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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lucyboo21

  1. Could we please dial down the crazy today?

    1. tuffins


      That picture of your pup is 'dialing up the cuteness'!!!

  2. I do not want to go to work! I want to sit home in my jammies and switch witch shop!

  3. We watched King of Dirt. Sadly Steve Kinser never showed up.

  4. I have a Witch. And I am a Witch. What a happy day!

  5. It's at my house! We've got flood warnings.

  6. Solid perfume and lip balm are not interchangable. Even if the containers are identical. Ick! Leather flavored lips!

  7. This is my day!http://bit.ly/bfyilm I'm reading: Sneaky Hate Spiral

  8. My mailman is over 2 1/2 hrs. late. She knows she the has good stuff. When all she has is the cable bill she is early. Bitch.

  9. I had conveniently blocked that my gallery-showing opens tonight. Wonder if I have time to run away from home? Let the freaking out begin!

  10. Kinda like pulling teeth?

  11. Hey Roofers? If I had a dick this is where I would tell you to suck it.

  12. And my wallet wimpers

  13. 3 hours till nano. I don't think I have enough caffine for this!

  14. The number of things I can find to do to procrastinate is mind-blowing.

  15. I'd be thinking rum- but thats just me.

  16. Why did I think it was a good idea to try Glowing Vulva? Of course I love it, and of course I will never, ever get more.

  17. It must be winter. The snowplow just took out my mailbox.

  18. I got witched! My witch, she is teh awesom!

  19. Dear USPS, You Suck! No Love, Me

  20. There is a custody fight raging over @paintboxsoap Yuletide Mariner sorbetto. Like bpal's Ice Queen having sex under the Xmas tree.

  21. One of @alicia_stardust beautiful pieces is coming to live with me!

  22. I just love it when Al Roker puts "FRIGID" right on top of my house.

  23. Sucks to be a naked doggie in WI! Will pay $ to see the semi-significant other take this pooch for a walk! http://pbckt.com/pm.dt4ed6



    Gary Gygax created Dungeons & Dragons, born in Chicago
