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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by EmpressPixie

  1. Stepped in a sneaky puddle this morning. Entire shoe wet. Forgot to wash jeans last night. Rough morning.

  2. We also had a waiter who was IDK amused? that we didn't conform to dining gender norms. Was surprised/pleased that I ordered my own dessert.

  3. I was swimming in the middle of that. That was the whole point of pausing it.

  4. The Daily Show and Colbert Report need to agree in advance what they'll cover. Split this stuff up! I get bored covering it twice.

  5. Everyone is grooming very studiously so they can pretend they don't just run over me like an out of control train.

  6. Hmm... I might do the Zombies, Run! 5K training. I mean, it's not like I run. And the game is fun so far. And.. more missions.

  7. Well, the ending could be improved and it could be longer but otherwise...

  8. Everyone should watch the pineapple upside down cake Throwdown with Bobby Flay. It gets shockingly dramatic.

  9. Five minutes into the bus ride, my secret alter ego makes an appearance : it's TiredGirl!

  10. Did a few pickups at C2E2 yesterday. Mailed them all out today. #tiredgirl

  11. "Kimberly? Have you seen the scale?" "By the printer. I was weighing packages." Deep sigh of acceptance from the husband there.

  12. I am officially done making deals with the devil, I mean printer, today. (It only jammed three times at least.)

  13. At the @AdagioTeas fandom tea party on State St. It's kind of amazing.

  14. Last call for #C2E2 pickups, #BPAL friends. Last call!

  15. Ugh, when you pick up an old knitting project and have to unravel half of it.

  16. Bixby is crying, which makes me sad. She's crying because she can't get into the boxsprings to destroy the bed anymore which makes me happy.

  17. I have now effectively planned a first anniversary trip for Dan and myself. Oops. I mean, yay!

  18. I know I am behind in hearing about it but the world lost a true treasure with EL Konigsburg's passing. Her words changed me.

  19. We are calling bullshit on this Iron Chef episode. "Organic salt" indeed.

  20. I'm totally bummed out about the C2E2 MnS -- you need a Saturday con badge for it and mine is Friday. Can't justify Sat just for the MnS.

  21. Too much sugar, not enough cream in my coffee this morning. Ah, life.

  22. I think we are going to spring clean as much as possible this week. It is spring, after all.

  23. There is... lots of laundry to do. And I still have to clean my bedroom. But I feel good (kind of) about the closet.

  24. Why is it snowing?? Do not want!

  25. So Dan has been going on and on about these donuts and I'm like OMFG it's just a donut, how good could it be??? Wrong! They are AMAZING!
