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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lucyboo21

  1. I love this! I made $167.74 this week doing a couple of surveys. http://t.co/QyUNCsIovW

  2. This rocks! I made $192.36 this week so far just doing some surveys. http://t.co/KBcfCp5H

  3. This rocks! I got $106.67 this week just taking some surveys. http://t.co/MqCiuE8d

  4. This rocks! I made $176.16 this week just filling out surveys. http://t.co/klOdrypO

  5. This rocks! I got $175.14 so far filling out surveys. http://t.co/g936yf5e

  6. Aweesomeee! I made $173.77 so far filling out some surveys. http://t.co/505mYMU1

  7. Awesome! I earned $160.15 this week so far just filling out a couple of surveys. http://t.co/Ilqep8aa

  8. Dear Hannah Cat: I don't need help wrapping my witchees presents, not does she have an over-weight torti on her wishlist.

  9. Tonight the fireman & I are going to pick up the big sparkly ring! Somehow I feel like I'm cheating on @alicia_stardust though.

  10. Capt. Cee and Granpa have the con! http://t.co/qkrbCVJh

  11. It's the perfect storm of financial ruin. A @bpal update, a @bptp update and a @alicia_stardust update all within 24 hours.

  12. This is asshattery taken to a whole new level! http://t.co/L9OGUSk7

  13. Walgreens won't give me my photos because they are so good the must be from a professional. # walgreens
