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Posts posted by strahlend

  1. I see where you're coming from MuskWitch, there is something thick and herbaceous/vegetal happening here. I think that it's the combination of the cumin and galbanum. I also agree with Balame about the chocolate element. Sometimes a patchouli that incorporates vanilla comes across to me as chocolaty, I wonder if that might be happening here. All in all it is an interesting scent experience.

  2. This strikes me as a peppermint mixed with pennyroyal with a healthy dose of sugary candycanes.

    I happen to love pennyroayl, and mint in general - the additional vanilla sugar really rounds it out and makes it feel inviting.

    I'm delighted to have a bottle.

  3. As you pass down Houston street, faro banks abound, till we reach an unpretending red brick building No. 25, kept by Frank Burns, known as the "Judge and Jury". This is a great resort for the sportsmen both of this and the other country. Everything here is conducted in a respectable and orderly manner.

    Bay rum, polished oak, exquisite pipe and cigar tobaccos, and a splash of bourbon.

    This is GORGEOUS!

    Tobacco is strong, sweet, and dominates this blend. The rum and bourbon are more subtle. The oak is providing a smooth and sophisticated base.
    This is tobacco lovers heaven. It smells like walking into a tobacco shop that has some really classy wooden furniture. It's very atmospheric but not overwhelming, at least not for me. The sweetness of the tobacco meshes into my skin and becomes an almost vanilla-tobacco-soft wood sort of skin scent. I think I'm going to try to secure another bottle or two before this one comes down.

    Reminds me of: Buggre Alle This Bible, Havana, Mahogany Hall atmo spray, Antikythera Mechanism

  4. I love this scent. I get the sense of ivy, leaves, maybe amber, maybe just a touch of lily. I keep thinking of Samhain's musky-leafy quality while sniffing this blend. I also keep thinking of softly spiced apples.

    This doesn't strike me as resonating with graveyards, funerals, or grief in the least. I don't get much of a floral impression either. A lovely walk during autumn would be more fitting to my impression of this scent.

  5. Wow. This is a crazy scent. It's woody, herbal, green and almost waxy in a way. It manages to seem earthy and airy at the same time.

    Very interesting.

    I think it would certainly add an interesting dimension to anything it was paired with. Depending on the context it could green up a wood or incense scent, could add an unexpected earthiness to a sweet blend, or add an almost resinous element to something already leaning in that direction. I'm excited to experiment with this one, it seems like a secret ingredient for adding a little twist.

  6. I got my bottle from Dark Delicacies today and immediately slathered up.


    This one really does live up to the hype, it's amazing.


    I'm getting a bit of the Black Lace vibe, there seems to be a similar dusky, linen, cognac type of feel to it. For the other part, it seems a little more like Samhain than Falling Leaf Moon to my nose. It seems like a Samhain sort of musky sweetness and I almost feel like I'm getting a hint of apple every once in a while in the very begining, although that seems to fade out pretty quickly, maybe I imagined it. The result is a sexy yet snuggly scent that would be great for sitting on the couch with tea, out walking in the leaves, or dazzling those around you during an evening out. I will cherish this bottle, that's for sure.

  7. A couple years ago when I first encountered this scent it didn't do too much for me. The opium and orchid were interesting, but not compelling.


    I tried it again a few months ago and fell in love with it, and I appreciate it even more today. My tastes have been moving more toward resins and dark, saturated florals - and Event Horizon fits my current tastes perfectly.


    Sniffing from the imp: this gives me a similar feeling as black lily, it's heady and floral and sweet, but this scent actually seems lighter in tone, I think the orchid has a somewhat uplifting effect.


    Skin testing – Sweet and musky. It feels classy and elegant. The combination of opium and resins with the orchid is lovely. The orchid is more noticeable now. After a little time it mellows and all the elements blend into each other seamlessly. It's very smooth. This scent is like a river of black silk.


    It blends into my skin and smells like I've been walking through resinous incense and wear an exotic flower in my hair, like I live in a temple.

  8. Sniffing from the decant first impressions – soft, mild, watery blue.


    Skin testing – pale blue, lightly floral, gentle. Not flowery, not soapy, not cleanser, not even aquatic in the way I usually think of it. There's lightness from the champaca flower and lotus, and the lightest hint of warmth from the opium water and arabian musk. This is lovely.



    Sadak is like airy incense burning beside a cool mountain stream. Sadak is along the lines of the feeling of sandalwood, soft wispy incense, a bit of opium, and whatever the stone element is, with the blue lotus. Notably here the lotus does not smell like bubble gum. I wish I knew what was giving the stone feeling.


    This just kept winning my heart more and more. The unique gentle blue eventually transformed into a lovely light incense type of smell, which I think may have been the champaca flower. Eventually on my skin this reminds me of dry sandalwood incense with a bit of musk. It's absolutely wonderful and very hard to describe.

  9. Sniffing from my decant, first impressions: dark, woody, somewhat cologne like.


    Skin testing – this smells really good. It's dark and woody, but also just a little sweet, perhaps some opium is in the suffocating shadows? The above reviews that mention sandalwood and dragon's blood sounds right to me too. I love how the dark and heavy elements are balanced with notes that contain more sweet and airy qualities.


    Eventually this scent seems to become mainly sweet (dragon's blood? opium?) with the woody notes gently anchoring it. Totally different than my first impression from the decant. I almost didn't try this one, but now it's going on my bottle list.

  10. This scent is unusual in that it seems to have two types of scents clashing and mixing in an unexpected way.


    Orb Weaver goes on with a somewhat astringent lavender which seems in close proximity with the lilac and mixing with the mandarin. This is an interesting combination that works well. The other side of this scent is the patchouli and anise, also an interesting and combination that develops both scents beyond their usual profile. Mixing these two 'halves' is the crux of this scent. It strikes me as Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde existing in one body. These two sides clash and mix and dance around each other seeming to remain quite separate entities for quite some time. It's an unusual experience.


    Late in the dry down I'm smelling mostly a gorgeous soft gently lavendered patchouli with maybe just the smallest touch of pine. It was an interesting ride to get to this point, that's for sure.

  11. Buen Viage, Francisco de Goya.
    Tonka bean, red sandalwood, black pepper, vetiver, hiba wood, turmeric root, and Ceylon cinnamon.

    Sniffing from the decant – vetiver and pepper with a sandalwood backup.

    Skin testing – This is intense stuff. I'm still getting mainly pepper and vetiver, but I can tell there's something in here rounding it out a bit. This is starting to smell very familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. The sandalwood and tonka are trying to emerge, the more it mellows out the better it's getting. It seems like there's almost something fruity in here. I don't detect cinnamon (as I know it) at any point.

    Over time this scent has really grown on me. It's now reminding me of a Snake Pit type of scent. Silky, rich, smooth, vetiver and gently woody sandalwood, but so much more than that, things that don't seem to be accounted for by the note list. The scent swirls around me and I catch myself thinking 'what smells good?' then I realize it's me. This is one of those times when the dry down is absolutely worth the (relatively short) wait. I can tell this will cling to my skin overnight and I'll likely wake up with it in the morning.

  12. Pandemonium, John Martin.
    Smoke-tinged red and black musks, mahogany, ginger grass, black gum leaf, rue, star thistle, tomato leaf, black amber, and mandrake accord.

    Sniffing from the decant: Pandemonium smells rich and dark, reminding me of a unified embodiment of the variety of notes that go into my favorite warm and musky blends.

    Skin testing – I imagine this is what it smells like when you spend a day mixing up oils. Maybe a little smudge of this, a little smudge of that ending up on your hands and clothes and hair. The warm woody musks and woods (I think I detect both the red and black musks, mahogany, and amber) blend together with the lighter green elements (I seem to get the tomato leaf as well as a little ginger grass and mandrake). It ends up a delightful mix, not too heavy, not too green, not too many notes mixed together... it's the Goldilocks of mash-up blends. Sometimes scents that span such a spectrum end up feeling kind of muddled and indistinct, not so here.

    It seems like this would be lovely for those days when you know you want to smell good but don't want to be locked into a particular dominating scheme. Versatile as well as beautiful, this scent is truly a masterpiece.

  13. Fallen Angels in Hell, John Martin.
    Infernal red amber, scorched frankincense, damiana, red ginger, bloodroot, cayenne, and sulphur.

    Sniffing from my decant I get a strong impression of ginger. Particularly the kind of ginger that tends to not appeal to me until it gets on my skin (as in Inextinguishable Hatred - which I love) it's a bit overwhelming and sharp. But I've found that giving this wild ginger a chance to get skin contact makes all the difference in the world. Such is the case here.

    Skin Testing – yes, it goes on strongly ginger, but within moments a transformation starts to happen. Fallen Angels in Hell goes right into smelling lovely and resinous. Frankincense steps right up and dances with the ginger, taking the lead. There's a bit of spice lingering around the ginger giving it a twist, cayenne I would suppose from the listed notes, but probably wouldn't have guessed otherwise. There's a lovely balance happening between the roundness of the frankincense with the red amber supporting it and warmly spiced ginger.
    Personally I don't detect sulpher at any time, nor do I get a 'scorched' feel from this scent.

    On my skin this turns into a dominantly frankincense scent, but the ginger tweak really makes it interesting and sets it apart from other ginger blends and other resinous blends. I love both of those genres, so this is quite a hit with me.

  14. 2012 version


    This strikes me as an amazing blend of lavender, violet, and something magical. I'm not usually one for violet or too many flowers mixed together, but there's a mildly green element to this violet and the way it's blending with the lavender that comes across as naturally, effortlessly, beautiful. Going on the bottle list, for sure.

  15. First sniff from the decant – I don't usually seek out foody scents, but this is compelling. It is sweet and creamy but with a freshness to it that reminds me of a previous Weenie, Gunpowder. Pumpkin is tricky for me, I often find it to smell too obviously artificial and straying into candle territory, but I'm loving this particular pumpkin. There's a fresh almost hay-like element with it that really makes it work.


    Skin testing – this stays true to my first impressions on initial application. Reminding me of Gunpowder with the addition of pumpkin, which might seems like it might be similar to the pumpkin from last year's pumpkin latte (but minus the latte, of course). This smells really great and finishes up smelling like there's a wee hint of coconut with the creamy pumpkin. Delightful!

  16. Sniff from the decant – sort of “perfumy” and floral with a base that must be the cologne; the combination of booze and tobacco brings Black Lace to mind.


    Skin testing – this does go on dark musk and cologne. This scent seems sophisticated. I like the opium with the lilies and tobacco. This scent seems elegant and professional... like a perfectly tailored lady's suit with a hat and gloves. This scent has a classic feel I think, putting in my mind visions of noir movies. I've been really into resins and lily lately and this scent is fitting in well with my current tastes.

    When this softens up in the dry down it smells mostly of soft sweet tobacco, opium, and lily. Decadent, rich, and classy. This dries down into a gorgeous soft tobacco sweetness. Very lovely.

    The more I smell this, the more I love it. Every stage is absolutely wonderful.

  17. Without looking at the notes my impressions were of wood, incense, and a sweet flower. In the imp it seemed a little bit more perfumy and sharp, but on my skin it becomes sweet and atmospheric.

    The cloud of scent that wafts up from my arms reminds me a little bit of the light, sweet, mildly fruity incense feel I get from Mlle Lilith, Fortune Teller and the orange from Ravenous. When I huff my wrist up close it smells more sharply floral. This scent meshes with my skin chemistry beautifully and it strikes me as being mildly orangy, incense, and soft warm wood.


    I've had this imp for who knows how long and since it didn't really grab me when I sniffed it in the imp it was looked over, after testing it out I'm on the lookout for a bottle.

  18. After finding this imp hiding out in a box under my bed I've tested it out a few times during the last couple days.


    In the imp it seems sort of perfumy, the kind of white floral I usually associate with perfumes where you get the alcohol blast when you put it on. What makes this interesting is that in addition to this there's also an unusual sweetness to it that reminds me of dried fruit.


    On my skin (without looking at notes or reviews) I smell a floral but it's mixed with what smells like fresh tobacco, like when a fresh pack of cigarettes is opened, it's totally different than most scents associated with tobacco products, kind of fresh and sweet but earthy, sort of like raisins or maybe figs. I also feel like I'm smelling some kind of resin, I'm not sure which one. Flower, figs, fresh tobacco, and resin... that pretty accurately describes what I smell. It smells exotic somehow, sort of mysterious but not in a dark shadowy way, more like an oasis.


    It reminds me of what the main character in the Tom Robbins book Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates would smell like when he's out in the desert. This scent couldn't describe Switters or that atmosphere any better, it fits perfectly. Perhaps the name predisposed me to thinking of the book, but it's a strong match regardless.

  19. First sniff – oh dear. I'm not getting any of the notes I was looking forward to - the opium tar, frankincense, cedarwood, coffee, coconut or vetiver. The notes I wasn't so excited about are the ones I can smell,lemongrass, tobacco flower and white plum. Upon further sniffing I the coconut, tobacco flower and white plum seem to be the main dominant notes.


    Skin testing – at first there was a lemon blast (I amp lemon like crazy) but it quickly shifted into a pleasant airy coconut scent. It has a fruity twang to it from the plum and feels carefree, healthy, and tropical.


    Although it's not at all what I was expecting, it is very pretty and seems like it would be lovely in warm weather.

  20. Hoggle reminds me a whole lot of Velvet Dogs Playing Poker and Miskatonic University. Very rich, sweet, woody (teak? mahogany?), intense.


    Partner walked in the door shorty after I put this on and said it smelled like caramel corn in the living room. This is potent stuff.

  21. 13 Hours starts out interestingly incensy and ends up as a oakmoss dominated scent. Quite a resilient scent, long lasting. While I had this on I couldn't smell anything else in my environment. Powerful!
