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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. staying up late to get way too many things done

  2. Still waiting on pins and needles to hear the response to our request to remedy for the house. Also trying to organize all the paperwork needed for the loan to go through. I hate paperwork and organizing and the combo of pregnancy hormones and lack of sleep is making it very difficult to get things done. I just hope everything works out in the end!

  3. Stressed out + keyed up + pregnant & in the last trimester= lots of trouble sleeping. Oh well.

  4. Suddenly, the exhaustion from the past several sleepless/almost sleepless nights is hitting me. Must. Keep. Eyes. Open.

  5. Summer cold has the whole household down for the count. :-/

  6. Sweater weather today!

  7. Switch Witch? Did I hear SWITCH WITCH?!?!?!?!?!

  8. Switch Witch? Did I hear SWITCH WITCH?!?!?!?!?!

  9. Taking everyone over to the new house to look & plan what needs to be done before the move.

  10. Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes! I had a great day and I feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family!

  11. That horrifying moment when you realize that you haven't really started on the " perfect Christmas gifts for everyone" and it's Thanksgiving week. I was supposed to get a good start on them during the month before the baby was born. And then she came 6 weeks early.

  12. The girls are very attached to mommy today. It's a good thing my biggest plans for the day were errands, cuz I don't think I'll get much done that doesn't involve them.

  13. The kids and I are getting a bit of a late start today, and I'm trying to decide what from the impossibly long list I will actually do today.

  14. The latest on the asbestos removal: they will be working at our house the 20 - 22. Not sure yet when we might move.

  15. The mystery of the vanishing baby bottles continues. We started with 10 bottles (they come in packages of 5). A couple of weeks ago there were 8. Now I can only find 6! This is more than a little frustrating, but at least we are in the process of phasing out bottles over the next month or two.

  16. The sinus crud has hit our family. :(

  17. the tile in the basement is asbestos (but the adhesive is not!) It will take 2 -3 weeks to get it taken care of, so the move in day is now going to be sometime in December. My curren goal is to be living in the new house by Dec 15. Here's hoping! This obviously affect the "open house" next weekend and my ability to start tutoring again. Please contact me (via phone) if you were/are coming to the baptismopen house a week from Sunday.

  18. There is a bit of a sibling challenge going on in our living room. Lucy sets up her ponies to play in one place, and Nancy eagerly follows and starts grabbing for them. Then Lucy takes the ponies to a different couch/chair/table determined to get out of Nancy's reach only to have Nancy follow again. It's been repeating with slight variations for almost 20 minutes now, because Lucy doesn't want to play alone in her room.

  19. There is an inverse relationship between the amount of sleep I get and the amount of food (esp anything chocolate) I eat. I really need Munchkin to start sleeping for more than 2 hours at a time before I outgrow all my pants.

  20. there must be some secret to this job/money thing that I never learned . . . can anyone help teach me?

  21. They accepted the offer! Now on to the home inspection!

  22. Things have been sloooowwwwww lately . . . .

  23. Thought I was sleeping, waking briefly, sleeping more. Except when I look at the clock, I realize t must be cat-napping instead of actually sleeping. Trying to figure out how to get myself to sleep deeper and longer in between waking.

  24. Thought we were all getting better from the sinus crud. Then I woke up this morning feeling as if someone stuck a match down my throat and lit it. Lucy wakes up and can barely speak. Nancy feels warm and has a nose that just keeps on running. Here's hoping everyone is better in time for tomorrow's preschool party and trick or treating the following night!

  25. Time for the first cup of tea and to start cleaning the kitchen!
