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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith

  1. Why can't I just figure out what to do to make it all work!?! Why can't I make it work! :(

    1. loubric
    2. lmfaith


      Working on it . . . Thanks for the hugs!

  2. Peed on a stick & saw 2 blue lines :)

    1. Ladymia69


      OHMIGOD!!!! Congrats!!!

    2. lmfaith
  3. What's with the Reputation 0 thing?

  4. Wow! I has friends!

  5. looking for lavender ice cream. Someone local MUST make/sell it . . .

  6. IS tired of cleaning and job hunting.

  7. please please please let me get a good job soon . . . . . .

  8. Should really find somethingproductive to do

  9. Interview went well . . . now the waiting!

  10. more interviews, more applications, more waiting!

  11. please somebaody call or emial to schedule an interview!

  12. last day at this job, and no other work in sight! :(

  13. Tired, but enjoying the cool breeze!

  14. And now Hubs car won't start . . .

  15. there must be some secret to this job/money thing that I never learned . . . can anyone help teach me?

  16. WHy do babies grow out of clothes? I can't keep on finding room for outgrown clothing in the hopes that there will be a younger sibling to use it someday . . . .

  17. I HAVE A JOB!!!!!!

  18. mmmmmmmm Miskatonic U - proof that LE's aren't the only awesomeness available!

  19. hmmmmm how do I get notifications of new posts on a thread nowadays? I am confused by the "new" set up

  20. I'm thinking of that scene from "White Christmas" Where Bing gets off the phone after getting the cost for all their cast to come & rehearse at the Hotel over the holidays. "Ouch!" "Ouch?!" says Danny, "How Ouch?!" "Oh, somewhere between 'Yikes' and 'ding'"

  21. When did I become a diabolical decanter? And how did I miss that?!

  22. Urg! I was hacked! Passwords all changed - hopefully no-one messed with my bpal stuff!

  23. Waking up & getting back in gear for the New Year. Happy 2011 everyone - I hope it's better for all of us than 2010!

  24. My Dad is "famous" lol!
