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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. So in about 15 minutes I am putting both girls down for afternoon nap/ quiet time. Then I will either do our city of Whitehall taxes or watch TV and knit or possibly read a fantasy adventure book. Hmmmmmm what to pick?

  2. Needs to take the whole family grocery shopping before the weather hits . . .

  3. Got too cold & wet while going for groceries. Drank some ginger tea & now going for a nap. Stay warm, dry & well, everyone!

  4. Good morning, Monday. Somehow, I wasn't expecting you quite this soon.

  5. I am the April Fools version of Scrooge. Bah humbug. I shall try to miss all the pranks from the safety of my house.

  6. Lucy's preschool had a field trip today. Wayne took the day off work & we all went to Blooms and Butterflies at Franklin Park Conservatory. We spent quite a while there & everyone was ready for a nap when we got back. A fun time for all!

  7. Had the Today Show on for over an hour so Lucy could see/hear Idina Menzel and when she finally dings its a song from her new project. :( A great song & singer but Lucy is really disappointed.

  8. Nancy has something to say:mn jmjiccccccc cnnnnnnnnn

  9. And now to bed! Good night all :)

  10. Mmmmmmm made from scratch oatmeal! I found a recipe for making it overnight in the crockpot & the house is full of happy (and healthy) campers!

  11. Time to get the family moving!

  12. Cannot wait for the library database to be up and running again. Three more days of not being able to request books/movies or check my account

  13. Laughing with Lucy as Callie's sidekicks sing "how hard can it be to knit"

  14. I just found out that Kindergarten in Whitehall is all day EVERY day. :( I did not even know this was something any district did until a month ago. I don't think Lucy is any where near to being ready for that much of a regimen & she doesn't need the extra time academically.

  15. A good day. I got some house work & Praise Team planning stuff done in the morning, then packed up the girls for a play date that ended up being mostly outdoors in this beautiful weather! Now they are both quiet in their rooms & I am watching a show about Pyramids

  16. Hello! I can't get the PM to work, but I wanted to see if the bee swarm mde it to you while the forum was down. :) Lisanut
