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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by wendyb1063

  1. wendyb1063

    Goat BPAL? Hay and goats?

    Have you tried My Baby and a Baby Goat? There are many scents with goat milk notes, including Adrastea, Depart Pour Le Sabbat, Sweet Lavinia's Risalamande, Nonae Caprotina, Candles Moon, etc.
  2. wendyb1063


    I love this kid. Oh lord, Lilith, you are my joy. You are silly and sagacious, loud and lovely, ridiculous, theatrical, and serene. You possess one of the kindest souls I have every known, and I am blessed by your compassion and your wisdom. Snake Oil, lavender, bubblegum, and gummi bears. I debated long and hard about this one. The notes called to me, strongly. But having struggled with infertility for many years, and eventually giving up, I worried it might make me sad. However, I realized how much joy and love children can bring parents. I see it in my brother, my sisters-in-law, my friends, my coworkers. In Beth!!! And I realized that motherhood, even if I can't experience it myself, is something I cherish and revere. So I ordered it!!! I'm a sucker for Snake Oil flankers. This one is very nice. It seems like a blend of SO with something like Hellion, or Hollywood Babylon, or Jailbait. It's actually more like those scents, with a dollop of SO and a very light dusting of lavender. I'm glad I got this!!!
  3. wendyb1063

    Dead Leaves and Sugared Cardamom

    I like this. It's not exactly what I expected; on me, it's more dead leaves with even a bit of vaguely fruity "herbage". The sugared cardamom is very subtle. But perhaps that's because (in my excited anticipation after ordering this) I was layering last year's Dead Leaves and Tobacco with Posset's Pavane (a sugared cardamom scent), and expecting something more like that. That was a very sweet and lovely combo, btw. But I do like this quite a bit, even if has a hint of the dreaded aquatic/men's cologne vibe that many of the dead leaf scents have.
  4. wendyb1063

    Dance of the Mirlitons

    DANCE OF THE MIRLITONS Marzipan, Burmese rosewood, white sandalwood, Somalian rose, tonka bean, rum accord, and white musk. I am excited to be the first to review this one! It's got a lot of notes that I like, although I'm not sure how the actual combination will play out. Initially: spicy almond extract, a little bit like Eclipse, and quite sweet. The rum is coming through now. Pretty strong throw. A few minutes later: I'm getting some rose now. It really seems like there is some cinnamon in there too; I accidentally touched my wrist to my nose and it stings a little like Saw-Scaled Viper does for me. This is really interesting! After about 10 minutes: lots of rose, maybe a hint of the sandalwood. I'm not getting much white musk or tonka bean. The sweetness has largely disappeared. Overall, I like this quite a bit. I am wondering how it is going to smell in a few hours... Edit later: It is reminding now a bit of Black Phoenix, in a good way, since that is one of my favorites.
  5. wendyb1063

    Looming Spectre of Inutterable Horror

    I tested this a few times after I first got it, and I don't think I was the impressed. Following his death this weekend, I pulled it out again. It has aged fabulously!!!! It's a lovely, smooth incense blend. I don't get a lot of leather or vanilla, but it is smooth and just sweet enough. It's on the mascule side, but I generally like scents in that category. Bottom line: I love it!!! So glad I let it age for a while.
  6. wendyb1063

    Brood XIX

    BROOD XIX Under the heat of the summer sun, a Cicada was hopping about in a large field, chirping and singing lazily. An Ant passed him by, busily heaving along, with tremendous effort, bits of corn he was taking to the nest. “Why not come and chat with me,” asked the Cicada, “instead of toiling like that? The day is too lovely to spend in such a manner.” “I am helping my fellow ants lay up food for the winter,” squealed the Ant indignantly, “and I recommend that you do the same.” “Why bother about winter?” said the Cicada; “we have got plenty of food at present. Climb this tree with me and enjoy the sun-warmed bark and the gentle swaying leaves.” Turning away, the Ant went on its way and continued its work dutifully. The Cicada pitied the Ant, calling it foolish for wasting time working on such a lovely day, and went back to singing his summer songs of joy. When the winter came, the Cicada had no food and no shelter. The Cicada found itself dying of hunger, while the resourceful and hardworking ants were snug in their warm holes, full of corn and grain from their stores. Then the Cicada knew: It is best to prepare for the days of necessity. The Cicada, in myth, represents indifference and idleness, brevity and impermanence, and dissolution through pleasure: The story is that once upon a time these creatures were men-men of an age before there were any Muses; and that when the latter came into the world and music made its appearance, some of the people of those days were so thrilled with pleasure that they went on singing, and quite forgot to eat and drink until they actually died without noticing it. From them in due course sprang the race of cicadas. (John Sallis on Plato’s Plaedrus) The cicadas also represent immortality and rebirth because of their emergent resurrection from the womb of the earth, and they embody transformation and self-preservation through guile because of the way they shed their golden skins. The Great Southern Brood of cicadas is now hatching. Tree sap, hay, almond blossoms, moss, hemp, corn stalks, acorn, sweet amber, and rice milk. Yes! This is almost exactly what I was hoping for in this scent! It is warm, sweet, nutty, grainy, comforting. Somewhat reminiscent of Fledgling Raptor Moon, which is a scent I like a lot, although the notes are quite different. Very unisex and quite unique. It has a hint of porridge-like mealy-ness that I just love!
  7. Happy Happy Joy Joy smells just like Lushes Orange Blossom perfume (which is my favourite) but I haven't found any BPAL like it. Even the BPAL Orange Blossom SN isn't as sweet... Though if you want something in the same area I can suggest Vixen "Lascivious, flirtatious, and vampy as hell. A true heartbreaker’s perfume. The innocence of orange blossom tainted by the beguiling scents of ginger and patchouli." It's spicy but has that creamy orange blossom scent. Oddly, the lush orange blossom doesn't work on me. I think there's a rose note in the happy happy joy joy that is missing from the OB. I do like vixen but it is as you say, not as sweet. I am looking to try tweedledee, does anyone know if that's similar? The closest BPAL I've found to Happy Happy Joy Joy is BPAL's Changing the Shadows, which was a Yule LE from 2010, I think.
  8. wendyb1063

    Ivory Vulva

    On me, this is a mix of sweet coconut curry, buttered popcorn, cardamom rice pudding, and Boo. I love it!!! It's not beachy, and somehow not really foody, despite the foods that it brings to my mind.
  9. wendyb1063

    Yule Buddies

    This blend just makes me happy!!! I have worn it a few times now, and it seems to have reasonable throw and longevity on my skin. The leather is definitely there, but it mellows a lot after about an hour. The gingerbread and fruitcake notes make it Christmas-ey without being "holiday candle" or too overtly foody. It's a fun, warm, festive blend that I will be wearing often this holiday season.
  10. wendyb1063

    Großvater Tanz

    GROßVATER TANZ The evening’s celebration winds down with a traditional German folk song: rice porridge, candied fruits, heavy cream, powdered clove, and Lebkuchen. Yummy!!!!! This is exactly as I had hoped. It has the creamy, spicy, mealy scent of the porridge, and some candied citrus in there too. The cloves are not too strong, and overall It is very reminiscent of festive holiday cooking. It doesn't have huge throw on me, and has faded a bit in the 2 hours that I have had it on, but it is very delightful while it lasts.
  11. wendyb1063

    Dark LE recommendations

    Panther Moon On Darkness (Yule 2009, I think?) Black Lace
  12. wendyb1063

    Sic Erit

    When I first tried my bottle (had to get a bottle as I loved all the notes), I was slightly disappointed as it seemed very heavy on the geranium. Now, 3 months later, it is GORGEOUS! The geranium is still there but the red musk and the patchouli have come out and it is amazing! So glad I have a bottle!!!
  13. wendyb1063


    Upon initial application: Captain Crunch Crunchberry Cereal. With a hint of rose. Love it!!!!!
  14. wendyb1063

    Black Lace or Snake Charmer?

    They are two of my favorites! I find Snake Charmer to be quite similar to WILF. For Black Lace: I have a bottle of the original and also the "appley" version of the resurrected Black Lace. I like the original more (although the appley version is becoming less appley with aging, I think, and is also nice if you like apple).
  15. wendyb1063

    Ketchup 2012 9/20- 9/30

    9/30 Do you want anything from Arcana's fall update? Yes!!! Not sure which are in the update, but I would love to try any of these perfumes: Inclement, Infamy, Quim, Bonfires at Dusk, Ambrosia, Claws and Teeth, Darkling, Herne, Holy Terror, Mutiny, Reign in Hell, Spirit and Shadow, Sturm and Drang, Moonflower's Bliss, Sweet Trade 9/29 Would anyone like a witch pendant? Not sure I know what that it is unless that is a literal description of something. I probably would not mind a Halloween necklace with a witch on it. What's a new company to you that you most want to try a product from or what would be a new product to you that you most want to try (make-up, perfume, or bath/body)? Am always intrigued by Moonalisa; would like to try some of her perfumes. If you like necklaces, what are some symbols or images that you would love to have a necklace depict? I do like necklaces. Simple, natural things or abstract things are good; I have a few things on my etsy wishlist. 9/27 Gardening? Yes! Zone 4. Is there anything you might want from the latest update (Lab or TP)? Yes! I’m waiting on decants, but missed the following: Black Pumpkin Floss Any and all of the candles! Is there something(s) that you consider too spendy or too frivolous for you to buy for yourself, but that you actually want? Yes, but I would not expect my switch witch to purchase it for me, either! Do you use or would like to try loose eyeshadow pigments? I think not; I wear contacts and suspect they might cause some problems. 9/26 Witchee, do you want anything from the Haunt update coming up on 10/3? I know it might be too early to say, but if you could look at the preview on the night of 10/2 and let me know if you want anything... I would love to try almost anything from Haunt. Do any of Villainness' Soap Box exclusive scents interest you, especially any of the Smooches/Whippeds? Yes, especially Jack-O and Autumn Gala. Puddin' just put a shitton of old Lunacy shirts on the BPTP Etsy! Any ones interest you? I think I have enough Lunacy shirts for now… 9/25 What do you do to take care of yourself when you're having a rough day (sick, life not going your way, whatever)? I like to go to bed early with a good book and a beer! Who here is going to be picking up JK Rowling's new book on Thursday I don’t plan to buy it, but am interested in reading it. favorite and least favorite baked goods? I do like cookies a lot! And sourdough bread and things like zucchini bread. And brownies. I’m not sure there are any baked goods that I do NOT like? what size T-Shirt do you wear (standard AND babydoll)? Depends on the cut; between a L and XL usually, but I prefer too big over too tight. I found a fantastic little shop while traveling that had unusual jellies and jams. Would you be interested in trying something like Georgia Moonshine Jelly or TOE Jam (each letter stands for some kind of fruit, I don't remember which ones) or something similar? How about homemade jam in general? I honestly don’t use jam or jelly ☹ Would you be interested in homemade herbal remedies and tinctures? Only if they also smelled or tasted fabulous. 9/24 Paintbox Soapworks: Interested in anything from her? Yes, I would love to try some of her things. I’ve added a bunch of things to my etsy wishlist from her shop. ThinkGeek: anything interesting to you on there? What's one thing you want, right now, that you're having difficulty finding? Nocturne Alchemy’s Scary Cat are there any e-tailers you're desperately wanting to try? if so, any specific items/scents/etc? I am interested in trying Smell Bent’s Disco Nap or Walk of Shame 9/23 Lip balm - tube or tin? Tube, definitely. Would you like to receive a journal or sketchbook? How about other pretty paper goods like post-its, notepads, bookmarks, letter paper/envelopes? Not especially. Are you interested in audiobooks? If so, any specific titles? Yes; titles on my Amazon book wish list would be reasonable choices. Bar soaps with some scrubby bits, yes or no? Sure. Do you need any small electronic gadgets like flash drives and the like? Maybe a flash drive. Would you like a pair of knitted socks? Would love them. Do you have any use for knitted dishcloths, facecloths, etc, especially if they were fandom related? Would love them. Do you subscribe to any sample boxes, and if so, which ones? Would you like to receive some samples? (perfume, eco/"green," skin care, hair, music downloads, cosmetics, soap...) I don’t subscribe to any, but always like getting samples. do you have a problem with nudes???Male or Female? No problem with them. People ask a lot of questions about dogs and cats, but I know a lot of forumites have rodent pets. How would you feel about hammocks or toys for your rats/hamsters/gerbils/etc.? No rodent pets here. 9/21 My Little Pony... Cute or meh? Meh. I realize that we had a similar question in the ?aire, but I need you Witchee-s to list at least 5 items, each ranging $20 and under from Amazon.com or Walmart.com. My new job is at a consignment store where we have all kinds of designer brands for very reasonable prices. Are there designer clothes/purses/sunglasses that you desire/love? (Give some indication as to your "style" as well. For example, do you like bohemian-style frocks in lavender? Crossbody purses in black? Sunglasses that are round and bug-like?) Not really into designer things. Are there any existing Weenies that you have your eye on, but haven't gotten around to getting? In the meantime, let me know what you like to do on the Internet to kill time. Flash games? What are your daily websites/blog visits, or favorite YouTube videos? I play a lot of Angry Birds and WordWelder lately on my phone in the car. My husband and I have a long daily commute together… And what are your favourite characters from your fandoms? Not sure I have any?
  16. wendyb1063

    Ketchup 2012 Through 9/20

    9/20 What is your holy grail "I'd kill to just have one drop in an imp" bpal scent? Storyville Are there any existing Weenies that you have your eye on, but haven't gotten around to getting? I’ve ordered decants of most of them. But I know that I’m going to love Third Charm! If you wear earrings, do you have pierced ears? Nope! But I do occasionally where clip-ons and would not mind some nice simple ones that are not too painful. 9/19 You are meeting up with someone on a casual lunch/early afternoon thing. This person is someone you want to impress/look good for (for whatever reason, not necessarily romantic, and not necessarily for business either). What would you look like, given the contents of your wardrobe/etc? Probably a sweater set in a bright jewel town, black trousers, comfy black shoes (I lean towards Keen’s and Danskos and that general type). Or nice jeans, long-sleeve v-neck shirt or sweater with a nice necklace, and again… comfortable shoes. You are to be let loose in a clothing store of your choice, to pick a full outfit, down to the shoes, the accessories, etc. and things would be altered to fit you if needed. What store would that be, and what would you look like? See above; I would probably be in some online clothing store like Land’s End, LLBean, Zappos, or Talbots. You open a box from the post office to reveal the 3 things you want most right now. What are they? (caveats: size doesn't matter, but they have to be tangible/buyable). Oboe reeds that play perfectly, perfume samples from some new company I haven’t heard of, shampoo/conditioner from Cocoa Pink or similar in some kind of fall-like scent. WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF!!! movies, comedians, black humor, your partner, a comic strip? what? Wish I could find something that did effectively reduce the size of my bottom ☺ Actually, I tend to like very dark comedies, either in film or in books. Candy Corn? Love it! I live in Japan. Anything you would be interested in from there? I’m sure I would love something from Japan, but am not sure what. Some small piece of art would be lovely. If you have cats, do they like catnip toys? If you have doggies, would they like a super-reinforced canvas toy with a squeaker in it? I have both, and they would both enjoy such toys! If you have kids, what are they into? No kiddos. How do you feel about wearable knitted lace? Shawls, wraps, and the like? I probably would not wear a shawl or wrap, but am starting to wear scarfs a bit, so perhaps something like that? Looking at the warehouse, I notice that our lovely Greenwoodtree is able to do chart readings and/or forecasts at a very reasonable rate. Is this something you would want? Probably not, although it could be interesting. Do you have a forum buddy? Someone who knows you and/or your tastes well enough to answer questions on your behalf? You could try Orata. If you are on Livejournal, would you appreciate LJ stuff like paid time, custom userheads, stuff like that? If you are NOT on LJ but are on other sites that have similar paid-for services (Flickr, for example?) would you, and what are those sites/etc? Probably not as I don’t know what this even really is. if you are into tarot, what is your favorite card? Not really into tarot. would you like your own set of handmade rune stones or worry stones? Probably would not. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cider, or none of the above? Tea!!!! Gum, hard candy, soft candy, or none of the above? I do like candy corn, but am not much of a candy person Loose tea or tea bags? Do you need anything for your loose tea? (Filters, presses, etc.) Both loose or tea bags. I don’t need filters or presses since my amazing husband purchased me a fancy tea machine last year. Do you do Goodreads or LibraryThing or a site like that? If so, can I see your to-read list, please? Yes, I believe I have a public Goodreads account under wendyb1063. 9/18 Are you a gamer (of any sort - video, casual, tabletop) and are there any games you want? Love adventure games! Although I have quite a few… I have both Mac and PC (through VMware) capabilities. Do you like coffee? If so, what kinds? Flavored, fancy, basic? Beans or ground? Not really into coffee that much. Would a Starbucks gift card make you happy or do you prefer your local place? Prefer local Would you be interested in BPTP CANDY? Probably not… CUSTOM-Made Pottery?? yea or nay? coffee mugs, rustic or more elegant? a set of bowls? soap dish? bird feeder? something alltogether different? and lastly, good colors for glazes...? Would love a nice coffee mug for work; rustic or elegant. Or any of the items listed. Open to glaze colors. Songs that you keep meaning to buy but never get round to it? Two out of Three by Meatloaf (where did my brain dredge that one up from?) Madness by Muse Chopin’s Ballade No. 1 in G minor Movies that you love but forgot to put in your questionnaire? Too many to name, but I’m not generally one to watch the same film more than once… with the exception of a few that I already have on DVD. Name one movie you keep meaning to buy, but just never get around to getting? See above Any favorite Bath & Body Works scents/products? I do like Twilight Woods! Haus of Gloi is offering custom perfumes - would you like one? What would your ideal blend be? I would love one. See my list of notes and pick some out for me! Would love an autumnal one with white oak, vanilla, wood smoke, etc…. Or something with clove…. Love clove lately… Any Bath, Body or nutritional type items you would love to try from a Natural and Organic food store (similar to Whole Foods) that you don't buy because they are a bit too pricey? Not familiar with this store; might be interested? Tell me of your taste preferences. Dry/sweet? Red/white? Lager/ale/porter/stout? Fruit? Spice? Hops? Sour (brettanomyces, etc)? All of the above! Love buttery white wines, full body red wines, seasonal beers (oktoberfests, holiday spiced beers, spruce beers, etc.). Also like hoppy higher gravity beers! are there any if MeiLin's books (e-book or print) you'd be interested in? Not sure what her books are about? I'm about to be near a Lush store next week, is there anything you might like from there? I think I’m pretty well stocked, but can always use more Daddy O shampoo! The Emotional Brilliance face powder looks a bit interesting also, but is pricey. Witchee, will you be gone from your normal mailing address at any point during the round? No. Are you a Disney fan or does even thinking about Disney make your head hurt? If you're into Disney, would you like something from the Happiest Place on Earth ? Not especially. dear witchee, would you, could you use an electric candle warmer? i'm talking something like this. The link is lost, but I would likely like it! Do you lust after some new socks/tights? I do! Don’t really do tights, but socks, yes! Warm, thick ones… navy blue, black, brown, dark green…. 9/17 Ninjas or Pirates? Pirates?? I have an extra room spray and 2 extra bath oils (one Cephalopod, one Exhibit Hall Fatigue) from Dragon*Con - would anybody like a decant? Sure! I live near a Mast General Store. It has lots of vintage-y toys, southern foods (jams, jellies, spices) and vintage candy. Is there anything I can get for you? Not sure I need anything? Maybe some spice mixtures? Do you have any Fall or Halloween traditions? We host a pumpkin carving every year in October… can always use more patterns, tools, or decorations! a) Are you OK with "special deliveries"? Is the address in your questionnaire the best place to reach you for said deliveries? Yes c) If the delivery requires a phone number (as say, some florists do) would you be OK with that information being tracked down by your Witch or asked of you anonymously? Yes Would you be interested in beer, wine, or other specialty beverages from your Witch's area? Would LOVE beer from my Witch’s area! Are there any crafts/skills you've wanted to learn but haven't gotten around to? And if so, would you be interested in supplies and tutorials? Who here would be happy to get a lil' sumthin sumthin from Adagio Teas? Do you Ravelry? And if so, what's your handle over there? Would you be interested in gift patterns from your queue? Who likes Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses? I suspect I would love them! Put your iPod/MP3 player/what-have-you on random and list the first 10 songs it plays! Witchee, what are your favorite quotes? What's one random thing you really like and one random thing you really dislike? Are there any herbs that you haven't been able to lay hands on that I could send you? There's an herbal shop I really like here in NYC called Flower Powerthat has quite a wide selection. If there are no "witchy" shops near you, is there anything I can pick up for you from Enchantments? Some of your favorite artists? Classic and modern? If you could have an image or certain subject painted for you on any type of "canvas" (on a box, on paper, on a canvas, and so on) - could you point your witch to some of these images? Is there a GC scent that's been on your list for ages but keeps falling off the bottom of your order because of the LEs? Chimera I've been getting into indie nail polish brands recently. What's your favorite indie brand of nail polish? Or what's your favorite mainstream brand of nail polish? Or are you not big on polish? Not big on polish. Stuffed things: yea or nay? mix-in-a-jar? How to you feel about cookie or cake or soup mixes that come in jars and you just add, like, an egg or water or what have you? Love them! I live near this very cool Retro store (you can order online too) - are there things from it that would make you squee if your witch sent them? 9/16 Would you enjoy receiving cute but useful items like colorful kitchen utensils/gadgets, or bento supplies? (boxes, chopsticks, accessories, etc?) What about things like spice mixes (homemade, or Penzey's for example) Yes to colorful kitchen utensils and gadgets and spice mixes! Do you like cute, seasonal or fluffy PJ bottoms? Like they sell at Target, Old Navy (they have had cute Halloween ones!) If so, what size do you wear? Maybe? Probably an XL. What kind of chocolate do you like? Nuts, no nuts, white, dark, etc? Although I like nuts, I don’t enjoy them in my chocolate. I like really dark chocolate and sweet milk chocolate. Quality over quantity. I live near a Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Penzeys! What does your little heart desire from any or all of these places? I love all of them, but also have them all near where I work. Are home made foods acceptable or does the idea of eating strange mailed food disturb you? Very acceptable! I just gave you $20 and sent you into a "has everything" store ala Walmart and told you that you have to come out having spent it all, and none of it on anything you need. What would you buy? Be as specific as possible! Maybe a nice candle in an autumnal scent? A board game? Halloween décor items? What kind of cuisines do you like? (I mentioned this in my ?aire but curious what my witch may like)And, what are your favorite restaurants? Love Cajun, Mexican, Italian, German, Arabic, Polish, Greek, Russian, Thai, Vietnamese, Southern, Barbeque, Irish, etc. etc. I like local independent restaurants over chains. I'm from Canada - is there anything specifically a witchee might like that is only available here? Perhaps, but I don’t know what it would be! what are your "fandoms" and would you like a t-shirt from TeeFury if an appropriate one came up? Have to confess I don’t know what a fandom even is ☹ Do you have an eReader and if so which one? A regular Kindle 2. Do you like candles, or tart burners, or something? If so, what's your favorite scent to burn? Love them! Love fall and winter scents- think HOLIDAY! Marzipan? Yes! Would you be interested in washable/reusable muslin “paper” towels (basically muslin squares hemmed around the edge)? Maybe in some sort of box to put on your kitchen or bathroom counter? Sure! Do you drink alcohol and if so, would you be OK with your witch sending you homemade infused vodka? Also, does your state allow alcohol to be shipped through the mail? Yes, yes, and no, I think, sadly ☹ If you get me (or a fellow Aussie, if there are any playing this round) as a witch or witch's minion, would you like to try some Australian specialties, such as TimTams (delicious chocolately cookies), Caramello Koalas (koala shaped chocolates filled with gloopy caramel), Australian native spices or anything like that? Would love to! Especially the Australian native spices!!! If your witch is a knitter, crocheter or sewer, is there a particular type of garment you would love to receive (hat, scarf, wrap, cowl, socks, fingerless gloves, arm warmers etc)? Scarf! Is there anyone else in your house (kids, pets, partner) that would really appreciate a small gift being included for them in the switchwitchy haul so they don't feel left out? Perhaps my kitty or my dogs? The DH says he gets enough fun watching me and doesn’t need anything, but he does have a think about anything TRACTOR. Since it's been mentioned several times, and I've also offered to nacho witch some, would you like to receive wild rice and or maple syrup? I promise to include recipe ideas with the wild rice. Yes, both would be great! I have 5 bushels of tomatoes sitting in the kitchen right now that are supposed to turn into red sauce tomorrow, so would anyone like a basic red sauce (spaghetti sauce) to make its way to them? Sure! How would you feel about a taste of (insert witch location here) box? Would love this! Last year, my wonderful witch Alethia adopted a bat for me from batworld.org, a bat rescue and sanctuary. Bat's World Would you be interested in having a bat adopted in your name? Don’t know much about the cause; seems worthwhile 9/15 Do you like s'mores and s'mores-flavored things? I like s’mores. Not sure about s’more-flavored things? But s’more ingredients, yes! What's the neatest freebie you've gotten? It can be cool or thoughtful or just totally unexpected, and not limited to BPALdom. Someone who I unfortunately cannot remember frimped me a FULL decant of Lump of Coal! And someone else, identity failing me, gave me a testable sample of Storyville. And most awesome of all: my Spring Cleaning “dustpan) (Mimosa) sent me a fabulous box, all the way from England, to thank me for being her witch (broom), full of perfume, Lush products, chocolate, a book etc. etc. etc. I envy the luck one who gets her this Switch Witch round as their witch!
  17. Switch Witch Questionnaire Pets: Angus (cat), Jamie and Buddy (dogs) Children: None Religious orientation: Christian. But also am very interested in Paganism and its links to Christianity. Favorite Holiday: Halloween and Christmas (see above ☺) Occupation/Major in school: Regulatory affairs director and scientist/biochemistry Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc): With husband and pets Livejournal/Blog/Website: None Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in): Blood and organ donation, science literacy BPAL Favorite BPAL oils: Snake Charmer, Tintagel, Sin, Antique Lace, Morocco, WILF, Halloween: Las Vegas, Samhain, Lamb’s Wool, Madame Moriarty, Hod, Flowering Chrysanthmums, On Darkness, Mictecacihuatl, Clockwork Couture: Male, Golden Priapus, Dorian, Black Lace, O, Devil's Night, Mead Moon, Alice, Eclipse, Black Phoenix, TKO, Hay Moon, Oak Moon, Dragon Moon, Banshee Beat, Magdalene, Gun Moll, Liz, Sin, Tombstone, Pallas Athene, Hygeia, Panther Moon, Schwarzer Mond, Luna Negra, Berry Moon 2011, Waltz of the Snowflakes, Urd, Hellion, Scherezade, Sin, In Brightness and in Joy, Mourning Lace, Celeste Favorite notes: Vanilla, spices (especially clove these days), wood, resins, amber, musk, carnation, incense, rose, booze, hay, grass, clover, tobacco, honeysuckle, powder, cream, sandalwood, patchouli, honey, violet, apple, smoke, tonka, benzoin, almond, some pines, sugar, plum, pumpkin, linden blossom, lavender, wine, honey, bread Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Nocturne Alchemy: Nocturne Sapphire, Karkade Summer Moonstone, Bes, Princess Amber, Ozymandias, Dragon Vanille, Honey Cherry Blossom, many others Violette Market: After Dark, Ghost of Skeletal Oaks, Golden Autumn, Taffy Pull, Sugared Incense Cotton Candy, Butter Cow, Under the Grandstands, many others Solstice Scents: Jack and the Devil, Spellbound Woods, Arcana: Alec D’Uberville, Morphine, Devilish, many others Blooddrop: So Help Me Hex Moxie Nouveau: Bonfire Toffee, Ghost Stories, many others Conjure Oils: Abandoned Morgue, Goth Chick Pride Possets: Scent of Angels, Hathshepsut, Sorrow, Black Prince Ava Luxe: No. 23, Sweet Patchouli, Love’s True Bluish Light, Amande Sonoma Scent Studio: Winter Woods Guerlain: Spiriteuse Double Vanille Least favorite notes: Ozone, metallics, dirt, aquatics some jasmines and sharp white florals, mint, eucalyptus Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Commercial perfumes with strong aquatic notes If Beth made a custom blend for you, what would the notes be, and what would you want the label art to look like? Milkweed blossom, clover, hay, honey, and vanilla musk. The label art would be a pastoral scene of some kind. Clothing & Jewelry Hair type: Fine, straight, blonde Skin Type: combination skin Allergies (specifically B&B related): None Other things to avoid: Can’t think of anything? Tub, shower or both? Both! Favorite bath & beauty products: Bubble bath, bath scrubs Clothing Style/Fave garments: Favorite clothing colors/colors to wear: Type(s) of jewelry worn: simple, subtle necklaces Ring/wrist/collar size: No idea! Jewelry - gold or silver? Either Do you have any allergies to metal? Not that I know of Favorite gemstones: Nothing stands out Sock/Shoe Size: Women’s large/ size 8.5-9 or 39-40 Lifestyle Style/home decoration style: classy country; at least, that is what I aim for! Favorite decorating colors: Red or purple as an accent color Things you collect: Perfume, of course Favorite music: classic rock, 80’s, classical, blues, jazz, zydeco, alt-country, etc. Least favorite music: twangy country, rap Vegetarian/Vegan?: (Please be as specific as possible to reduce confusion!) Nope! Other food restrictions: None, really Favorite flavors: Vanilla, lemon, maple, chocolate Favorite foods/drinks: Too many of both to really list. Beer and tea (black or fruit teas) Favorite authors/genres: historical fiction (Sharon Kay Penman, for example), modern literature (Jonathan Franzen, for example), British mysteries (Kate Atkinson, for example) Least favorite authors/genres: Fantasy, sci-fi Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: See my Amazon wish list! How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts? I would LOVE them! Favorite stores (including clothing stores): Lush, gourmet food/cooking stores, book stores, stores that sell perfume, soap, bath products, candels Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): See above Magazines you subscribe to: All About Beer magazine Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: None that I can think of right now… Favorite movies: Fargo, Office Space, Favorite TV show(s): Glee, Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, Mad Men Hobbies/crafts done: Gardening, cooking, playing oboe and recorder Wishlists BPAL Wish List (including SW/SF Help): Other website Wish lists (amazon.com, etc): I have tons of things on Amazon.com! My etsy list needs to be updated, but the items shown will give you an idea of my tastes. http://amzn.com/w/3UNNHJ5OUGHN0 http://www.etsy.com/people/wbedale/favorites?ref=si_fav Random Questions: - On a scale of 1-5, how organized are you? 4.75 - Where, outside of the U.S. would you love to visit? (if you're international, this can be anywhere) England (have been there 5 times but always want to return), Scandinavia, extreme northern and other remote places. - Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age? Younger -If I gave you a toy gun with flashing lights, would you hide and start shooting people from around corners OR would you thank me on the IGI thread and then quietly donate it (a niece, Oxfam, Goodwill, wherever)? (there are no wrong answers for this, so don't be afraid to answer honestly) Would quietly donate after thanking… - What animal do you feel like the most? A Homo sapien. But I like cows a lot. - Your favorite feature about yourself: My elbows. - Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere? In the middle of the Driftless region of southwestern Wisconsin. -Have you ever thought, "oh, I'm going to get myself one of those one of these days" but then never do? List 1 under $10 and 1 over $10. A really good small whisk (probably could be over or under $10, actually). - How do you feel about boi witches? Boi witch? Meaning a male switch witch partner? I would ADORE one! - Do you like garage sales (boot sales)? Not as much as most - I like to slather my food in …: Really hot salsa - State fairs or carnivals? State fairs - You throw caution to the wind and runaway to join a traveling circus. What job would you want ( a main performer, a side show, a behind the scenes spot, etc) and why? I’d be making exotic flavors of cotton candy - What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with? Honestly, I don’t know much about any of them… but do identify with the wise women of yore, who were not mythical. - Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. What do you choose? Some BPAL Some morning glory seeds A bottle of my home-brew An oboe reed Some fur tufts/hair from my pets My iPhone A photo of my husband - Do you need storage boxes? Not really - The world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours? Be alone in nature, in sunshine if possible. - Do you like steampunk & if so what kind of steampunk item would you most like to receive? I like it but don’t know much about it. - Do you have an etsy shop? No - Would you like to receive baked goods, if so what kind? Yes! Open to anything. Cookies? - What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!): Odd things I would like: Music for soprano recorder (solo or duets): I don't have much, so pretty much anything you get is good. Medium/advanced level should be fine Bulbs or perennial plants (I live in Zone 4) are good, as long as I get them by mid-October before we have a frost. Would adore Joe Pye weed plants! Cookbooks! I love them! I purchase a lot of music on amazon.com. I have a Kindle and use it regularly, but enjoy real books and have no problems with used books Love all things Halloween, and would love Halloween decor items that are tasteful. Especially love vintage Halloween styles... I do love necklaces that are fairly simple, and would adore something that was one-of-a-kind or hand made. I love nice socks.
  18. wendyb1063

    Amber & Patchouli Hair Gloss

    I agree with the other posters- I think this is poised to be my favorite of all the hair glosses in terms of scent! It goes wonderfully with Sin, and a few days ago I wore it with Hellion v. 2 and I was in a cloud of heaven all day! Even my husband likes it, and it is rare for him to comment on a scent.
  19. wendyb1063

    Dragon Moon 2012

    Fresh out of the mailbox, Dragon Moon 2012 has kind of a soapy floral scent, but I mean that in the best possible way. That phase morphed quickly into a resiny/woody scent, and I almost was convinced there was rose in here... I'm having a hard time recognizing many of the notes (which is a good thing); I don't get patchouli, or camphor, bergamot, or mint, and the dragon blood doesn't seem to dominate for me at all. I do get maybe a bit of the lavender and the sweetgrass. It smells very clean and dry. It reminds me of Gun Moll and Micthutatel (sorry about the spelling!). I do get the "warmth which is gentle yet powerful at the same time" sense that Mistressfizz got. I like this a lot! I would give it a solid 7/10.
  20. wendyb1063

    Mourning Lace

    First impression: Really, really nice!!! Spicy! Sweet, but not cloying. This is fresh out of the mail box in a Wisconsin winter, though... Second impression (5 minutes of wearing): I still really like it a LOT. I've been craving clove scents lately, and this one satisfies. The clove and vanilla together give it a carnation-like scent, not as creamy or smooth as say, Hod (one of my all time faves). It reminds me, oddly, of some wafer candy from my childhood? In a good way. I can see this will be a scent I will get cravings for... If you like clove or carnation scents, you will like this, I think!
  21. wendyb1063

    Red flowers

    What about Slippery Poppy Tincture? That always seems like a very "red" scent to me.
  22. wendyb1063

    Valentine's day theme- flowers and candy

    What about these? HUNGER Evokes sheer, unadulterated carnal lust. An undeniably warm and sensual scent. Black narcissus, orange blossoms, and vanilla. DEFUTUTA Olive blossom, honey, smoky vanilla, cinnamon, jasmine, sandalwood, and champaca flower. Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Vanilla, two ambers, sweet pea and white sandalwood Lyonesse Golden vanilla and gilded musk, stargazer lily, white sandalwood, grey amber, elemi, orris root, ambergris and sea moss.
  23. wendyb1063

    The First Encounter

    I was worried about this one too... the jasmine in particular. But something in the other notes really called to me. My husband immediately picked out the jasmine, but I find I actually like it here. At first it reminds me of a very old-fashioned perfume... but it is sweet, a bit fruity, but I love it!!! I love the touch of quince in this. I think this is going to be a scent I crave at times.
  24. wendyb1063

    Blossoms in Springtime

    I agree, this is a really, really lovely perfume. It does remind me also of Glowing Vulva, and just a bit of Hod for some reason (but without carnation). I get mostly sweet vanilla, a little beeswax, and a little amber/resin... and just a tiny hint of floral, but thankfully the lotus blossom doesn't take over. I also agree: this is very likely to be a universally loved scent!!
  25. wendyb1063

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I've had an odd problem also when using Glowing Vulva bath oil directly on my skin as a moisturizer. This has happened several times now consistently, and now I'm afraid to use it and I LOVE the smell of it so much. Several hours later, I get a visual disturbance that is exactly like the aura to a migraine (zigzaggy flashing lights, along with some general inability to think straight). This lasts about 20 minutes or so. I get a very, very mild migraine-like headache afterward. Sometimes I will get several of these in the same day (and I only generally get a real migraine once a year or so). Of course, I'm at an age where hormones are shifting, so I'm not giving up hope yet. The other bath oils don't seem to cause this problem, just (sadly my favorite) Glowing Vulva.