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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by EmpressPixie

  1. My daily commute is approximately 2.5 hours. Actually, it is 3, but the last 15 minutes/first 15 minutes are on a commuter bus and not good.

  2. I've been spending a lot of time this year thinking about train conductors who unwillingly become instruments of death. Deepest sympathy.

  3. OMG. An expensive sweater for all your Captain America cosplay: http://t.co/ndaZMeLF

  4. The comments on the Jezebel hipster booze article are comedy gold.

  5. I need friends who are Yelp Elite. Friends! Be elite!

  6. First work day of 2013, bring on the awesome!

  7. Happy 2013, everyone. We started the year with awesome brunch and getting interviewed for an article about NYD brunch. Now to do nothing.

  8. I don't clean until I'm actually done and it's clean. I clean until I'm tired and like "ehhh, good enough for government work".

  9. Ginger chews are damnably addictive.

  10. Forcing details on this zoo trip.

  11. Actually, I lost 8 but 3 were just normal innards that came back post-flu/poisoning.

  12. "Not healthy for the dog-cat! You're not a mouse, you eat mice!" -- Daniel on why the kitten should not eat cheese

  13. Drinking one of those things that only works because I've been drinking it my whole life: Russian Tea. The kind with Tang. Not anything real

  14. More whining! There is no hot water in our apartment and possibly no heat.

  15. What I said before about feeling better may have been grossly overstated.

  16. Well, I'm 85% better. Yay, work tomorrow! Not sure what I can really eat there. At some point I have to expand my diet from bland carbs.

  17. Miserably sick and totally unable to eat anything. Basically my worst nightmare of how to spend Christmas. Boo!!

  18. Oh. Right. I wanted suggestions. Suggestions?

  19. In what is becoming depressing Christmas tradition, I have a flu-tummy-thing. At least I have work I can do this time around...

  20. Marathoning season two of Grimm with the fam.

  21. "... And that's when the dream logic started to unravel." This may be my new favorite Daniel quote.

  22. Ugh, that moment when the weather clears up and you realize you should have gone in to work instead of working from home. Sigh.

  23. On my way home, excited for anniversary dinner!!

  24. Snow! Snow! Alert! Lots of snow!

  25. And I still have to finish truffles and make biscotti for treat boxes for Christmas. I feel like I need more variety. Caramels?
