, looking for warm weather clothes & then cold weather clothes that can go on top of them. Then I help Lucy think about what to pack. Despite the fact we are now run...

  17. Spent some time watching a Bon Jovi concert (DVR) with the girls in between various Disney movies. Discovered Nancy can now climb the couch on her own - and then tries to climb over the back of it, too! (eek!) Wayne informed me that it isn't safe to leave her alone in the living room until she learns NOT to do this (same for climbing the entertainment center, putting hands all over TV, getting into whatever current knitting project I have upstairs, etc) "So this means that for the next ...

  18. Was that lightening I just saw?

  19. Didn't get up for the day until 9 Bad news - got up briefly at 7 to take meds for my aching sinusesGood(ish) news - not feeling too bad now and Nancy seems to be better enough to smile almost as much as usual

  20. Up all night with sick baby. Will be calling Nancy's Dr as soon as office opens. :(

  21. As many of you know, I love Christmas music in a wide variety of styles. This morning in church, it occurred to me that many of my favorite Christmas carols/hymns are actually Advent songs. Something about the music of waiting & hoping that seems to appeal to me.

  22. First cuppa tea is done. Time to groove!

  23. Ok - a friend gave us some evergreen branches to use as decorations. I have spent some of my free time this week looking up ideas and trying to brain storm ideas of what to do. So far, no luck. Anyone want to come over & help me do something with them?

  24. And this morning begins with a headache, followed by a preschooler who is VERY upset by the "ice day" that has canceled school. Sigh
