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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Working on PIF's and other packages today. Honest! I pinkie promise!

  2. What evil has taken up habitation in my computer? :(

  3. Do you think I could write the final article review for my autism class on the Dora story I just read to my daughter? I'm not sure I have the multi-focusing and multi-tasking brain skills I need for this . . .. I need another brownie!

  4. I want to take a loooonnnnngggg skinny needle & poke the painful ball of (???????) in my ears and let everything drain out. Even if that includes my brains . . . .

  5. It's a slow, rainy, blah sort of day . . . .

  6. Wearing a big silly grin for no good reason!

  7. VM- Grandmother is SO MUCH YUMMY WIN!

  8. really really trying!

  9. Things have been sloooowwwwww lately . . . .

  10. Got a package yesterday afternoon & can't decide what to wear today . . .. ..

  11. OOOOO I'm trying something new!

  12. Had a weird dream about Bpal last night. I was at a WIll Call (I assume, since I've never been to one) trying to figure out how many bottles I could afford. Friends who have nothing to do with bpal were there, and even had scents in their honor . . . .

  13. Just realized I've been typing DH instead of DD for 2 days now. I guess I'm not as caught up on sleep as I thought.

  14. HOme again Home again jig ajig jig

  15. FOrgot there was no mail service in the US yesterday. GOt some goodies out in the post today.

  16. I just want to say HUGS to all my friends :)

  17. My Dad is "famous" lol!

  18. Waking up & getting back in gear for the New Year. Happy 2011 everyone - I hope it's better for all of us than 2010!

  19. Urg! I was hacked! Passwords all changed - hopefully no-one messed with my bpal stuff!

  20. When did I become a diabolical decanter? And how did I miss that?!

  21. I'm thinking of that scene from "White Christmas" Where Bing gets off the phone after getting the cost for all their cast to come & rehearse at the Hotel over the holidays. "Ouch!" "Ouch?!" says Danny, "How Ouch?!" "Oh, somewhere between 'Yikes' and 'ding'"

  22. hmmmmm how do I get notifications of new posts on a thread nowadays? I am confused by the "new" set up

  23. mmmmmmmm Miskatonic U - proof that LE's aren't the only awesomeness available!
