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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by EmpressPixie

  1. Celebrating our unseasonably warm day with a sleeveless summer frock.

  2. I just know that my kitten is gonna end up smelling like Mahogany Hall.

  3. I just entered to win ice cream from Jeni's—and an iPad mini! http://t.co/v66AKPA6 Best. Ice. Cream. Ever. And that is saying something.

  4. Publishers Weekly, I cannot even at you.

  5. And of course the moment we got outside I was all "this is nice! I like being out here!"

  6. Jonathan Coulton is higher on the iTunes charts right now than anything by the Glee Cast (and their BGB cover isn't in the top 200 at all).

  7. Well, I started exercising again today. I want the tiny machine that judges how active I am to respect me.

  8. I know, I know. That was lame.

  9. In happier news, Postal Service might go on tour, what? If they come here, I might drag Daniel.

  10. Also the complete lack of coffee. Sigh.

  11. Pertinent because I did about 4 oz this weekend.

  12. Bixby just crawled under the warmest blanket in the house. Then she pulled it over her head. She held on with claws when I tried to peak in.

  13. I just get grumpy when we eat out at southern places. The decor or the cost or the food itself gets to me. #toopicky #southerngirl

  14. Whoa. Hellhound on my Trail got posted to Etsy. #bpal

  15. When does being an adult stop being funny?

  16. And rant texting at him about it. It was so good though. Usually we walk away from fancy dinners nonplussed but not this time. Amazing.

  17. 10 degrees F and windy. Delightful.

  18. It totally makes up for yesterday being all chores all the time.

  19. Plus, then I could watch it on the train...

  20. Dan is singing the "I just love my cat" song in the shower before we get ready for a long day of CHORES. I have a car. Shopping chores.'

  21. All the cursing in the world, Bixby figured out she can jump up onto the mantle.

  22. (It was one big event after another in the fall, so I kept putting it off.)

  23. Thinking about picking up belly dance lessons again. The timing isn't perfect but if she'll let me swap Saturdays in for bad Tuesdays...

  24. When the day starts above freezing and expects to only get warmer, I guess you gotta wear warm weather clothing.

  25. Seriously, though. There is nothing weirder than having the pain aspect of a migraine under control but still getting the aura aspect.
