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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by EmpressPixie

  1. I did nothing today but sit around and have a migraine. I hate it when that happens on the weekend

  2. She also used it with a larger group once when I was in attendance but I found that less completely "seriously?!".

  3. Got my free @DunkinDonuts for donut day. It was so stale, it thunked when I put the bag down. You get what you pay for, I guess. Gross.

  4. Especially poignant as the politicos cannot manage to get gay marriage to a vote around here.

  5. This is actually worse than when we first started going.

  6. .@LiterallyGoT because why not?

  7. when I put everything back, I must have mixed up here these two live. My hair got room sprayed.

  8. Dragon's Milk ice cream is chilling in the fridge.

  9. Now she actually has room but she's pretending she prefers to sit on the floor.

  10. Someone in this article is a liar... http://t.co/pTxYYMOdkw Hint: it's the guy who says he read the bible

  11. Man, nothing makes me angry like Watson and Crick getting credit for DNA. I ran across it on a totally unrelated Wikipedia page. Ugh.

  12. Dan's food making skills look totally professional. http://t.co/oYf71iOMDM

  13. I am still mad about guessing wrong on Switzerland but only because I actually thought Switzerland but then was like "nah".

  14. "It's 'Four Weddings and Five Hundred Thousand Funerals' - that's what they should have called the book" - Daniel, on Game of Thrones

  15. My short hair is springy. I'm also pretty sure it dried entirely before getting to work. Mission accomplished!

  16. Made a pot of Luna Lovegood tea. Once it chills, I'm making it into Luna Lovegood soda to mix with cocktails.

  17. Today's part had an article about how Star Trek is going to make Benedict Cumberbatch a star. Really.

  18. It's odd looking, but they face away from the wind off of express trains and avoid the sun in their eyes. But it looks really strange.

  19. Watching JJ Abrams on the Daily Show... makes me have NO FAITH IN ANYTHING HE EVER DOES EVER AGAIN OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!

  20. "These people have relationship problems." Daniel's observation on Game of Thrones... three seasons in.

  21. Bixby is making the bird chatter noise at Daniel. WTF. Bixby, you cannot murder him.

  22. I think Bixby knows it is Mother's Day on account of how snugly she is being. Just kidding, she sneezed twice & puked yesterday - she's sick

  23. I want to talk about how Dan caught dinner on fire, but it was so good it's hard to poke fun. But he did catch it on fire.

  24. Thinking about seeing the movie Gravity when it comes out? Try the short story Kaleidoscope by Ray Bradbury.

  25. Walk ability is important - the wife won't have a car. There's also a kidlet, so not in partytown mckegger ave, you know?
