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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. When did I become a diabolical decanter? And how did I miss that?!

  2. When does the ne season of BBC's Sherlock begin?

  3. Why can't I just figure out what to do to make it all work!?! Why can't I make it work! :(

    1. loubric
    2. lmfaith


      Working on it . . . Thanks for the hugs!

  4. WHy do babies grow out of clothes? I can't keep on finding room for outgrown clothing in the hopes that there will be a younger sibling to use it someday . . . .

  5. Will the children sleep and let me have a blissful hour to myself?

  6. Windows open, air flowing, birds singing and I'm house-cleaning. Well, at least some of that is good! ;)

  7. Wishing for some SW action. Wonder if a fall round is happening this year?

  8. Woke up with a headache (mostly gone now). And I can't help but wonder - am I so old & lame now that I get a hangover from eating 1/2 a pint if bourbon-pecan ice cream?

  9. Wondering what sort of thought process leads to saying a phrase like "legitimate rape" even as mistake or accident.

  10. Wonders if knitting while a 1.5 year old crawls all over you is anything like knitting with a cat in the room.

  11. Working on PIF's and other packages today. Honest! I pinkie promise!

  12. Wow! I has friends!

  13. Yarn square swap! Squee!

  14. Yea me for getting more accomplished than I thought I could. Boo for summer colds hitting Nancy and me and keeping me from getting everything done that I wanted/needed to get done.

  15. Yippie! The asbestos removal is done! That means that this weekend will be busy. If you are available and interested in helping to clean/organize shelves, do some painting in the basement, move what's left if the furniture, put together a crib, etc please let me know. :-)

  16. You built your business without any help? Wow! So you didn't use anything you might have learned from a public school? Police didn't help keep the area you worked in safe from crime? You were in no way effected by laws dealing with taxes, business loans, interest rates, or other business related issues? Safe and usable roads, educated employees, the list goes on. You didn't use or need any of this? Wow! That's pretty amazing. No wonder you don't want to help fund any of those things...

  17. You know you're old when: A close friend becomes an "elder" at your church (sort of like a deacon) AndYou have college classmates that are "Senior" Pastors.Yep. I'm no longer a youngster
