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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Today Show just had a clip (from UTube?) of a baby crying. The father sets an IPod/MP3 player down next to the kid. As the first notes of the Star Wars theme play, the baby calms right down. Total win!

  2. Nancy and I continue to improve. But I overdid a bit and an exhausted. Got some quality time with both my girls, not enough time, but it was still good time.

  3. Ok-who knows the name of that great desert place in/near German village? Pastia verra or something like that?

  4. Thought I was sleeping, waking briefly, sleeping more. Except when I look at the clock, I realize t must be cat-napping instead of actually sleeping. Trying to figure out how to get myself to sleep deeper and longer in between waking.

  5. Nancy is 4 pounds & 2 oz, 17inches and is doing well for being so early. Wayne & my parents got to see her, but I am on bed rest until tomorrow evening.

  6. Nancy J Almond was born at 3:36 this afternoon. So far we both seem to be doing well. Waiting to hear details from the NICU/preemie people.

  7. Well, the c-section has been officially moved from early AM of Oct 29 to today. Most likely will occur sometime after 5 PM. All is expected to go well, although little Almond probably won't be coming home for 2 weeks, more or less

  8. All right. Yes, I have almost all the symptoms of preeclampsia. The baby continues to look healthy. I'm here at the hospital for 24 hours of observation & monitoring. Then they will decide if I go home (and probably on bed rest) or stay longer, or possibly even an early C-section.

  9. Hello everyone! I am currently at the hospital for testing. My blood pressure and protein levels were/are high. I'm still over a month early, so they want to double check everything before deciding what to do next. Please pass this along to BPALers and church prayer chains. I'll try to check in and keep you informed.

  10. Hey - central OH people! Anyone know of a good locksmith? I'd like to get an appt set to change all the locks ASAP after closing. Thanks!

  11. Mmmm vanilla roobois tea, figured out how to get my feet somewhat elevated, chicken spinach wrap, and a few moments of peace at Starbucks. Dr's appt after lunch (OB/GYN). And the countdown to closing is at 8.5 days.

  12. Just found out that the loan is moving at a good pace, and that the paperwork I thought I needed to track down won't be needed after all! Whew! That's a lot less work for the rest of my week and good news for making the original closing date of Sept 28 - that's a week from Friday!

  13. Ok. Got Lucy to preschool w/I any near-accidents, although we were 15-20 min late. Now I am at Starbucks, pretending that my tea has caffeine, catching up on email, figuring out what phone calls I need to make, and hopefully some knitting before it is time to pick up Lucy again.

  14. A tired start to a new day. Here's hoping & praying for safe driving and being able to get lots of work done!

  15. As of today, I am on maternity leave from my praise team director job. This week will be my last week of tutoring. While I enjoy both jobs (and willmiss the 2 months of paychecks!) I am so ready to have a little less on my plate. I am so sleep deprived lately, that I am having scary near misses while driving, and my feet swell (painfully) very quickly if I don't get them up (elevated, not just sitting) every hour or so. I had hoped to work longer, but I think this is for the best.

  16. Plans for today: deal with some banking issues, wet block & photograph some new items for the store and sort/put away clothes. And nap, since I really couldn't sleep for a good chunk of the night. Tomorrow is getting up early for praise team, more photos, and getting some fall clothes (me) and baby clothes out of the storage unit. OH and I need to call Kevin

  17. Long day. Yippee for getting things accomplished. Now if only I could get in & out of the recliner w/o loosing my breath and my feet & legs weren't painfully swollen. Oh well, hopefully some sleep will help that problem

  18. Good morning world! Planning on delivering the loan app this morning :-)

  19. lots of phone calls & house related things to deal with today, all while homeschooling Jon (went pretty well today) trying to get some basic housework done and taking care of Lucy. Despite trying to get my feet up often, they are still swollen and hurting. I'm about to look at my to-do list from the past several day and find out what's done & what still needs doing. SIGH I'm so ready for a lowering of the frustration levels, but at least everything is moving forward if slowly.

  20. So we have the official loan request forms to sign. We're supposed to sign them tonight and overnight them tomorrow. Instead Wayne is reading every single word, complaining about anything that he doesn't understand, and driving me nuts with questions ("you have how many credit cards? Why does it say I've worked at Huntington for 3/7 years? What's thi phone number for?") and refusing to sign anything. Apparently I get to call tomorrow and read off his list of Q's and write down the answer...

  21. OK - I don't know the particulars in the the Chicago teacher's strike, but after hearing a number of peoples' comments about teachers in general there are a few things I just need to say.I don't know any teacher who only works 5.5 hours in a day. They spend 6-8 hours at school and then come home to finish grading papers, making lesson plans and shop for school supplies WITH THEIR OWN MONEY. They usually spend significant time on the weekend doing those things as well. I don't know any ...

  22. Ok, got in a nap and a few short but Important items from the todo list. Yea me! Now off to check in at Bpal/GUSP

  23. Was trying to sleep, but it just wasn't happenIng. So now I am trying to figure out what to do when and if there is any hope of not ending the new week even further behind on "everything" than I started it.

  24. Is so happy for weather that is cool enough for me to comfortably wear jeans!

  25. I am so tired and in so much pain and so stressed about everything I need to do for the home loan and it feels like all anyone has said to me for the last to days has been complaints about what isn't done and doom and gloom about what won't work. Ok. I guess I'm done whining for now.
