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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Not very happy that the dinner I ordered (delivery) has not shown up (almost an hour past time) no one has called me, and when I try to call, their phone system hangs up on me! I guess I am going to go dig thru our leftovers to try to cobble together something for my poor, sick family to eat

  2. Oh Mister Post Man :whistle: Hello! Are you doing your job? :poke: I is getting anxious that IT hasn't arrived at the destination yet!

  3. Oh no! I promised Lucy that this upgrade in cable would mean she would get to watch Jane & the Dragon. Now I realize that the station for that is NOT sprout (which we now have) but Quobo (sp?) which Insight doesn't even offer! :(This is going to turn into a very bad day when she finds out!

  4. Ok - a friend gave us some evergreen branches to use as decorations. I have spent some of my free time this week looking up ideas and trying to brain storm ideas of what to do. So far, no luck. Anyone want to come over & help me do something with them?

  5. Ok - for Columbus it looks like Titan was the storm that wasn't. That second round they predicted must have gone to the south of us.

  6. OK - found an awesome picture comparing River Song to Ms Frizzle from The Magic School Bus, but now cannot get it to post on FB. AHHHG! Well, I now want the full Magic School Bus series in books and DVD for my children LOL (I was already a fan & Lucy does like them)

  7. Ok - gonna catch up on SW stuff today - really and truly!

  8. Ok - I can't decide if I want to know what Toronto's mayor actually said or not (but I'm leaning toward not). Apparently he said something during a live interview/press conference that was so raunchy they can't even allude to the subject matter on morning TV. Toronto, I feel so sorry for you. I hope you can get rid of him & move on soon!

  9. OK - I don't know the particulars in the the Chicago teacher's strike, but after hearing a number of peoples' comments about teachers in general there are a few things I just need to say.I don't know any teacher who only works 5.5 hours in a day. They spend 6-8 hours at school and then come home to finish grading papers, making lesson plans and shop for school supplies WITH THEIR OWN MONEY. They usually spend significant time on the weekend doing those things as well. I don't know any ...

  10. Ok - in the last 2 weeks I've had 2 friends have sales of Thirty-One stuff, emails advertising awesome deals at ToysRUs and JoAnn's, and have received catalogs from Knitpicks, Blue Canoe, Mary Maxim, Seventh Avenue, and THREE different catalogs from Annie's crafts. And I'm out of my mood regulating meds. Someone must want my family to eat beans and Ramon noodles from now until Thanksgiving. Maybe even Christmas.

  11. Ok - looking for some reccomendations for hard cider. I'd like something that tastes more like cider than beer. Thoughts?

  12. OK - my 2 cents worth on the Zimmerman trial - the police should have done a full investigation from the start. Yes he had bruises, etc and claimed self-defense, but a person was dead & so they needed to look for and evaluate all the evidence to make sure that it was, indeed, self-defense. A whole lot of fuss & bruhaha could have been avoided that way. If I were part of the kid's family, I'd be pretty darn upset with the police department for deciding far too quickly and easily that the kil...

  13. Ok - Tori Michel (Zach) and anyone else who was wondering about Christmas/Birthday ideas for the girls, they each have a wishlist under their own name at Toys R Us. These lists are just for giving good ideas. You can get these items (or similar ones) from any store and even gently used is OK. And BOOKS, of course, are always a winning idea, but I ran out of time to add some. Kevin Anderson,

  14. Ok-who knows the name of that great desert place in/near German village? Pastia verra or something like that?

  15. Ok, got in a nap and a few short but Important items from the todo list. Yea me! Now off to check in at Bpal/GUSP

  16. Ok, I may not have a house elf to start my cleaning for me, but apparently I do have a bottle eating/collecting gremlin of some sort. I know we have 10 baby bottles. There are five in the dishwasher and one in the shelf. I cannot find any "forgotten" in the diaper bag nor any place else. Meanwhile I can find enough caps, etc for eight bottles. I am perplexed.

  17. OK, this is taking TOO long & Lucy needs her nap soon. Maybe tomorrow I can post pix of the basement. It's divided into 3 parts - the completely unfinished laundry & storage area, and 2 "semi-finished" areas that were painted and tiled, one of which has an awesome workbench and a door & so will probably become Wayne's "man-cave" where he can keep whatever he wants and I don't have to deal with it LOL!

  18. Ok. Got Lucy to preschool w/I any near-accidents, although we were 15-20 min late. Now I am at Starbucks, pretending that my tea has caffeine, catching up on email, figuring out what phone calls I need to make, and hopefully some knitting before it is time to pick up Lucy again.

  19. On our way home after a pleasant but too short visit with family. Didn't get to see near as many people as I'd like, but it was good to see those we did. Tired now

  20. OOOOO I'm trying something new!

  21. Our basement tile is being tested for asbestos. This could push the move date back and cost us a bundle.

  22. Our water has been smelling funny all morning. I'm wondering if I need to boil it? Is there something wrong with our pipes? How do I figure out if this is serious or not?

  23. Peed on a stick & saw 2 blue lines :)

    1. Ladymia69


      OHMIGOD!!!! Congrats!!!

    2. lmfaith
  24. Plans for today include cleaning and knitting and playing with daughter . . . . .

  25. Plans for today: deal with some banking issues, wet block & photograph some new items for the store and sort/put away clothes. And nap, since I really couldn't sleep for a good chunk of the night. Tomorrow is getting up early for praise team, more photos, and getting some fall clothes (me) and baby clothes out of the storage unit. OH and I need to call Kevin
