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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lucyboo21

  1. Coworker apparently the broomstick you've been riding has gotten stuck up your ass. I suggest you remove it before I do.

  2. Cannot stalk my witchee! Argh! Now what to do with myself???

  3. Not sure how this bodes for the rest of the day: predictive text thinks assistant should be asshattery!

  4. I just got a box of pirates treasure, which included some beautiful earrings by @alicia_stardust! I am so lucky!

  5. I have been witched beyond words!

  6. My witchee is having bad pants. I wish I could figure out something to cheer her up.

  7. Hannah & KittyDemonCrack are trying to kill me. Now, anyone know how to fix a head shaped hole in the hallway drywall...

  8. Just got my first trick or treater of the night! #hopeivegotenoughcandy

  9. Fuck me! Just realized it is the twice monthly occurence where I am forced to work with bitch 1 & bitch 2. There may be bloodshed.

  10. I think I need to move my desk. I dont want to get hit by mistake when someone drops a house on coworker.

  11. It appears that we are running a blue light special on crazy tonight!

  12. Such a sad day in GUSPland.

  13. November~ FUCK YOU WITH A BARB WIRE WRAPPED DILDO! December you had better be good to my friends & I. Consider yourself on notice.

  14. Holy shit! I've been witched!

  15. My witch sent me gorgeous acorn earrings by @sihayadesigns! I need another job to support her & my @alicia_stardust addiction!

  16. If @alicia_stardust keeps making all the pretty things I'm going to have to start working the street corner.


    http://t.co/NlQzUUFG @paintboxsoaps don't be blaming me if you can't hold your jello.shots! #ilaughedsohardtearsrandownmylegs


  18. Must buy all the sparkly objects!

  19. Hannah cat thinks @alicia_stardust makes great kitty toys! http://t.co/orYG763n

  20. Walgreens won't give me my photos because they are so good the must be from a professional. # walgreens

  21. This is asshattery taken to a whole new level! http://t.co/L9OGUSk7

  22. It's the perfect storm of financial ruin. A @bpal update, a @bptp update and a @alicia_stardust update all within 24 hours.

  23. Capt. Cee and Granpa have the con! http://t.co/qkrbCVJh

  24. Tonight the fireman & I are going to pick up the big sparkly ring! Somehow I feel like I'm cheating on @alicia_stardust though.
