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Everything posted by strahlend

  1. strahlend

    Mars Ultor

    The amber is dark and sweet. The vanilla and tobacco give dimension and depth so there's no danger of wandering into powder territory. Eventually it reminds me of a slightly more musky version of Morocco. The proportions of amber to vanilla to tobacco are such that they blend perfectly together and none of the particular elements dominate the blend. Warm, sweet, faintly resinous, with just a little edge to it.
  2. strahlend

    Ivory Vulva

    Super buttery sweet. The coconut and macadamia are rich and lightly nutty sitting in a cloud of vanilla cream. Reminds me of a white chocolate and macadamia nut cookie I used to get from a coffee shop.
  3. strahlend

    Tobacco scents

    @Minh Scent I can't quite remember Hellfire, but judging from my notes it does sound very much like what you're looking for. This is the note I made for myself, "dark, musky, tobacco, incense. It smells strong. I love this scent. At first it was musky and had hints of sweet tobacco and soft leather. Later the sweetness seemed almost more like honey with the tobacco and leather. It was sweet, warm and musky - very inviting." If you're looking for more recommendations, I might add SN French Tobacco and Frank Burns, easily one of my favorite tobacco scents.
  4. strahlend

    Tobacco scents

    @Minh Scent, I haven't tried 5 or 6 on your list, but based on your preferences and working from what you have here, I would recommend Interfector. Personally, I got more of a fresh wood vibe from Perversion, Ogun reminds me more of sweetgrass, and Elegba leans heavily toward the coconut and rum side. Interfector has more of the dark wood and sweet tobacco vibe that fits in along the lines of Antikythera Mechanism and Dracul.
  5. strahlend


    Skin testing – upon application I think this smells really good. The resins blend really interestingly with the honey and wine and lilac. It almost seems chaotic, but there's something holding it together. The lilac is pretty and warmed with the honey. The wine and crimson tea leaf must be adding the bright note here that is keeping things bouyant. It's warm and sweet and a bit on the resin side. The lilac's warm resiny sweetness reminds me a bit of Lysander. Lysander - Lilac musk, tonka, wood violet, and urbane lime rind, with a Venus-kissed tangle of myrtle, blackberry leaf, and benzoin. Looking at the notes, it kind of makes sense... maybe? I put on Lysander on the other wrist and they were remarkably similar with Lysander having a more powerful presence and more longevity.
  6. strahlend

    Alice's Evidence

    I don't know why, but to my nose this smells like wet, milky, cinnamon bread. Not as sweet or as pleasant as one would wish. It doesn't have the sweet counterbalance that cinnamon scents usually have. There is something distinctly bland - yet still cinnamony. Not to my taste, but not unpleasant. Edit: Also the only BPAL that has ever given me a red rash.
  7. strahlend


    Goes on smelling like Mariposita and ends up smelling like Dorian that has been slightly softened with the addition of gentle resins.
  8. strahlend

    Incipient Madness

    Exploratory sniffs from the bottle reveal a good many of the listed notes, dark musk, tobacco and even a bit of currant and a nice round patchouli. On my skin I'm getting something pungent in here, like black pepper and a hint of vetiver. It's sharp and kind of dry.
  9. strahlend

    Some Strangeness in the Proportion

    This is a mainly smooth sweet sandalwood-vanilla scent to my nose. It's very bright smelling, not at all foody. I think it's the saffron. It's quite unusual and gorgeous. I don't smell pepper in here at all.
  10. strahlend

    Blacker than the Raven Wings of Midnight

    My first impression was that it smelled a lot like rootbeer. In the drydown it reminds me a lot of Snake Oil in that the dominating notes (vanilla, patchouli, incense) notes seem really similar.
  11. strahlend

    Mysterious Warning

    MYSTERIOUS WARNING A scent evocative of poisonous family secrets: dry lavender-infused amber, battered leather, nicotiana, osmanthus, and jasmine tea. In the bottle - lots of wonderful lavender. Reminds me somewhat of the lavender in TKO. On my skin - very much lavender warmed with amber. Soft, sweet and comforting. Subtly in the background is a whiff of tea that's reminding me of Dorian perhaps, I wouldn't be able to identify it as jasmine tea I don't think. This is a beautiful scent, lavender lovers like myself will be very happy.
  12. strahlend

    Quick Grope Under the Mistletoe

    Starts off reminding me of an almond spice cookie sitting in a pile of dry leaves. Then comes in some fresh evergreen boughs. Then some apples that have been dried in a big oak barrel. Now I'm getting some dried wood and maybe some hint of currant or tart berry. In the drydown it's mostly dry woods and a hint of evergreen. Like being in a forest and the scent of spices waft in the air occasionally. It's a very lovely winter scent and while I'm happy to have a partial bottle I would love to see this in the Yule rotation.
  13. strahlend


    Interestingly, Mermaid opens up with the candy notes from Elephantine Colossus. It reminds me of kettle corn. That fades off pretty quick though and what emerges is a very mildly minty ambergris. I'm not getting anything floral, orange, or vanilla infused. There is something that's keeping this soft aquatic musk on the lighter side and I would guess it's the tiare I'm smelling. Not what I was expecting, but a pleasant scent.
  14. strahlend

    Single Note: Bonfire

    first sniff – smells smokey and woody like vetiver and liquid smoke. Reminds me of Agnus Nutter or something similar. Skin testing – goes on smelling like strong campfire smoke. Pungent. Strong. Like being nose to nose with a campfire of a wood I can't quite name. This is a real wood and real smoke scent, which is amazing. It's just so strong and so intense that it feels almost too on the nose, so to speak. My partner, however, loves smokey wood scents and perked right up when I mentioned this scent and is happily skin testing right now. If he decides to get a bottle I certainly wouldn't mind smelling it on him, it's just not for me.
  15. strahlend

    Visions of Autumn VII

    First sniff – I get the tobacco and a hint of pepper and some of the resin and a faint hint of black musk. Skin testing – very sweet and chewy tobacco scent. I also get the pepper. What started out as a tobacco single note has softened into a tobacco that has a slightly soapy muskyness to it because of the resins and sandalwood. The tobacco note is still out front and talking kind of loud. In comparison, French Tobacco single note goes on a bit more high pitched, VII is much more sweet in comparison. They both end up in the same ballpark, but VII initially has a lot more dimension and roundness to it, as would make sense when comparing it to a single note. In the end, it's a lovely scent, just not for me.
  16. strahlend

    Visions of Autumn VI

    First sniff – I'm only getting the lavender, it is of the thick and sweetened variety, as opposed to the sharp and astringent kind. Skin test – simple concept, brilliant execution. My favorite of the bunch so far. Gorgeous sweet lavender. This is one of those scents that needs to be given a chance on the skin, sniffing from the bottle or decant won't do it justice. I think this scent would be easy to overlook, but it really is lavender perfection in a bottle. I have lots of other lavender scents in my collection, this one is by far my favorite. I can only think to describe it as smelling your most favorite lavender bush, but better. Edit: my initial reviews are always so optimistic. I have a bottle of this now and realize that it smells very similar to Villain.
  17. strahlend

    Visions of Autumn I

    First sniff – Something interesting is happening here. The pepper is combining with something to make this unusual almost chewy kind of scent. Skin testing – The pepper comes on strong. Sort of musty and spicy. Like a closet in an old house filled with pepper corns. After a while it settles down, but it still smells more peppery than anything and is not entirely enjoyable.
  18. strahlend

    Visions of Autumn III

    First sniff – I get the patchouli and honey and some spice. The honey could be a deal breaker. Skin testing – it's lighter than I would think. Almost a hint of flower? Smells like cheap chocolate chips? Perhaps that's the vanilla. The honey doesn't make me happy. It's just not a note I like anymore. Dries down to a gently sweet mildly honeyed patchouli. Makes me think of what Womb Furie smells like in late dry down.
  19. strahlend

    Visions of Autumn IV

    First sniff – this does smell faintly of oranges and incense. Skin test – goes on with a lot more orange citrus blast than it smelled like in the imp. Usually burns off fast though. Some time later, it's still pretty orangy, but the champaca is starting to mix in. It is staying a citrus scent, I'm guessing it's in part due to the verbena. It reminds me a lot of Wake.
  20. strahlend

    Visions of Autumn V

    First sniff – I get the vetiver, but after that this is quite an unusual scent. I'm not sure if in a good way or not. Sometimes dark notes with a fruit are nauseating to me, but this is more interesting than gross. This is the winner of the most unexpected scent out of this group. Skin testing – goes on smelling as it does in the imp, which is to say a bit confusing. There is an aspect to this that feels like if you sniff too deeply it will singe your nose hairs. This vetiver is potent and pungent. I feel like I can smell the apricot in there, but it's a lost cause.
  21. strahlend

    Single Note: Stage Blood

    I agree with all above, it smells like cherries and dragon's blood in a way that is much nicer than it might sound. I also detect a bit of cinnamon. At this point my son said that it smells "like candy." In the drydown I'm smelling mostly a lovely dragonsblood with just a slight hint of tart sweetness from the cherry.
  22. strahlend

    Single Note: Fog Machine Juice

    In the decant this smelled kind of soapy and reminded me of Embalming Fluid. Skin testing was a whole other story. Fog Machine Juice actually manages to be diaphanous while maintaining a very clear presence. There are no sharp notes here that jump out at you, there's just this smooth cloud of gorgeous scent that carries with it a hint of lime. The base of this scent eludes my ability to name it, but I can tell that it is not soapy, it's not sharp, it's not lemony, and it's not a musk or resin as they typically appear. Call me crazy, but I feel like I smell a bit of quince. This was the Weenie that put me over the edge and made me decide to put in a lab order. It really is a fascinatingly beautiful and unusual scent. Edit: continuing to try to puzzle out this scent. Today I feel like I'm detecting absinthe in here. I feel pretty sure that it's a component of this scent. Absinthe, lime, and quince? Sounds weird, but that's what I'm coming up with.
  23. strahlend

    The Bear in the Cellar

    Started out with a strong scent of whiskey like in Mad Sweeney. It fades quickly here as it does in MS. Now the tobacco and musk are reminding me of a mix of Black Lace and Haunted. The tobacco and whiskey notes both have a bit of sharpness to them, but the musk does round things out. The overall impression is of expensive perfume wafting around a parlor where guests are drinking whiskey (but not smoking). The tobacco here is not like in cigarettes or pipes, it more like what I imagine tobacco smells like raw or dried. In the end it is the bear musk that is the longest lasting note, it is warm and strong, this is not a subtle bear. The whiskey and tobacco provide interesting dimensions as the perfume settles in. My initial impression was that I probably could find a similar scent in my existing collection, but that's actually quite false. The bear musk is new to my nose and the companion notes set it off beautifully. Edit to add: many thanks to the lovely person who sent this to me from the NYCC!
  24. strahlend

    Smutty Goblin Hair Gloss

    I thought this scent might be more on the musky side, but what I got was a very sugary/caramel vanilla richness with an overtone of booze. It reminds me a lot of Red Lantern mixed with Grog.
  25. strahlend

    Love and Sleep

    First sniff – more orchid, floral, than I expected. I thought it would be more milky and sweet. Skin tested – to my nose this is an orchid blend with some other notes faintly in the background rounding it out. I had hoped that the dominant note would be the fig milk, so this is a lot more floral than I anticipated. Ends up smelling like a drawer sachet to me, but might work great for the orchid lovers out there.