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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by EmpressPixie

  1. Midnight Blue-Light Special: Pre-ordered!

  2. I mean, she wasn't mentioned but she's also not live right now so...

  3. Trying Adagio after years of MightyLeaf. You can too: $5 gift cert. to Adagio Teas: 8256496588. Expires in 24 hrs. http://t.co/s8rAyM36id

  4. Super frustrated that the Overdrive console can't include a WMA player and won't allow WMA download for a Mac device. I found an app.

  5. Someone on this bus smells distinctly like Mahogany Hall. #bptp #yummy

  6. You get to be newlywed for 6 mo. So that tag totally still applies.

  7. Sent my sister a "roses are red..." poem and ruined it with a typo. Sigh.

  8. We expect it, but we haven't really seen it recently. #sotu #nationbeforeparty

  9. Is it just me or do people seem less excited about the SotU this year?

  10. I like Bixby, but it's hard to keep the laundry clean when she jumps into it the moment I unload it from the dryer.

  11. We exchanged Valentine's Day gifts. I thought Daniel might want his for his week off and so I wanted to give it to him early.

  12. Watched Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters today. I regret nothing.

  13. But I do wish there was more of it...

  14. (A friend of mine was pickpocketed once and reading about his experience gave me confidence the time I left my ID at home.)

  15. (It have me a headache on arrival.) I love when you can make such a perfect match! Everyone wins!

  16. "It was like Captain Planet with bears. Let's all just agree on that." - overheard as coworkers try to recall how, exactly, CareBears work

  17. Okay. Wayside School is Falling Down, The Mysterious Disappearance of Leon (I Mean Noel), Ordinary Princess and The View From Saturday.

  18. What is a good LEGO set for girls who may or may not be into them that isn't a stupid Friends set? Those don't look like you build anything.

  19. Saw Warm Bodies. Much better than expected! Funny and good. Glad I saw it.

  20. Wow, that was the stupidest line I've ever heard on television and generally I like this show and character.

  21. The cats are snuggling on the bed which is super, ungodly cute but now I don't have anywhere to put my feet.

  22. If I don't create something this weekend, I might go mad.

  23. Well, hanging out in 18 degree weather for 30 minutes wasn't really how I wanted to start the day but what can you do? #latetrain

  24. Sour Times by Portishead came on the magical Pandora station. I should rename it Driving With Lizzy Circa 2006.
