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Everything posted by magikalcrab

  1. magikalcrab

    Pumpkin Queen

    Oh, this is just too good. I don't deserve PQ and Creepy in the same order! I wasn't sure of this in the bottle - it seemed a little ... heavy on the pumpkin and a bit acrid (to my nose, anyway). But I gave it a whirl. On skin... there are no words. I think it shall suffice to say: It warmed up a lot, there's a beautiful light pumpkin scent underneath the tangy-sweet of mandarin and a touch of something a little bit ... spicey, maybe? Either way, I'm in absolute heaven. I'll be over here, dancing the dance of joy. (_(_) (_)_) (_(_) (_)_)
  2. magikalcrab

    Punkie Night

    Lovely in the bottle! All heavy apples and a tiny hint of something sharp - the cranberry? Either way, this is gorgeous - I'm having delierious daydreams of using it as a room-scent for next Halloween's party! On skin, however ... ugh, not so much. It goes way too sweet (which is a first for me, since I'm a huge fan of sweet, foody scents, but this is way overboard!). It's all apple - kinda reminds me of one of last year's Pumpkin Patches - way too sweet and just ... well, not for me. This is bringing my tally for the week's BPAL orders to 4 that don't work vs. 1 that does.
  3. magikalcrab


    This is it! This is the scent I've been hoping for for MONTHS! Creepy in the bottle is so boozy I felt a little dizzy after the first sniff! I cought a whiff of coconut and something sweet, which I'm guess is the apple and am so, SO glad that I ordered it. Now, on skin, an amazing thing happens - it's true to the bottle! There's the vaguest underlying hint of sweet apples, a splash of butterscotch and this amazing top layer of heavy, boozy coconut. I think I've died and gone to heaven! Not since I got my bottle of Milk Moon have I felt so instantly thrilled with a scent! Now, if you'll excuse me, think I need to go bathe in Creepy! Or order more of it, whatever.
  4. magikalcrab

    The Brides of Dracula

    The Brides of Dracula. Gods, it smells amazing in the bottle. I was so relieved, because I had so many reservations about ordering something with florals in it. On my skin, though? I can't smell a thing besides floral. I gave it a chance to develop, I waited and waited but still, there was just this overpowering lingering flower scent with the tiniest hint of honey underneath. I'm terrible at picking notes, but I'm willing to venture a guess and say that it's the lily that hates me. I don't know why, but florals and my nose do not a happy couple make. In short: amazing scent, bad chemistry with my skin. Guh, I'm 0-for-4 so far!
  5. magikalcrab

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    I was really really weary about this, because of the white pepper, as I'm not much for spicy scents. I digress. In the bottle and wet/dry on skin, all I get on this is sweet, fruity, amazing apple, guava and orange. It's just fantastic. Yes. I am really not good at this describing thing, and I just adore how this scent lingers. As an aside, my father is glaring at me from the hallway, which tells me he can smell it from there, which is almost unheard of for me and BPAL - I can normally smell it, and those close enough to touch me, but it doesn't tend to linger over-much.
  6. magikalcrab

    Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable

    This one is simply AMAZING. There are no words. Apart from "when do I get paid so I can order more," that is. At the moment, it's all lemongrass and tea leaf, but still, I adore it too much for words. I can get the tiniest bit of honey in the throw. Very light and really very sweet and lively. In short, Gennivre is brilliant!
  7. magikalcrab

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    Bottle number: MCCXLII I don't know if it's just my nose or anything, but I've had nothing but bad luck with the Chaos Theory's. I'm not fantastic at picking out notes, but here are my impressions of this bottle: In bottle: Sharp, acrid, very herby with a tiny hint of something the smallest bit sweet. On skin: It's kinda turned a little ... woodsy and resiny, maybe? Still very sharp and maybe a little bit soapy. But not in the bad way. Sadly, this is very much not me. It really doesn't suit my skin and definatley doesn't suit my temprament.
  8. magikalcrab

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    Bottle number: DCCLV In the bottle: This is really light, very fresh. The top note is ... well, I can't even begin to try and pick it. But the first thing that comes to mind is "my dad's aftershave." Not in the bad way at all, but the top note of DCCLV and of my father's aftershave smell similar to me. Uhm, anyway. To be honest, I can't pick any defining notes in the bottle. It's very sharp, with a crisp feel to it. It definatly stikes me as the masculine end of a Unisex scent. Also, something seems almost citrusy about it. Hmm. Wet: there's almost no scent on my skin when wet. Just the tiniest hint of something vaguely clean and ozone-y. Reminds me of Numb, actually. No real scent, but a sense of something. Do I even make sense to myself anymore? Drydown: Still extremely little scent, but there's the vaguest hint of really hot, dry summer wind. Like, that scent of a really hot summer day when you're in the mountains? Long term drydown: Any real scent has long since been leeched (damn my picky skin chemistry!) and it's now just ... alternatively greasy soap and nothing. I'm not sure which I prefer. Verdict: While I'm sure it's bound to smell amazing on someone else, my chemistry hates DCCLV. Which is depressing, since I had such high hopes.
  9. magikalcrab

    Harvest Moon 2006

    Havest Moon 06 really intrigued me. I was reading the description and pondering ... there are quite a few notes in it that I know never work with me, but the apple and rice milk really sounded interesting, so I decided to give it a shot. Well. Here goes. I'm kinda bad at picking individual notes and descriptions, but I'll give it my best shot... In the bottle, all I could smell was a really heavy herb-y scent, and the tiniest hint of maybe some kind of sweet fruit (the pomegranate?) underneath it. Wet on skin it was exactly the same, and almost had me running to the bathroom to wash it off - herby, barky Autumn smells always sound great in theory, but they rarely turn good on my skin. However, I stayed true to my conviction that it COULD turn out Ok. Now it's drying down and it's too good to be true. Sweet and fruity with a hint of gorgeous cream and the tiniest throw of green tea, which keeps it from being too sweet. On the whole, I'm giving this scent a strong 3.5/5.
  10. magikalcrab

    Budding Moon

    Mmmmmm. I love it when I get my Lunacy orders. There has only been one so far that hasn't worked for me, and thankfully, Budding Moon is not it! Now, I'll likely be lynched for this, but to my untrained nose, at first, this smelled exactly like Holiday Moon. I went to grab my bottle of that to make sure that I didn't just get one that had been mislabelled, or something. (No, it wasn't, it really was just my brain/nose being silly). In the bottle, Budding Moon is sweet, fruity and has a touch of something sharp (I thought maybe the white ginger, but what do I know?) On skin, Budding Moon is sweet, fruity and has a touch of something sharp. (witty, aren't I?) I can't think of another way to describe it. Plum, something lingering just above it - maybe the ginger, and an underlaying blast of sweetness. If you sniff it right up close, it's like a punch in the face, however the aura of this one is simply gorgeous, sweet and light without being overwhelmingly high-school girly. Just brilliant. And the best thing is that after a half hour of wear, it's changed a little - a hint of something deeper, almost earthy. But still sweet. Oh, dear. I love this.
  11. magikalcrab


    What a great freakin’ word. BPAL LOVES TEH SMUT! Three swarthy, smutty musks sweetened with sugar and woozy with dark booze notes. Wow! This is the only scent I've tried (in almost a year of being a BPAL addict) that changes so dramatically from bottle to skin. But I'm jumping ahead of myself, I do that. In the bottle, this is all sweet booze. It smells exactly like this great white liquer that my Scottish grandmother used to add to my tea while I was in high school (lets not ask why she was trying to get her teenaged grand-daughter loaded, shall we?). But, yes. Sweet, boozy. Maybe a little fruity, I'm not sure. But it's gorgeous. Seconds after hitting my skin, it's changed - musky, heavy and absolutely gorgeous. There's something almost woodsy about it, I'm not quite sure, though. Just something ... green, as an under-note. I am terrible when it comes to picking individual notes. But so far (about 15 minutes) it's stayed this gorgeous, warm, sweet musky scent. It's perfect, and brilliantly done. And I definatley need more. And also, Beth gets full points for this - to be honest, I ordered it for the name alone (come on, who doesn't bring up the fact that they have perfumes called Smut, Lick It or Miskatonic University in casual conversation?) and tried it on a whim and I'm so glad that I did. ... Mmm. By the way, in the 20 minutes since I typed this and went to make tea (sadly lacking Gram's liquer) it's changed to a deeper, sweeter musk. Its got the tiniest hint of a cocoa note to it now, too.
  12. magikalcrab

    Miskatonic University

    This is MY scent. Perfectly. I swear, if I could fill a bath with it and swim around, I would. In the bottle, I get this huge whiff of creamy, thick, rich, warm coffee, with a gorgeous undertone to it which is always BOOKS to me. Basically, it smells like the first time you ever walk into a Borders! And it's got a tiny bit of a whiskey undertone to it. The entire effect is really, REALLY strong. BUt amazing! I could envisage my old school library using this on their oil burner and having everyone in the place demanding to know where the spiked coffee was being sold! Now on skin? The tobacco comes out right away, which is by no means a bad thing (though I'm not a smoker, whoops). Still it has undertones of warm cofffee and that wonderful book smell, but it's a lot mellower on skin. Give it a few minutes to mature and all the scents are throwing themselves around with a joy that I can't even express. Seriously, it's just amazing. Underneath everything, there is a hint of leather, I think, that just pulls them all together and smells fantastic. Miskatonic University is, without a doubt, my number one favourite scent. I can't believe that I can't find more. OR didn't order some when I had the chance. I should just cut off my nose in penance.
  13. magikalcrab

    Snow White

    I have to clear my conscience here - I never really wanted this scent to begin with - I'm not much for floral scents at all - I've got far too many bad memories of them from growing up. *cough* Now, anyway. I was sent a frimp of this with a swap last month, and today decided to give it a whirl. OH. MY. GODS. This has just. Gah. I'm sorry. I'm trying not to thrash and wail incoherently here. It's just the most beautiful touch of blooming white roses, maybe an itsy bitsy drop of something that could be a very light jasmine and the most delightful, wonderful, creamy and sweet scent underneath them. I just. I could eat my wrists right now! Um. Yes. I think I'm done. Now, if you'll all excuse me, I have to go sell my soul (for what little it's worth!) to get a bottle of this.
  14. magikalcrab

    Holiday Moon

    Oh. Oh. This is just amazing perfection in a bottle!! It's all sweet lemon tea and bamboo on me. In the bottle it was a little greener, but the dominant notes are very definatley sweet lemon, tea, bamboo and another little something that just pops its head in for the throw - if I try to sniff it out, it's been eluding me. Yeah, I know, I suck at reviews (in my own defence, I have just gotten home from night shift and stayed up to paw greedily at the mail man in hopes of getting this BPAL order!) but thats the best I can do. Sweet. Tea. Bamboo. Amazing stuff. Beyond words amazing, really. I don't know how Beth does it, but I'd take my hat off to her, if I was wearing one.
  15. magikalcrab


    Oh. Wow. Um. *cough* In the bottle? It's STRONG. Seriously. I thought I was going to pass out! Actually, at first I thought it smelled exactly like the shaving cream my father uses! Which is both disturbing and calming. Go figure :/ On skin, it first started out as all lavender. And I loathe lavender. Seriously loathe it. However, soon it settled down - it's got a touch of spice to it, now. Hmm. Yes. On dry down and wearing, it's stayed mainly lavender, with the tiniest hint of something spicy under it. Either my nose is not that sophisticated (not unlikely) or it's really faint, but I just can't pin the note. *shrugs* Either way, I'm debating the merits of keeping this, as I don't think I'll be wearing it that often. It's lovely, just not my taste.
  16. magikalcrab

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I had a horrible reaction with Tarot: The Star a while back - It took skin off! Literally. I put it on, and for a while it was fine - tingling a little, but I've had that before. When the tingle became a burn, I thought it best to wash off - and my top layer of skin came with it! It was red-raw for a week afterwards. Not good. Other than that, anything with Almond in it seems to not work for me - if I get any of it on me, I'll get a headache, start feeling nauseous and on one memorable occasion, have a massive asthma attack
  17. magikalcrab


    There are too many scents throwing themselves at me from the bottle of Bordello to name them all, but it's amazing ... the best I can think of is perhaps a riot - 5 or 6 different women in close quarters, all wearing different perfumes and clothes and everything just blending together to create chaotic harmony, or something. On skin, it smells like ripe, heavy berries, maybe a little of sweet liqour and something else that I can't name that seems to draw everything together nicely. As it dries, it takes on a gorgeous sweet vanilla tone to it. Actually, this is one of my top 10 scents - I can't believe that I haven't reviewed it yet! The number of times I've gotten compliments on it is amazing. I wore it to a wedding last week and had one of the groomsmen following me around the entire night, claiming that I was luring him with the perfume.
  18. magikalcrab

    Lump of Coal

    It just ... nyahhh ... so goooood. I'm sorry. Not coherent. I'm so glad that I got Lump of Coal. At first, it smelled exactly like Bliss to me, but after a while it turned slightly nutty - almost as if there were walnuts and icing on these gorgeous, rich, chocolae brownies. I'm afraid to wear it again, though, because aside from the "OMG I WANT BROWNIES AND I WANT THEM NOW" factor, I've found that many people grab me and refuse to let go when I wear foody scents. Not cool.
  19. magikalcrab


    In the bottle: This is a gorgeous, fresh, sweet melon and fruit - it actually smells, on first sniff, much like Fruit Moon. On skin: The tea and vanilla come out. They almost drown the honeydew and peach, but it's still wonderful. 2 hours wear: Oh, this is so beautiful. I'm loving it. The best floraly and fruity scent that I've ever come across. I need to get more than an imp of it!
  20. magikalcrab


    In the bottle: sweet caramel butter! It's gorgeous. I love foody scents. On skin: HOLY BPAL GODS! It smells exactly like Miskatonic University! I'm talking warm sugary coffee with tobacco undertones!! I nearly keeled over dead happy! After an hour of wear, it's still there. Creamy coffee. Tobacco. I don't know what my skin chemistry does to this to make it so, but it's so great. I think I need to go haunt everyone in the world and hoarde about 50 bottles!
  21. magikalcrab

    Lick It

    Please excuse me while I drool a little. The first thing I did when I opened the bottle was hop into the kitchen and find a few candy canes. So good. Wet on the skin it's nothing but mint. Which is not a bad thing! It's a brilliant scent. Cold and hard and perfectly minty. As it dries, there's a wonderful throw of creamy sugary vanilla sweetness that lingers. 20 minutes after the first application and I'm still floating on a cloud of sweet creamy vanilla mint and I've decided that Lick It is definatley one of my favourites! I'll be ordering a second bottle any day now! EDIT: maybe it seems silly to even bother, but I found out the fantastically brilliant way that this goes spectacularly well with Bliss. Chocolate-vanilla-mint. I was in heaven all day!!
  22. magikalcrab

    Beaver Moon 2005

    Oh, this scent is DIVINE in the bottle! I absolutely adore cheesecake, and just opening the bottle, I was drooling and wondering if I had the things around the house I need to make any. So, yes. The description is perfect. In the bottle, all I got was lemony cheesecake. Sharp, sweet, crumbly base. Oh, it's beautiful. Um. Anyway. Wet on skin it turned a little acrid, almost as if it was burned, and I wanted to cry. This lasted for all of 20 seconds, thankfully! As it dried, though, Beaver Moon stayed remarkably true to the bottle, sweet with a little sharp throw to it. As it dried, it calmed down a little, and now I've got the faintest whiff of fresh cheesecake around me, but sniffing my wrist, it's all base. Spicy and biscuity and very sweet. It's amazing! A very playful scent. Honestly, I can't think of an event when I'd wear it, but it's lovely and I'll definatly keep it!
  23. magikalcrab


    I wanted so much to love this scent - foody and I work well together. In the bottle, I could smell a sharp piney hit over a warm buttered scent and had hope. Wet on skin: powdery, with the tiniest hint of caramel Dry: nothing but pine. Pine and I hate each other. It was strong enough to give me a headache within about half a minute and I had to go wash it off. Strangely enough, the scent stayed there and turned sugary sweet. My chemistry is strange.
  24. magikalcrab

    Milk Moon 2005

    Bottle: I nearly fainted. This is STRONG! It's very sweet and creamy and I think I can get the tiniest hint of mint as well. But it's lovely in the bottle - perhaps it wasn't the best idea to have my nose directly over the bottle. Wet: COCONUT. And nothing but coconut. It's still very strong, even with just the tiniest bit of oil. 1 hour later: The coconut mellowed out a lot (thank the gods!) and it's layered out with very sweet vanilla. 3 hours later: The scent calmed down slowly and settled into a very creamy toasted marshmallow/vanilla/coconut scent. I've had people ask what I was wearing and then give me a strange look when I tell them. Glee. 6 hours later: It's morphed into a very vanilla and honey, with undernotes of warm cream, and then after only a few minutes like this, it started dissipating. The scent still lingers but not on skin anymore. 9 hours later: Just as I was leaving work, the coconut and vanilla came back full force, as if I'd just applied more! It's very creamy this time, with a lot of honey and the slightlest hint of something that's stronger but lighter than the cream - maybe the Lunar oils, I'm not sure. I want to say mint, but I don't think that's it. Either way, it's a lovely scent - very pick-me-up at the end of the day. Overall: I'm so glad I bought a second bottle of it! This is simply lovely, and it really sticks to me - putting it on at 6am before leaving for work, it's still constantly changing (although always for the better) for at least 12-15 hours after a single application. I'd have to say that this is very definatley one of my favourite scents so far. It just clings to me, which isn't a bad thing! As an aside, I've found that a tiny, tiny drop of Milk Moon over an application of Sugar Cookie works wonders - it kind of negates the acrid too cinnamon scent that I've seen people comment on.