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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. So far no one has any fever, so I think I am just tired out from too much activity the past 2 weeks. Jane Lm Kuberski & Mike Kuberski, we should be OK for the kids tomorrow. If anything changes, I'll call ASAP.

  2. So I dd a quick bank run and then dropped by the Whitehall Food Truck and Fun Festival to pick up some lunch & bring it home for all the people who staid dry . . . Pitabilities gyros YUM and hopefully things will dry out enough by dinner time for everyone to walk over. There are even some farm animals for Lucy to see & pet.

  3. So I just found out that at some point this morning, Whitehall has changed Begger's Night/trick or treat to Saturday. Somehow I have to figure out how to explain this to Lucy w/o dealing with a very upset 4.5 year old. This after just getting bleach all over the floor and my only pair of comfy & (formerly) decent looking shoes which was quickly followed by me breaking the washing machine. Halloween 2013 - I am very tired of tricks now. Is there any possibility of some treats?

  4. So I spent maybe 1/3 of last night sleeping in bed, being woken up by baby coughing. The rest of the night - and the full 2 previous nights - I was on the couch with Nancy, trying to help her sleep. I'm not sure I'm ready for Monday.

  5. So I'm pretty sure that the bad weather predicted for this weekend will result in no school on Monday. Not because of the reports I've read/seen or my trust in the weather persons, but because it is Lucy's snack day at preschool & the last 3 times she had snack (including the one for her bday) school was canceled.

  6. So in about 15 minutes I am putting both girls down for afternoon nap/ quiet time. Then I will either do our city of Whitehall taxes or watch TV and knit or possibly read a fantasy adventure book. Hmmmmmm what to pick?

  7. So Lucy is dressed like a fairy queen, Nancy is a black cat & I'm a blue witch. Trick or treating was delayed until tonight. It's a bit cold, but everything is going well!

  8. So Lucy is now off with the Grandparents for what will hopefully be a fun night for all.

  9. So Nancy woke up at 12:30/1 AM. I got her to go back to sleep. Up again around 3/3:30. NOTHING was going to get her back to sleep. I sang to her, rocked her, fed her, begged her until a little after 5, when she made it very obvious that she wanted to get down and play. She's still going strong. Me, not so much. Lucy's got preschool this morning & I've got a Dr's appt . Something tells me that after lunch, I will be half asleep on the couch while the two of them play & watch TV.

  10. So our bird, Wash, has gone on to become a leaf in the wind

  11. So our Green-bean delivery came On a different day than normal because of Thanksgiving. I forgot this & didn't have the empty bins out, which will likely cost me a small fee. Then, as I am unpacking the order, I discover that instead of the Snowville Gingimon and Vanilla yogurts, I have a plain yogurt and a sour cream. I called & they are refunding me & giving me an additional credit for the mistake. But now I have high quality, organic, local Snowville yogurt and sour cream that I normal...

  12. So so so so tired, but no time to sleep now - it's time for another feeding. I'll go to bed after

  13. So the grand effort to make everything child safe is under way. While Wayne, my Dad, Karl & Derick worked on that, mom & I took care of the girls, organized my books, organized the girls' closets/dressers, did laundry, and cleaned off a hand-me-down water table. It's been a busy day! Now Mom & Dad are back home & Wayne and the guys are out shopping for parts. Pizza is on the way.

  14. So the move is now scheduled for the weekend befor Christmas.

  15. So very tired this morning. I'm not sure there is enough caffeine in all the world . . . .

  16. So we FINALLY have an sppt to look at houses! It took until Tuesday of next week to get everyone's schedule to work, but at least we are getting out there again.

  17. So we have the official loan request forms to sign. We're supposed to sign them tonight and overnight them tomorrow. Instead Wayne is reading every single word, complaining about anything that he doesn't understand, and driving me nuts with questions ("you have how many credit cards? Why does it say I've worked at Huntington for 3/7 years? What's thi phone number for?") and refusing to sign anything. Apparently I get to call tomorrow and read off his list of Q's and write down the answer...

  18. So, how bad will this snow storm be?

  19. So, spent most of today either caring for & playing with my daughters or doing SW stuff on the computer . . .

  20. Sooooo. . . Today - do I do productive and house related things, or keep my feet up in an attempt to avoid painful swelling and knit and nap while Licy plays?

  21. Spent some time watching a Bon Jovi concert (DVR) with the girls in between various Disney movies. Discovered Nancy can now climb the couch on her own - and then tries to climb over the back of it, too! (eek!) Wayne informed me that it isn't safe to leave her alone in the living room until she learns NOT to do this (same for climbing the entertainment center, putting hands all over TV, getting into whatever current knitting project I have upstairs, etc) "So this means that for the next ...

  22. Spent time at the new house today picking paint colors & answering all the Q's that everyone seems to think only I can answer. Lots of work done, much much more yet to go. One or more person(s) will be there on Monday, Thursday, and Friday this week.

  23. Sprawled on the couch, iPod touch in my hands, fussy-but-falling-asleep baby on my chest.

  24. Stay safe everyone who is in Sandy's path!
