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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Urg! I was hacked! Passwords all changed - hopefully no-one messed with my bpal stuff!

  2. VM- Grandmother is SO MUCH YUMMY WIN!

  3. Wait, what - it's July? When did that happen? Sigh. Kevin Anderson And Michelle Anderson Bday gifts are going to be late again.

  4. Waiting for the caffeine to kick in. I have big plans for whipping the kitchen into shape today. I do wish I had a house elf or two to get things started while I finish waking up, though. :)

  5. Waking up & getting back in gear for the New Year. Happy 2011 everyone - I hope it's better for all of us than 2010!

  6. Want some free stuff from thirty one? Visit mythirtyone.com/torimichal for an awesome give away - by some stuff & get a bunch more free! And please tell her I sent you ;-)

  7. Was that lightening I just saw?

  8. Was trying to sleep, but it just wasn't happenIng. So now I am trying to figure out what to do when and if there is any hope of not ending the new week even further behind on "everything" than I started it.

  9. Watched Dumbo with the family tonight. Lucy was entranced

  10. Watching Ghost Hunters, drinking some hard cider and eating dark chocolate! I am feeling good right now :)

  11. Watching Nancy try to stay awake long enough to eat lunch. Poor munchkin has not been sleeping well for over a week now. We suspect a molar is coming in.

  12. Way way way too tired. Not enough sleep + praise team + emotional morning followed by intensive grocery shopping trip, followed by putting groceries away and getting everyone lunch = me wondering if I can take a nap before we go tell Mum Almond "happy birthday"

  13. Wayne (on the phone with a friend who has neither cable (BBC America) noe Facebook:"Would you believe me if I said it was a woman?"I didn't hear the response, but I'm pretty sure that "the guys" are one group that would NOT have been ready for such a switch . . . .

  14. Wayne made it to work today & the girls both seem fine. I'm coughing and tired, but feeling better than I have in days. Now I need to take it easy so I don't get worse again.

  15. Wayne threw out my switch witch gift!!!!! Argh!!!!

  16. Wayne, Dad & Mom are all starting the day over at the new house, painting, etc. I'm on diaper & feeding duty at the current residence. Got 5ish hours of un-interrupted sleep last night and a couple of cat naps in the pre-midnght hours. The grey, rainy weather is not helping me feel motivated. OK, I think that's all the news here . . .

  17. WE FOUND A HOUSE! I'm not gonna bother posting a link, because there is only one picture and it has to be the least flattering angle they could have picked. It's in an older, stable neighborhood, is about the size of my parents' house but with a basement. It was very well made (back in the 60's) and well maintained. It's priced VERY low, making it possible for us to afford both a 20% down payment and still have money for repairs, furniture, etc. We'll be making an offer today!

  18. Wearing a big silly grin for no good reason!

  19. Well, FB and my computer are not playing nicely together any more. Over the past week I've tried everything I could think of. I can either use Wayne's iPod or my parents' computer, which is part of why I haven't had much luck posting pix of the house. We'll see what Wayne & I can work out over the weekend.

  20. Well, it looks like we will be moving on Saturday! So anyone who's available &interested in helping with moving, cleaning, organizing, etc anytime Thursday - Saturday, please let me know!

  21. Well, the c-section has been officially moved from early AM of Oct 29 to today. Most likely will occur sometime after 5 PM. All is expected to go well, although little Almond probably won't be coming home for 2 weeks, more or less

  22. What a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning!

  23. What a gorgeous day! We played in the backyard, and now the girls are napping. Meanwhile, I have doors and windows open and a about to knit while watching some "paranormal" TV. :)

  24. What evil has taken up habitation in my computer? :(

  25. What's with the Reputation 0 thing?
