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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. mmmmmmmm Miskatonic U - proof that LE's aren't the only awesomeness available!

  2. Mom and Wayne are working at the house today while I try to keep up with our two girls. Is it nap time yet?

  3. More hugs, less talking

  4. more interviews, more applications, more waiting!

  5. Morning update - I think we managed to discourage the ants that were wondering about yesterday. I'll actually finish scrubbing and vacuuming this morning. Coughing even after a cough drop :-p And trying to catch news updates online without Lucy seeing people w/guns, etc.

  6. Must go do laundry. And knit. should probably clean kitchen floor and cook dinner, too

  7. My Dad is "famous" lol!

  8. My morning so far - Everything & everyone on schedule for getting Lucy to preschool on time. Then i remember a flyer sent home that said something about Mexico Week. I find it & read that on Monday the students should dress as if going on a trip to Mexico and pack a bag/suitcase with what they need. I start digging in closets, looking for warm weather clothes & then cold weather clothes that can go on top of them. Then I help Lucy think about what to pack. Despite the fact we are now run...

  9. Nancy and I continue to improve. But I overdid a bit and an exhausted. Got some quality time with both my girls, not enough time, but it was still good time.

  10. Nancy has something to say:mn jmjiccccccc cnnnnnnnnn

  11. Nancy is 4 pounds & 2 oz, 17inches and is doing well for being so early. Wayne & my parents got to see her, but I am on bed rest until tomorrow evening.

  12. Nancy is down for her morning nap, Lucy and Jon are playing downstairs. I am upstairs, on the couch, with tea and jazz (and knitting nearby). I may still be exhausted, but my perspective in life is improving.

  13. Nancy is getting tooth #5 :)I am getting short naps throughout the night in between her interruptions :P

  14. Nancy is turning into a crawling climbing fiend!

  15. Nancy J Almond was born at 3:36 this afternoon. So far we both seem to be doing well. Waiting to hear details from the NICU/preemie people.

  16. Nancy may be coming home this evening!

  17. Nancy weighed in at 5.12 lbs today!

  18. Nancy woke up at midnight and would not go back to sleep (and stay asleep) until around 4:30. :(

  19. Nancy's teething reached an all time high last night. I spent more time on the couch with a crying baby than I did in bed. :(

  20. Needs to go to bed now

  21. needs to set up the sewing machine. i may have a commission to work on!

  22. Needs to take the whole family grocery shopping before the weather hits . . .

  23. Nervous and not sure what to do. Could use some prayers & positive thoughts right now!

  24. Not enough sleep, but up and moving for Nancy's baptism today. Getting everyone to a 9 am service on time is something of a Herculian challenge these days.

  25. Not having a good Saturday morning.
