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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Must go do laundry. And knit. should probably clean kitchen floor and cook dinner, too

  2. Hot day for a walk to the library but we made it, and back home again. Fast forward a couple hours and now weare watching Nancy move around. She takes advantage of the wood floors and uses her hands to pull/slide forward in her chosen direction. Still slow enough for me to keep her out of trouble, but getting faster every day!

  3. So, spent most of today either caring for & playing with my daughters or doing SW stuff on the computer . . .

  4. Yea me for getting more accomplished than I thought I could. Boo for summer colds hitting Nancy and me and keeping me from getting everything done that I wanted/needed to get done.

  5. So the grand effort to make everything child safe is under way. While Wayne, my Dad, Karl & Derick worked on that, mom & I took care of the girls, organized my books, organized the girls' closets/dressers, did laundry, and cleaned off a hand-me-down water table. It's been a busy day! Now Mom & Dad are back home & Wayne and the guys are out shopping for parts. Pizza is on the way.

  6. Summer cold has the whole household down for the count. :-/

  7. Everyone has runny noses, but otherwise the girls seem to be OK. Wayne and I, however, are definitely NOT. Boo hiss on this nasty cold. I have too much to do to feel this lousy.

  8. Wayne made it to work today & the girls both seem fine. I'm coughing and tired, but feeling better than I have in days. Now I need to take it easy so I don't get worse again.

  9. Enough about being sick! Nancy has 2 top teeth coming in to match her 2 bottom teeth AND she's starting to pull herself up to "stand" :)

  10. Wait, what - it's July? When did that happen? Sigh. Kevin Anderson And Michelle Anderson Bday gifts are going to be late again.

  11. Hiding in the bedroom while Wayne deals with the kids. Perhaps it's time for a good dose of caffeine to get me up & happy & ready for action?

  12. Today we finish destroying - I mean making child-safe - the living room! **cue ominous chord progression on the pipe organ**

  13. Can't believe today is our 8th anniversary. How time flies! Thank You, God for my best friend and greatest blessing :)

  14. staying up late to get way too many things done

  15. Too much to do - cant fall asleep. No doubt I will be struggling to stay awake in the dentist's chair later this morning!

  16. Dentist appt's and lots if errands- now both girls are napping and I'm thinking that's the right idea!

  17. Cable's not working and I can't decide what to make for dinner :P

  18. OK - my 2 cents worth on the Zimmerman trial - the police should have done a full investigation from the start. Yes he had bruises, etc and claimed self-defense, but a person was dead & so they needed to look for and evaluate all the evidence to make sure that it was, indeed, self-defense. A whole lot of fuss & bruhaha could have been avoided that way. If I were part of the kid's family, I'd be pretty darn upset with the police department for deciding far too quickly and easily that the kil...

  19. Lucy is informing me of how things work in LucyLand. There are lions there, and everything starts with the letter "L"

  20. OK - found an awesome picture comparing River Song to Ms Frizzle from The Magic School Bus, but now cannot get it to post on FB. AHHHG! Well, I now want the full Magic School Bus series in books and DVD for my children LOL (I was already a fan & Lucy does like them)

  21. Lucy is sick :( Any advice from other Moms on dealing with vomiting?

  22. Lucy's fever is back up :( 103

  23. Lucy woke up with 101.3 temp. Are some applesauce, drank juice, watched an hour of TV and it was at 104.5. We have a Dr's appt at noon. :(

  24. Dr says Lucy has strep. It's the first time in four & a half years that she's been REALLY sick like this. She is feeling a bit better & has started taking the prescription. She might even be able Togo over to Grandma Almond's for Wayne's bday tomorrow evening.

  25. Anyone know how long before strep would start showing up in the next person(s)?
