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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by strahlend

  1. strahlend


    I love this scent! It's the dirt without soap, without florals, without anything to mess it up ~ah~ and it's Wonderful.
  2. strahlend

    The Arabian Dance

    Freshly applied I get a hit of hazelnut and the coffee/nutty/sweetness reminds me of a blend of Gluttony and Miskatonic University. There's also the feeling of mixed spices – a bit of nutmeg, a whisper of anise, a hint of cardamom. None of them are particularly distinct, it's just a feeling of various spices. After a few minutes the leather comes forward with the tobacco. At this point the coffee and hazelnut have either morphed or blended with the spices in a way that's making me think of black pepper. The leather and tobacco are sweet and nice – this is not new leather; it's soft, warm and sweet. After a little while longer the coffee seems to have peeked out just a bit again. A bit later and I'm almost getting a woodsy feeling. When I huff really hard I can tell there's hazelnut somewhere in there but it seems pretty soft at this point. A wrist shoved under the boyfriend's nose yielded a slightly pained expression and the comment, “Coffee? Toffee?” Later - the coffee and nut have resurfaced with a vengeance. This seems to be mostly coffee/nutty and leaning toward the foody end of the spectrum with my skin chemistry. My skin has totally eaten this up by the hour and half point. I only get a very faint whiff of sweetness where I had heavily applied it. This line up of scents is something I would have put in a dream blend, so I've been pretty excited to try it. It's nice but one of my main problems with this scent is that it doesn't seem to have much of a throw and it doesn't last long. I'm a slatherer and even with a heavy application I don't feel like I'm getting the strength or duration of scent that I prefer. It seems to stick close to my skin no matter how much I put on. I'm glad to have a bottle, maybe I'll get a backup sometime if I can (when I do want to wear it I'm going to need quite a bit to make it through a day), but this isn't the omg must hoard scent I thought it was going to be. Ends up making me think of Gluttony layered with Bah! - if you like both of those, and the idea of them layered, you'll love this scent. ETA: It's been about a month now and I've tried AD on a couple more times. Unfortunately the more I try it the less I like it. It reminds me of day old cold coffee. Kind of thin and flat in its olfactory impression. I'll hang onto it for a while to see if age improves it. (edit for spelling)
  3. strahlend

    The Decrepit House

    I get mostly the black musk, patchouli and tobacco I think. It's musky/woody and surprisingly sweet. I like oakmoss but it doesn't seem particularly pronounced here. This blend works so beautifully that I think before I use up my bottle I'm going to look for another black musk & patchouli blend - hopefully in the GC.
  4. strahlend


    I've been on a black musk kick lately so I picked up an imp of this to try. At first sniff I get a lot of red musk. On my skin after a minute it's clearly just MUSKY. For some reason it's almost bordering on soapy. If I encountered someone who had this on I would tell them they smell good.... but for some reason it seems just a little too soapy or cologny for me... or maybe not. Hm. I really can't tell. It is very nice. No, there is something with too much of an edge here – ok, I think it's the black musk being overwhelmed by the white musk that makes this seem weirdly perfumy – I think I have issues with white musk. It's weird that with all this musk it ends up smelling super clean.
  5. strahlend


    This is a soft leather and there's something sweet – yes, tobacco. Mildly sweet and very gently leather... the longer this is on the more almost fruity (reminding me of fig) it becomes. Mmm.... this is really nice. It's almost too subtle but with enough slathering this would be really wonderful.
  6. strahlend

    Bohun Upas

    A deceptively tranquil scent: heady fruits, dry bark, and deep green leaves, enveloped by a dark and sinister murk. Bohun Upas works really well for me as a Yule scent. It has some evergreen to it without being distinctly pine, juniper or other overt and sometimes sharp winter tree scents. I don't get a feeling of fruit, but this does have a mildly sweet element to it - so some kind of fruit could be here but indistinct. There is a feeling of muskiness in this blend but it's not overpowering or too intense - just enough so that it will mesh with skin and body heat to lend a warm feel. After a little while the fruits come forward a little more and I think briefly of spiced apples for a moment, but then the evergreen feeling comes back in. A while later I'm getting more wafts of some kind of warm spice - just a hint - and it's really lovely. This is what I always hope winter tree and snow Yules will smell like, but they usually don't. This blend is a lovely combination of green/musk/sweetness that is inviting and comforting. This blend hits a perfect middle ground of not being too subtle or too strong - it's just right. I've had this in my favorites box for a long time but it frequently gets overlooked - but I'm going to fix that. This is a beautiful scent for cooler months, it's going on the bottle list for sure.
  7. strahlend


    My first thought was cantaloupe. Something is making me think of fresh melon. On my skin it's kind of like something green and full of chlorophyll and melon. This is an interesting scent. It seems very fresh and clean to me. I'm not really feeling it right now, but I'll be happy to revisit this scent in warmer months to see how I feel about it then.
  8. strahlend

    Robin Goodfellow

    In the imp this smells beautifully woody and musky. On my skin it smells even better. The slightly bitter edge the wood had in the imp becomes instantly sweeter and softer when it's on. This smells Really Good. What's particularly nice is that this manages to be a dark and woodsy smell without being too heavy, intense cologny, or pungent. This smells like dry fragrant wood sitting by a warm fireplace - it seems to have a simple, natural feel to it. It would make a great everyday scent and seems like it would be good in any season. I need to put this one on the bottle list.
  9. strahlend


    In the imp I can barely smell anything. What I do get seems like a very pale floral. On my skin - this is really light, I can't quite think of how to describe something I can hardly smell. It seems vaguely perfumy, there's something kind of giving me the feeling of perfume alcohol for some reason, I can hardly smell it but what I do get is kind of sharp. When it softens up a bit it seems like a barely there floral again. Probably the least present bpal I've ever sniffed.
  10. strahlend


    In the imp I smell mostly jasmine. Sweet, floral, dark. On my skin the rose comes out really quickly and for a second it seems like it's going to take over. It doesn't though, this is beautifully balanced. There's a bit of spice that's making me think of carnations, more likely though it's the myrrh interacting with the jasmine. This is a very lovely scent, but roses and I aren't a good match so Nyx and I will part ways here and remain distant friends.
  11. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... this smells so freakin' good it almost can't be put into words. This scent is dark, woody, and amazingly sexy. I almost get a feeling of chocolate which I believe must be the vanilla - this has happened before where my nose identifies vanilla as chocolate - but I would never call this blend foody because of it. There's something here giving me a cologny vibe, maybe that's the oak. I would think there's musk and leather in here but no such things are listed, but this really does strike me as a musky, leathery, woody blend. I can't believe how much I love this scent. It's a strong scent and a little goes a long way, which is nice because I'll have time to get another bottle before this one runs out.
  12. strahlend

    Temple Viper

    I just got a bottle in the mail today and I'm totally in love. Wet in the bottle - it smells kind of sharp and herbal. Wet on my skin - a lovely amber colored oil, sweet and incensy After a little while - this is sexy musky sweetness. There's still a feeling of herbs or resin hanging around, but overall this is gorgeous snake oil all sweetened up and incense-ified. Dries down to - snake oil PLUS awesome... whatever the additional elements are they work beautifully here. They don't just tag along for the ride, this blend forms a new whole that is its own animal. My only complaint is that for some reason this seems to fade off of my skin extra quickly (some of the others in the snake pit have also) but it smells so good I don't mind reapplying.
  13. strahlend

    Woods in Winter

    I really love the way this smells in my imp. As soon as it hits my skin though it's a menthol and juniper mess that is not so much what I'm looking for. Juniper and I have a hard time together though and I'm guessing this is totally a skin chemistry issue. I wish the smell in the imp was what happened on my skin, it's really lovely. Edit: My opinion of this scent changed a lot over time. My opinion now is that it smells like menthol and juniper, but in a fresh and interesting way. It's woody without being heavy, and cold without being soapy. It doesn't take much time at all and a lovely vanilla comes in and sweetens this up considerably. It reminds me of an evergreen wreath with juniper berries and a vanilla candle burning in the middle.
  14. strahlend

    The Illustrated Woman

    Skin musk, smoky vanilla, pine pitch, patchouli, Indian resins, golden honey, and tobacco. In the bottle - a unique scent. It's dark and woodsy/musky but with the most interesting green element to it. It's not one I fell in love with at first sniff, but I was curious to know more. On my skin - this smells like black musk to me, not skin musk. It seems like all the listed notes are in here if you look for them. This is a stunningly beautiful blend. It smells exotic and kind of wild and alluring. It's not a scent that's messing around, it seems like a strong willed scent that you want to wear with confidence. It's sweet and dark and mysterious and just a little bit like doing secret things in the woods. I can't say enough how much I love this scent. In my all time top 10, for sure. Also, one of only two scents strangers have ever complimented me on.
  15. strahlend

    Ignorance and Want

    My nose is interpreting this as being kind of metallic for some reason. It's pungent wood. I was looking forward to carrot seed, but I can't smell anything that makes me think of carrot seed here. I'm also not getting patchouli, myrrh, or really anything else - this is pretty directly a bitter wood. It seems to soften up a bit after a few minutes, but even when the edge is off it seems medicinal. Ok, the patchouli does come in after about 10 minutes or so and brings with it some sweetness, warmth and a little hint of spice. This is an interesting scent if left to run its full course. It's reminding me of the inside of an old wood box. Oddly enough, after an awful first impression it's starting to grow on me.
  16. strahlend

    Shadows of What May Be

    I love earthy scents. That said, some of the earthy blends I come across end up smelling like soapy dirt (off the top of my head I'm thinking of Worm Moon & Planting Moon). To my nose Shadows of What May Be fits into the "clean dirt" category. Like someone spilled a mountain air scented laundry soap on a mound of freshly turned earth. I really want to like this scent, but it's not working for me.
  17. strahlend

    Galvanic Goggles

    My first impression was that it smelled like manly soap. I wasn't too eager to try it on but put it to the side of my desk to try later. The next morning I'm sitting at my desk and I keep smelling soap. Eventually it's so soapy and overwhelming that I start to feel kind of ill. When I checked around to find the source it was a leaky imp of Galvanic Goggles. On paper this blend should be heaven for me, but the reality is quite the opposite.
  18. strahlend

    Ebenezer Scrooge

    I was really looking forward to this scent since my tastes generally run toward the woodsy and musky. First sniff – Ths mainly seems leathery and metallic. Not woodsy or even vetiver... kind of odd. I'm really not sure how I feel about this scent at all. Skin test – Woodsy, mildly sweet after being worn for quite a while. It's nice enough but I'm not sure it's distinct enough from similar blends. Another skin test - hmm... after just a few minutes on my skin this changes into a totally different scent. The metallic element fades off quick and what remains for the duration is an interesting leather and oakmoss blend. I suppose if you told me I could pick out the pepper, but it doesn't stand out. I can't pick out tonka in here at all. I think it's the cumin mixing with the leather that's giving it kind of a warm spiced feeling. Then one skin test led to another and another and eventually I got a partial bottle. Although I can't really say what it is that's so compelling about Scrooge it DOES have a draw.
  19. strahlend


    I've been thinking that I want to spend more time with resin/incense blends. I'm really fond of myrrh and frankincense incense but somehow these types of scents have been overlooked in my perfume oils. So here I am with an imp of Cathedral. In the imp it's a beautiful blend of warmth and wood and kind of bitter resins - exactly what I was looking for. On my skin the blend stays very much the same and I love it. The problem is that this vanishes off of my skin within about half an hour. If I press my nose to my arm I can get a gentle whiff of it, but I would have to drench myself in this stuff for it to last very long. I wish it were more potent, I think this would be a great everyday scent for me if it had more staying power.
  20. strahlend


    To my nose this blend is a giant lemon with a side of lemons and lemons for dessert.
  21. strahlend

    Golden Priapus

    This is not one I would normally be drawn to, juniper, rosewood and pine are all iffy for me. I tried it on and felt kind of Meh about it. The pine was a bit too much for me. I like "masculine" scents but this one just didn't ring my bell. On my partner though this is super fantastic vanilla in the forest goodness. I don't have a lot of bpal friends around to experience scents with different skin chemistry but this time it's a really amazing how differently this smells on each of us. ETA - I must have been having an off day when I tested this before. This is actually fantastic on me and now I need to get a bottle for myself too. When my partner wears this scent I notice the most wonderful woodsy vanilla cloud around him. Since it's hard to detect the cloud effect when I'm the one wearing perfume I don't know if that happens when I wear it or not, but I have noticed that it's much more of a foresty vanilla than I initially thought. I got a bottle for him and now I have one on the way for myself. I'm totally in love with this scent. Happily it doesn't go powdery on either one of us, and we both do have issues with that sometimes.
  22. strahlend


    This has a very sugary sweet mint feel to it, like wintergreen or spearamint. If you like those kinds of wintery mint smells, this would be a good bet for you.
  23. strahlend

    The Last of the Spirits

    In my imp this says - "hello, I'm vetiver. I'm not the normal char-smoke-root vetiver you think you know. I'm a kinder, gentler vetiver. Let's talk." On my skin the myrrh says - "Ya, that's me, I'm the one balancing out this vetiver rascal. We make quite a good pair, yes?" And I say yes. Yes they make a great pair. The myrrh adds some sweetness and depth and keeps the vetiver contained to merely a woodsy base note instead of being all in your face. All in all this ends up being a mainly resinous scent with extra oomph - which works great for me because some resin blends are a bit too mild for my liking. I don't hear from the blackcurrant as such at any point, and that's fine with me. Generally speaking fruity smells are not my favorite.
  24. strahlend

    Changing the Shadows

    When wet this does have a "perfumy" element to it, but that fades quickly. I can smell the orange blossom clearly. At first with a little green tinge to it, then that fades and a soft vanilla comes in. I can smell a hint of spice that I think is the carnation. This is very lovely but Ravenous has my heart as far as orange blossom scents go. Changing the Shadows reminds me of the sweet little newborn niece of Ravenous. It smells kind of young and girly and soft.
  25. strahlend

    The School

    I was really looking forward to this scent. This starts out smelling very metallic and tangy on my skin. There's something herbal, almost medicinal about it. It smells kind of sour and bitter. After it has time to dry The School does soften up quite a bit and lose that metallic tang. Now it seems kind of warm and almost amber-like to me, sweet and still a hint of something herbal. Fades down to a sort of unusual herbal something and honeymusk that, I assume, is beeswax. Not quite the scent adventure I expected. The opening stages are so unpleasant I wouldn't want to go through it again to get to the dry down.