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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Time to get the family moving!

  2. Tired, but enjoying the cool breeze!

  3. To buy more yarn, or to behave sanely when I have a tight budget and tons of yarn already?

  4. Today feels like it would be a great lazy, low key Saturday spent with the family. But I will never know for sure, since Wayne and I both have tons of things to do ;)

  5. Today I am so thankful for so many things, but especially for my wonderful husband who took the morning Nancy call & let me sleep in almost a whole extra hour :D

  6. Today is a good day. Several "small" things have been accomplished, the Dr gave me a clean bill of health, and Nancy's Dr says she will probably be coming home "soon."

  7. Today Show just had a clip (from UTube?) of a baby crying. The father sets an IPod/MP3 player down next to the kid. As the first notes of the Star Wars theme play, the baby calms right down. Total win!

  8. Today we finish destroying - I mean making child-safe - the living room! **cue ominous chord progression on the pipe organ**

  9. Today, each of you is on my list of things I am thankful for. Wishing all of you a happy Thanksgiving (or a happy, thankful day for my international friends.)

  10. Today's goals include "finishing" the laundry (if only it were ever really finished), catching up on dishes, and paying bills. Oh and trying to keep ALL the kids (including the very tall one) happy

  11. Today's goals: clean bathroom, wash clothes until the dirty laundry pile is shorter than Lucy is tall, and make a meatloaf for dinner.

  12. Tomorrow's plans: care for children and vacuum floors in the morning. Take girls out for ice cream & park time in the afternoon (with a stop at the post office).

  13. Tonight the girls are taking turns having screaming crying fits. At least they are taking turns. I'm about to take MY turn at screaming though. Oddly enough it was a really good day up until nap time (they didn't) We went to the Disney store as a reward for Lucy for going FOUR WHOLE WEEKS without an accident. Much fun was had by all until the two tired & over-excited girls did not nap. Which was then followed by going to the viewing/funeral for our friend, Mary. And then by screaming g...

  14. Too much to do - cant fall asleep. No doubt I will be struggling to stay awake in the dentist's chair later this morning!

  15. Trying to figure out if we are going to the pumpkin patch today. Lucy's preschool is supposed to go, but it is supposed to be 37 F and rainy until the time the tour would be amost over. There is actually some snow to the west of us. And Nancy is having some (minor) health issues. :(

  16. Trying to get much stuff done.

  17. Trying to get self and the 2 girls ready to go over to the house so I can get some work done!

  18. Trying to get stuff done today. Currently listening to Eva Cassidy while taking a break from organizing my crafting space. Later will be setting up my new (thirty one!) wall organizer in an attempt to keep the kitchen table clear enough to eat on and not lose track of important bills & such things.

  19. Trying to out wait the screaming baby that needs to fall asleep.

  20. Trying to plan out the day's activities. Looks like library, shopping, and home-related phone calls. Just need to keep my feet from swelling while out and about.

  21. Trying to plan trick or treat when we've got half a costume and the weather is downright cold. I think I've got it figured out.

  22. Trying to salvage the next 2days and squeeze a little lemonade out of these lemons.

  23. Trying to wake up. The whole 2-4 hours of sleep (plus occasional cat-naps) each night is really starting to take its toll. I'm now falling asleep while feeding Nancy.

  24. Up all night with sick baby. Will be calling Nancy's Dr as soon as office opens. :(

  25. Up and moving before 6:30 and not miserable from it. A good start to the morning.
