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BPAL Madness!


Barred from swapping
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Status Updates posted by lucyboo21

  1. Hannah cat thinks @alicia_stardust makes great kitty toys! http://t.co/orYG763n

  2. Must buy all the sparkly objects!


    http://t.co/NlQzUUFG @paintboxsoaps don't be blaming me if you can't hold your jello.shots! #ilaughedsohardtearsrandownmylegs


  4. If @alicia_stardust keeps making all the pretty things I'm going to have to start working the street corner.

  5. My witch sent me gorgeous acorn earrings by @sihayadesigns! I need another job to support her & my @alicia_stardust addiction!

  6. Holy shit! I've been witched!

  7. November~ FUCK YOU WITH A BARB WIRE WRAPPED DILDO! December you had better be good to my friends & I. Consider yourself on notice.

  8. Such a sad day in GUSPland.

  9. It appears that we are running a blue light special on crazy tonight!

  10. I think I need to move my desk. I dont want to get hit by mistake when someone drops a house on coworker.

  11. Fuck me! Just realized it is the twice monthly occurence where I am forced to work with bitch 1 & bitch 2. There may be bloodshed.

  12. Just got my first trick or treater of the night! #hopeivegotenoughcandy

  13. Shit! I have to leave for work in a half hour and I'm still in my jammies! Blah!

  14. I do not want to go to work! I want to sit home in my jammies and switch witch shop!

  15. Hannah & KittyDemonCrack are trying to kill me. Now, anyone know how to fix a head shaped hole in the hallway drywall...

  16. My witchee is having bad pants. I wish I could figure out something to cheer her up.

  17. I have been witched beyond words!

  18. I just got a box of pirates treasure, which included some beautiful earrings by @alicia_stardust! I am so lucky!

  19. Not sure how this bodes for the rest of the day: predictive text thinks assistant should be asshattery!

  20. Cannot stalk my witchee! Argh! Now what to do with myself???

  21. Coworker apparently the broomstick you've been riding has gotten stuck up your ass. I suggest you remove it before I do.

  22. Joygasms! My gigantic @paintboxsoaps order landed! So yummy can't decide what to try first! All the fall LEs are amazing!

  23. Oh gods it was horrible! I was attacked by yarn and they demanded that they come home with me! Hope my witchee likes badly attempted crochet
