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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. please please please let me get a good job soon . . . . . .

  2. please somebaody call or emial to schedule an interview!

  3. Portions of the household are getting ready for a long day spent mostly in the car. Looking forward to seeing some family!

  4. prayers & good thoughts for my Dad, please. He got extrememly dizzy while at work this morning - to the point where he couldn't stand. When he tried to eat something, he began to vomit. He is now at the hospital (mom is with him) and the Dr's are running tests to figure out what is going on.

  5. Prayers for the family (and friends) of Mary Reeves. She died last night. It's still hard to take in.

  6. Pretty sure Nancy has been working on a molar or two. Now the poor thing has a major case of very painful rash. Poor thing is sleeping even less and crying even more. As for me, I think I can sort of remember what sleep is

  7. Quick update - Dad will probably be home tonight and Nancy is most likely coming home tomorrow. Tests have ruled out all of the worst possibilities for Dad, but we still don't know what actually happened.

  8. Rain & still recovering from this weekend = one sleepy lady. At least ( fingers crossed) Nancy seems to be sleeping thru the night again.

  9. Really really really needs more sleep. Like at least a week of 9-12 hrs a day. Thinking and moving are difficult

  10. really really trying!

  11. Really wants the Labyrinth soundtrack to play for Halloween all of a sudden

  12. Really wishes there was still a Sea World in Aroura, OH. I have such great memories if going and I really wish I could take Lucy to a Sea a world. She'd live it so much!

  13. Seriously needs to come up with a decent write-in candidate for Nov

  14. Should really find somethingproductive to do

  15. Slept in late, then took the girls to the park. Now we are watching Charlie and Lola while eating lunch. I haven't got any house work done, but I refuse to feel guilty. It's been a glorious day so far!

  16. Snow - real measurable snow - already!? Wow, this is early. Hope that means we'll get a white Christmas. It's been several years since the last one.

  17. Snowpocalypse is coming

  18. So - what if I nap & knit all day, then do laundry & dishes all night. That sounds like a doable, reasonable plan, right?

  19. So . . . Been feeling overwhelmed too often for too long. I'm remembering my pregnancies & how with each one I really felt I needed to slow down more but didn't because I knew so many people who worked full time during theirs & cleaned & cooked, etc. so I ignored my gut and told myself everyone gets tired & stressed, be a grown up & deal with it. And both times it turns out I really should have listened to my gut & slowed down. So, I've decided today to not discount my gut. I am re-eval...

  20. So Cheerios has free comics in some of there boxes. I just read one to Lucy before her "quiet time." Now I hear "Curse you, Justice League!" Echoing from her bedroom

  21. So despite all the scheduling snafus, the party/open house went well. Tired, but happy & getting the girls to bed. Hey, Melanie Gilbert - does Dr Bob have a website?Good night world!

  22. So due to a combination of sinus issues and teething, Nancy is not sleeping very well. Which means I am not sleeping well. This has been going in for a few weeks now, and I'm starting to crash HARD by lunchtime which means the house is a disaster area, dinner delivery is WAY over budget, Christmas gifts might be done by Easter, and I am constantly fuzzy headed and grumpy (and yes, that is a change from the norm). Anyone have any suggestions?
