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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. I HAVE A JOB!!!!!!

  2. WHy do babies grow out of clothes? I can't keep on finding room for outgrown clothing in the hopes that there will be a younger sibling to use it someday . . . .

  3. there must be some secret to this job/money thing that I never learned . . . can anyone help teach me?

  4. And now Hubs car won't start . . .

  5. Tired, but enjoying the cool breeze!

  6. last day at this job, and no other work in sight! :(

  7. please somebaody call or emial to schedule an interview!

  8. more interviews, more applications, more waiting!

  9. Interview went well . . . now the waiting!

  10. Should really find somethingproductive to do

  11. please please please let me get a good job soon . . . . . .

  12. IS tired of cleaning and job hunting.

  13. looking for lavender ice cream. Someone local MUST make/sell it . . .

  14. Wow! I has friends!

  15. What's with the Reputation 0 thing?

  16. Hello! I can't get the PM to work, but I wanted to see if the bee swarm mde it to you while the forum was down. :) Lisanut
