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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by EmpressPixie

  1. I'm finding Scandinavia and the World entirely too funny. This one actually made me laugh out loud: http://t.co/x0ET1AGw

    1. archionblu


      Ahhhh SatW is one of my favourite webcomics ever! I love them all, but this one is giving me the giggles atm: http://satwcomic.com/parenting

  2. If this video doesn't make you want to try this out, you probably aren't human:

  3. Made the pear crisp yesterday. Roasting chicken with mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts today. Also: ginger sugar cookies. #thattimeofyear

  4. Audio: Mary’s Child This is a weird one because the Virgin Mary probably takes the place of a fairy... http://tumblr.com/xud2xcwrp8

  5. I'm off to Chi-town in the morning! Hooray! I will get to see my fee-yawn-say! (We are eating lunch together.)

  6. Early AM bus to the airport: I still love you. #notreally #butilovecabsless

  7. On my way to the, oh you know the drill by now. #fuckearlyflights #5AMBrownLine

  8. Long day in my universe -- out the door at 5:15, still not home at 9:15.

  9. He made the 2x2 joke again. That's definitely the fourth 2x2 joke this week. And people say we don't have a sense of humor...

  10. Just started watching Merlin on Hulu. Oddly full of people from DW. (Gwyn started there and Giles highlighted, so, you know... I'm right.)

  11. Made my cuffs for mildly-attractive-Link costume! Also cut everything for mildly-attractive skirt!


    #ebz Purportedly the cats of the city know a secret or two. The common tabbies and gingers can co... http://fallenlondon.com/c/380982


  13. Should I actually get the boots or should I just make spats for some shoes I already have?

  14. Daniel has named my Halloween costume Kimberlink. I approve!

  15. "I apologize for my sultry voice this morning, it was a very long night." -- my teammate from our concall yesterday.

  16. I should probably be having tea instead of coffee.

  17. Nicole is completely stressing me out.

  18. Professorial advice: Make friends with a statistician.

  19. TILTY FLAT ALERT: The fridge is broked. Please do not open door. I'm lookin' at you, @amy_lew

  20. Okay the Professor Layton Hulu commercial is possibly the best Hulu commercial ever.

  21. One member of the group arrives 30 min late. She still wins because she's the first one here other than me. Told her we were stood up.

  22. His ability to continue this lecture is probably in direct relation to this classroom not being in the south. We care about that difference.

  23. I need to find a good Q on the lurve system -- especially comparing it to other systems. Any help?

  24. See? It took a little over a year to fix that nasty tendency to dislike travel.
