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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. And this morning begins with a headache, followed by a preschooler who is VERY upset by the "ice day" that has canceled school. Sigh

  2. Anxiously awaiting someone to comment on the etsy tips thread and/or about my store . . .

  3. Anyone have any recommendations for a Roofing company/person? We have a few loose shingles and some moss in one spot . . .

  4. Anyone know how long before strep would start showing up in the next person(s)?

  5. Anyone know if there's a place in the SE suburbs (Reynoldsburg, pickerington, Gahanna, Whitehall) the carries Brothers' Drake mead?

  6. Anyone know of a good bakery in the Whitehall/Bexley/Reynoldsburg area? I need to pick up a pie on Friday.

  7. Anyone know of anything other than pizza that I could order delivery for dinner? I am feeling really cruddy and don't want to cook, but my stomach couldn't handle pizza & I really don't want to go out, either

  8. Anyone know what the best way to clean & care for a wood floor? Bonus points if your method is quick and/or easy

  9. As many of you know, I love Christmas music in a wide variety of styles. This morning in church, it occurred to me that many of my favorite Christmas carols/hymns are actually Advent songs. Something about the music of waiting & hoping that seems to appeal to me.

  10. As of today, I am on maternity leave from my praise team director job. This week will be my last week of tutoring. While I enjoy both jobs (and willmiss the 2 months of paychecks!) I am so ready to have a little less on my plate. I am so sleep deprived lately, that I am having scary near misses while driving, and my feet swell (painfully) very quickly if I don't get them up (elevated, not just sitting) every hour or so. I had hoped to work longer, but I think this is for the best.

  11. Back online after a couple days away. :wave: Hope everyone is doing well!

  12. Been gone most of this week due to sick child & other complications! Apologies to those who missed me! :(

  13. Been gone most of this week due to sick child & other complications! Apologies to those who missed me! :(

  14. Big shout out and thanks to Kevin Anderson and Michelle Anderson For some really awesome baby bibs! :D and hugs!

  15. Bow Ties are cool. Knitting is cool. Therefore I am doubly cool this evening ;)

  16. Cable's not working and I can't decide what to make for dinner :P

  17. Calling all central Ohio friends!If you have kids or enjoy playing with & entertaining kids 5 and under, Lucy is asking (ever so cutely) "Can't anyone come over and play with me today?"Wayne & I have bunches of work around the house to get done; plus, apparently we just aren't as fun as someone who isn't here every day. We'd be happy to feed you lunch! :)

  18. Can I haz house, now? ?!?!? Maybe, please?

  19. Can't believe today is our 8th anniversary. How time flies! Thank You, God for my best friend and greatest blessing :)

  20. Can't get dressed because there is a sleeping baby in front of my closet.

  21. Cannot get FB to work on my computer. This morning I've got Wayne's iPod so I can check in.

  22. Cannot wait for the library database to be up and running again. Three more days of not being able to request books/movies or check my account

  23. Cheer with me everyone: I just grabbed an apple to snack on instead of chocolate!

  24. Children are wake too early & throwing the whole Sunday morning schedule off

  25. Children fed, floors cleaned, oldest daughter & self dressed. Not a bad morning. Now if only I could figure out what to do to get the floor to look as nice as it did when we moved in. Anyone know anything about polish/oil/wax for wood floors?
