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Everything posted by DeltaCat

  1. DeltaCat

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    Creamy buttery vanilla. The rum comes out just to spice up the vanilla. This is yum!
  2. DeltaCat

    Marshmallow Poof

    Fruity marshmallow cherries! Smells more straight marshmallow in the imp, but dry I get a fruity smell. The closest fruit I can tag to this is cherries.
  3. DeltaCat

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    Very sugary. I get Pink Sugar with this one with a slight floral. Sugary goodness!
  4. DeltaCat

    The Robotic Scarab

    Very sweet. Lots of star anise. Not a lot of leather which is what I was hoping for. Metallic comes out of drydown and adds a smell I can only describe as silver. Cold bright silver.
  5. DeltaCat

    Jezirat Al Tennyn

    Um....yeah...Dirt. Scorched dirt. Like after a forest fire. Not a fav...
  6. DeltaCat


    Very manly smell on my skin. Definitely smell the sandalwood. I tend to amp woodsy smells. This is all sandalwood for me.
  7. DeltaCat


    Very wine-y. A rich red wine. Maybe a touch of honey but I can't honestly tell. Not bad, but I don't know where I would wear it. Work may not like it if I reek of wine....
  8. DeltaCat

    The Lights of Men's Lives

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmm beeswax! I never knew I liked beeswax until this scent. Creamy and I can imagine a candle burning when I smell this. Slightly honey since it is beeswax...Bottle worthy!
  9. DeltaCat


    Lemony herbs. The lavender pokes in and out on drydown. Strangely it is very calming, but still not enough to make it into my like box.
  10. DeltaCat


    Smells like a piece of wood that has been soaking in Pepto Bismol for a few months. Yelch!
  11. DeltaCat

    The Lotus Tree

    Honey! Straight up sweet honey! After a bit the honey dries down and I get a floral. Flowers and honey. A nice combination. I wish the honey was a bit stronger though.
  12. DeltaCat


    This smells exactly like B&BW's White Tea and Ginger! Fresh tea, light citrus, and spicy ginger. Very nice.
  13. DeltaCat

    Love's Torments

    Vetiver and neroli on me here do not play along well. This smells like BBQ sauce that has dripped down onto the charcoals in the grill and is burning.
  14. DeltaCat

    Leanan Sidhe

    Very clean and soapy. I feel like this is perfect for walking in Spring when the air is warm after a rain. Green and fresh.
  15. DeltaCat


    Verrrrrrrrrrrrry perfumy. Waaaay too strong for me. If you love heavy heavy florals this is for you. The opium in this one just kills it for me.
  16. DeltaCat

    Snake Oil

    Just amazing. Creamy vanilla spice. So sexy and just awesome.
  17. DeltaCat


    Oh apricot yum! This is so good. I agree with skyelyric that I do get a tinge of Biolage shampoo from this. Fresh apricot from the tree. Yum!
  18. DeltaCat

    Lucy's Kiss

    Reminds me of this rose scented powdered milk bath my grandmother poured in my baths when I was younger. Pure rose, clean and fresh.
  19. DeltaCat


    Lots of florals! I don't have a well trained enough nose yet to distinguish what is the strongest floral yet. Very strong with a good throw as well.
  20. DeltaCat

    Juke Joint

    Sweet herbaly mint with a slight alcoholic tinge. A very fun smell, but not quite sure where I could wear it. I don't think my boss would like me smelling like alcohol...
  21. DeltaCat

    Black Cat

    Very much a rose scent wet. When it dries I do get a very slight lemon/citrus scent along with the rose. No mint though. Salem approved
  22. DeltaCat


    Named after the Roman God of Sleep. This blend helps bring on deep, restful, natural sleep. At first whiff I thought this was the worst smelling bpal ever. Smelled like my cat's litter box! Reluctantly I wet ahead and put on a tiny bit. Upon drydown I was surprised that the lavender was there! The cat box had gone away! Once I get through that initial 5-10 minutes of "ewwww" it smells good! Very comforting.
  23. DeltaCat


    Very light tea rose. Pretty and soft. After about 10 minutes, though, the smell is gone. My skin really absorbed this one!
  24. DeltaCat


    Cinnamon with a very light orange. Maybe a little bit of clove. A very very good scent!
  25. DeltaCat

    Dragon's Tears

    Berries. Raspberries. Like raspberry shower gel you buy at the grocery. Smells like raspberries, but not really. Does that make sense? On drydown there is more of a floral tone. Not too sure on this one.