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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lmfaith


    https://www.etsy.com/listing/106282492/sock-it-blue-bayou-hand-knit-sleeve-sock? Protect you tech! Or get the techie in your life a great Christmas/Solstice/Yule gift I have 2 ready made Sock-Its available on my etsy page (Nut-Made by LisaNut) and can whip up one to your specifications pretty quickly!

  2. 26.5 hours until the home inspection. I really wish we didn't have to wait any longer!

  3. 3 hrs sleep + cat naps is really starting to hurt. And my neck has been aching too. Here's hoping for a good day, despite it all.

  4. 3rd night of semi-interrupted 8 hrs of sleep. Hoping to feel some positive results from it today!

  5. 65 and sunny today. Would have been a great day to move. Here's hoping next weekend works & we can at least get the upstairs ready for guests by the baptism/house warming the following weekend.

  6. A giant smile to each of my FB friends. Just because

  7. A good day. I got some house work & Praise Team planning stuff done in the morning, then packed up the girls for a play date that ended up being mostly outdoors in this beautiful weather! Now they are both quiet in their rooms & I am watching a show about Pyramids

  8. A tired start to a new day. Here's hoping & praying for safe driving and being able to get lots of work done!

  9. A week of interrupted sleep thanks to teething munchkin is topped off with a whoppin' three hours of sleep last night/this morning and Praise Team at church this morning so I gotta be there an hour early with voice & brain working. Meanwhile, I hear there is a Switch Witch round brewing at BPAL madness - I must go check it out!

  10. Aaaaaaaarghh! Less than 24 hours before they were supposed to begin, EnviroTech called to say "so very sorry, a job that was going on hold now is not, and we can't be there until after Christmas." I explained that this essentially ruined all of our holiday plans and might make it impossible for us to hold a party for my daughter's 4th bday. I remained him that I had called to double check things on Friday and had told them that my husband had taken his last 2 days off based on their prom...

  11. Actually doesn't find any of the chocolates interesting this year . . .

  12. Actually got Lucy to preschool on time. We were the 3rd family there. I remembered snack, Mexico Week, and permission forms. I am unreasonably pleased with myself over this :)

  13. Actually got to sleep in until almost 8 AM! Now to catch up on the day's work: food prep of yesterday's yummy @greenbeandelivery, phone calls about house repairs and medical stuff, add a couple more items to my etsy store, put away laundry & dishes, and hopefully wash some floors. And, of course, take care of & play with the girls. :) to all!

  14. After all the perfect fair & festival weather this past week & the great weather expected for this coming week, TODAY is rainy! Today, when we are planning on going to the Whitehall food truck festival. At least lunch and dinner times are expected to be the driest times if the day.

  15. All right world - take care! I've been on a half dose of my antidepressant fir over a week now, trying to make them last. I've now officially run out & the Drs appt isn't until Saturday. Yeah - it's mostly my own dumb fault for not doing a better job of rescheduling when I had to cancel due to illness. So I'm trying to keep everything moving smoothly, but I can tell I'm not up to par anymore.

  16. All right. The morning chaos has calmed down enough for me to sit down with some tea & a to-do list.

  17. All right. Yes, I have almost all the symptoms of preeclampsia. The baby continues to look healthy. I'm here at the hospital for 24 hours of observation & monitoring. Then they will decide if I go home (and probably on bed rest) or stay longer, or possibly even an early C-section.

  18. almost half-way through the first week of our "new" schedule:Monday & Wednesday - tutor/babysit Jon @ our place 8-4Tuesday & Thursday - get Lucy to preschool by 9 amThursday evning - Praise Team from 7:30 -9 (ish) PMFriday - Dr's appts or whatever else is needed.And, of course, laundry, dishes, unpacking, and taking care of a 3.5 month old and a 4 year old EVERY day ;-) So far, I'm really tired, but everything is more or less working.

  19. Alternating between excitement at the new house & love for my kids on one hand and OhMyGodWe'reNeverGoingToGetAnythingDone on the other. Seriously - over half of my waking hours (which are too numerous) are spent feeding or preparing food for Nancy. Never mind feeding myself, taking care of Lucy, and oh that pile of @##$&$^ paperwprk that has important house stuff and medical stuff for me to deal with. Time to take a deep breath.

  20. And good morning world! TGIF! This afternoon the grandparents will be picking up Lucy to go to "Boo at the Bog," a slightly Halloween themed night hike & fun/educational activities at Cedar Bog nature preserve. Then she will stay overnight with them. I think everyone is really looking forward to this evening!

  21. And now Hubs car won't start . . .

  22. And now to bed! Good night all :)

  23. And so much for getting to bed on time. I come out of the bathroom and he's got the new Dr Who running - the one we couldn't watch earlier today because of getting the girls bathed and into bed.

  24. And the pretty little princess has headed out with her dad, the panda. I managed to convince her that her "nice" coat was princess-y enough to wear over the dress
